格点规范理论 : 第4版

格点规范理论 : 第4版

(德) 罗斯 (Rothe,H.) , 著







DedicationPrefacePreface to the Third EditionPreface to the Second EditionPreface to the First Edition1. INTRODUCTION2. THE PATH INTEGRAL APPROACH TO QUANTIZATION2.1 The Path Integral Method in Quantum Mechanics2.2 Path Integral Representation of Bosonic Green Functions inFieldtheory2.3 The Transfer Matrix2.4 Path Integral R,epresentation of Fermionic Green Functions2.5 Discretizing Space-Time. The Lattice as a Regulator ofa Quantum Field Theory3. THE FREE SCALAR FIELD ON THE LATTICE4. FER,MIONS ON THE LATTICE4.1 The Doubling Problem4.2 A Closer Look at Fermion Doubling4.3 Wilson Fermions4.4 Staggered Fermions4.5 Technical Details of the Staggered Fermion Formulation4.6 Staggered Fermions in Momentum Space4.7 Ginsparg-Wilson Fermions. The Overlap Operator5. ABELIAN GAUGE FIELDS ON THE LATTICE AND COMPACT QED5.1 Preliminaries5.2 Lattice Formulation of QED……6. NON ABELIAN GAUGE FIELDS ON THE LATTICE COMPACT QCD7. THE WILSON LOOP AND THE STATIC QUARK-ANTIQUARK POTENTIAL8. THE QQ-POTENTIAL IN SOME SIMPLE MODELS9. THE CONTINUUM LIMIT OF LATTICE QCD10. LATTICE SUM RULES11. THE STRONG COUPLING EXPANSION12. THE HOPPING PARAMETER EXPANSION13. WEAK COUPLING EXPANSION (I). THE φ3_THEORY14. WEAK COUPLING EXPANSION (II). LATTICE QED15. WEAK COUPLING EXPANSION (III). LATTICE QCD16. MONTE CARLO METHODS17. SOME RESULTS OF MONTE CARLO CALCULATIONS18. PATH-INTEGRAL REPRESENTATION OF THE THERMODYNAMICAL PARTITION FUNCTION FOR SOME SOLVABLE BOSONIC AND FERMIONIC SYSTEMS19. FINITE TEMPERATURE PERTURBATION THEORY OFF AND ON THE LATTICE20. NON-PERTURBATIVE QCD AT FIBfITE TEMPERATURE


This book is a slight extension of the third edition. Apart from some small additions to various sections, it contains a new extended section on Calorons in chapter 17, a topic that was only touched upon in the previous edition. Calorons are finite temperature instantons in the pure non-abelian SU(2) and SU(3) gauge theories, and have been the subject of intensive investigations in the past twelve years. As has been shown analytically, they possess very interesting properties, and appear to provide a connection between non-perturbative instanton like excitations, vortices and monopoles. Because they are excitations of the pure non-abelian gauge theories, they can also be studied in detailin ensembles of lattice gauge field configurations using conventional Monte Carlo methods, where their indirect role played for the confinement problem becomes visible. As always we have tried to present the material in a transparent way, avoiding mathematical details, which are quite complex, as well as details in the simulations, which are in fact quite subtle.


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尺寸26 × 19装帧平装


格点规范理论 : 第4版是世界图书出版公司北京公司于2014.5出版的中图分类号为 O156 的主题关于 格点问题-英文 的书籍。