

胡鉴明, 主编





本套教材从理论到实践,作了全方位的考虑,以求满足我国对商务英语人才的需求。 本书理论联系实际,并在商务传真与电子邮件写作方面作了详细、准确的介绍。另外,对外贸单证作了归纳、回应式说明。



Chapter One Introduction (导论)

Chapter Two The Layout of Business Letters(商务信函的格式)

Section 1 Introduction

Section 2 Language Style

Section 3 Format of Business Letters

Section 4 Layout of the Common Blocked Lines for Business Letters

Section 5 Addressing Envelopes

Chapter Three Establishment of Business Relations and Credit Status Enquiries (建立业务关系和资信调查)

Section 1 Establishment of Business Relations

Section 2 Credit Status Enquiries

Section 3 Useful Expressions

Chapter Four Enquiry and Offer (询家和报盘)

Section 1 Enquiry

Section 2 Guidelines for Writing Enquiries

Section 3 Reply to Enquiries: Offer

Section 4 Important Notes on an Offer

Section 5 Guidelines for Replying to Enquiries

Section 6 Specimen Letters

Section 7 Useful Expressions

Chapter Five Response to Offers (回应报价)

Section 1 Declining an Offer

Section 2 Guidelines for Declining an Offer

Section 3 Conditional Acceptance. Counter-offer

Section 4 Guidelines for Writing Counter-offer Letters

Section 5 Entire Acceptance

Section 6 Guidelines for Writing Acceptance Letters

Section 7 Specimen Letters

Section 8 Useful Expressions

Chapter Six Order Placing & Replies to Orders(下单及对单的回应)

Section 1 Introduction

Section 2 How to Place an Order

Section 3 Confirmation of an Order

Section 4 Useful Expressions

Chapter Seven International Business Contract (国际商务合同)

Section 1 A Brief Introduction to International Business Contract

Section 2 The Contract Heading

Section 3 The Recitals

Section 4 The Main Body of a Contract

Section 5 The Validation of a Contract

Section 6 Specimens of Contract

Section 7 Useful Expressions

Chapter Eight Terms of Payment (支付条款)

Section 1 Payment Instruments

Section 2 Method of Payment

Section 3 Specimen Letters

Section 4 Useful Expressions

Chapter Nine Letter of Credit (信用证)

Section 1 Introduction

Section 2 Parties in a Letter of Credit

Section 3 Contents of a Letter of Credit

Section 4 Categories of Letters of Credit

Section 5 Basic Documentary Procedure of L/C

Section 6 Characteristics of Settlement by L/C

Section 7 Payment Terms in the Contract

Section 8 Specimens of L/C

Section 9 Specimen Letters Concerning L/C

Section 10 Useful Expressions

Chapter Ten Shipment and Ocean Bill of Lading (B/L)(装运及海运提单)

Section 1 Ocean Transport

Section 2 Terms of Shipment in the Contract and the Covering L/C

Section 3 Types of Ocean Bill of Lading

Section 4 Contents of Ocean B/L and Its Making

Section 5 Specimen Letters

Section 6 Useful Expressions

Chapter Eleven Packing (包装)

Section 1 The Importance of Packing in Foreign Trade

Section 2 Packing Terms in Foreign Trade

Section 3 Different Kinds of Transportation Packing and Their Packaging Containers

Section 4 Packing Marks

Section 5 Packing List & Weight List

Section 6 Specimen Letters

Section 7 Useful Expressions

Chapter Twelve Insurance (保险)

Section 1 Insurance in Foreign Trade

Section 2 Marine Insurance

Section 3 Types of Coverage

Section 4 Effecting Insurance

Section 5 Specimen Letters

Section 6 Useful Expressions

Chapter Thirteen Complaints, Disputes and Claims(投诉、争议与索赔)

Section 1 Definition of Complaints, Disputes and Claims

Section 2 Different Types of Complaints, Disputes and Claims

Section 3 Specimen Letters

Section 4 Useful Expressions

Chapter Fourteen Agency (代理)

Section 1 Introduction

Section 2 Relations between Principal and Agent

Section 3 What to Be Covered in Agency Agreement

Section 4 Specimen Letters

Section 5 Useful Expressions

Chapter Fifteen Quality Terms (质量条款)

Section 1 Introduction

Section 2 Means to Express Quality

Section 3 Terms of Quality

Section 4 Quality Guarantee

Section 5 Specimen Letters

Section 6 Useful Expressions

Chapter Sixteen Quantity Terms (数量条款)

Section 1 The Importance of Quantity Clause

Section 2 Units of Measures and Weights

Section 3 The Calculation of the Weight of Goods

Section 4 The Application of Quantity Terms

Section 5 Specimen Letters

Section 6 Useful Expressions

Chapter Seventeen Commodity Categorization and Price Terms(商品分类和价格条款)

Section 1 Categorization of Trading Commodities

Section 2 Survey on International Trade Practice

Section 3 Price Terms Commonly Used in International Trade

Section 4 Specimen Letters

Section 5 Useful Expressions

Chapter Eighteen Business Fax and E-mail Writing(商务传真和电子邮件写作)

Section 1 Introduction

Section 2 Fax

Section 3 E-mail

Section 4 Useful Expressions

Chapter Nineteen Documentation in International Trade (外贸单证)

Section 1 Introduction

Section 2 Kinds of International Trading Documents

Section 3 Issues Concerning Documents

Section 4 Specimens

Section 5 Useful Expressions



Key to Exercises






页数 496 印数 5000


商务英语函电是中国商务出版社于2008.08出版的中图分类号为 H315 的主题关于 国际贸易-英语-电报信函-写作-高等学校-教材 的书籍。