

(法) 凡尔纳 (Verne,J.) , 原著







作者:(法国)儒勒·凡尔纳(VemeJ.)编译:王勋纪飞 儒勒·凡尔纳,(JulesVerne,1828-1905),法国著名作家,现代科幻小说的奠基人,被誉为“科幻小说之父”。他一生共创作了六十多部充满神奇与浪漫色彩的科幻小说,其代表作有《气球上的五星期》、《地心游记》、《从地球到月球》、《海底两万里》、《八十天周游世界》、《格兰特船长的儿女》和《神秘岛》等,这些小说被译成世界上几十种文字,并多次被搬上银幕,在世界上广为流传。


第一章 福格和他的新仆人路路通/

Chapter 1 In which Phileas Fogg and Passepartout accept

each other, the one as master, the other as man 1

第二章 路路通坚信找到了理想的工作/

Chapter 2 In which Passepartout is convinced that he has

at last found his ideal 6

第三章 一次让福格付出沉重代价的谈话/

Chapter 3 In which a conversation takes place which

seems likely to cost Phileas Fogg dear 10

第四章 福格让他的仆人路路通惊得目瞪口呆/

Chapter 4 In which Phileas Fogg astounds Passepartout,

his servant 17

第五章 伦敦证券市场上出现了一支新股票/

Chapter 5 In which a new species of funds, unknown

to the moneyed men, appears on Change 22

第六章 侦探费克斯焦急万分/

Chapter 6 In which Fix, the detective, betrays a very

natural impatience 26

第七章 侦探在护照上没有发现任何有价值的东西/

Chapter 7 In which once more demonstrates the

uselessness of passports as aids to detectives 31

第八章 路路通的话太多/

Chapter 8 In which Passepartout talks rather more,

perhaps, than is prudent 35

第九章 福格顺利渡过红海和印度洋/

Chapter 9 In which the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean prove

propitious to the designs of Phileas Fogg 40

第十章 路路通丢了鞋却幸运地逃脱了/

Chapter 10 In which Passepartout is only too glad to get off

with the loss of his shoes 47

第十一章 福格花天价买了一头坐骑/

Chapter 11 In which Phileas Fogg secures a curious means of

conveyance at a fabulous price 52

第十二章 福格一行冒险穿越印度森林和随之发生的事/

Chapter 12 In which Phileas Fogg and his companions venture

across the indian forests, and what ensued 61

第十三章 路路通再次证明幸运总是青睐勇者/

Chapter 13 In which Passepartout receives a new proof that

fortune favors the brave 68

第十四章 沿美丽的恒河谷而下,福格却无心欣赏风景/

Chapter 14 In which Phileas Fogg descends the whole length of the

beautiful valley of the Ganges without ever thinking of seeing it 76

第十五章 装钞票的袋子又少了几千英镑/

Chapter 15 In which the bag of bank-notes disgorges some

thousands of pounds more 82

第十六章 费克斯假装什么都不知道/

Chapter 16 In which Fix does not seem to understand in the

least what is said to him 89

第十七章 从新加坡到香港途中发生的事情/

Chapter 17 Showing what happened on the voyage from

singapore to Hong Kong 95

第十八章 福格、路路通和费克斯各行其是/

Chapter 18 In which Phileas Fogg, Passepartout, and Fix go

each about his business 101

第十九章 路路通处处维护主人/

Chapter 19 In which Passepartout takes a too great

interest in his master, and what comes of it 106

第二十章 费克斯和福格正面交锋/

Chapter 20 In which Fix comes face to face with

Phileas Fogg 113

第二十一章 “唐卡戴尔号”船主差点丢了两百英镑的奖金/

Chapter 21 In which the master of the "Tankadere" runs

great risk of losing a reward of two hundred pounds 121

第二十二章 路路通体会到有钱到哪儿都方便/

Chapter 22 In which Passepartout finds out that, even at the

antipodes, it is convenient to have some money in ones pocket 129

第二十三章 路路通的鼻子变得很长/

Chapter 23 In which Passepartout s nose becomes

outrageously long 136

第二十四章 横渡太平洋/

Chapter 24 During which Mr. Fogg and party cross

the Pacific Ocean 144

第二十五章 了解旧金山/

Chapter 25 In which a slight glimpse of San Francisco 150

第二十六章 坐上了太平洋铁路公司的特别快车/

Chapter 26 In which Phileas Fogg and party travel by

the Pacific Railroad 157

第二十七章 路路通在时速二十英里的火车上听了一堂摩门教


Chapter 27 In which Passepartout undergoes, at a speed of

twenty miles an hour, a course of Mormon history 162

第二十八章 路路通无法让大家听信他的想法/

Chapter 28 In which Passepartout does not succeed in

making anybody listen to reason 169

第二十九章 只有在联合铁路上才能遇到的怪事/

Chapter 29 In which certain incidents are narrated which

are only to be met with on American railroads 178

第三十章 福格只是尽了责任/

Chapter 30 In which Phileas Fogg simply does his duty 186

第三十一章 侦探费克斯开始为福格着想了/

Chapter 31 In which Fix the detective considerably furthers

the interests of Phileas Fogg 193

第三十二章 福格与厄运抗争/

Chapter 32 In which Phileas Fogg engages in a direct

struggle with bad fortune 200

第三十三章 福格渡过艰难险阻/

Chapter 33 In which Phileas Fogg shows himself equal

to the occasion 204

第三十四章 福格最终回到了伦敦/

Chapter 34 In which Phileas Fogg at last reaches London 213

第三十五章 无须主人吩咐两遍,路路通立刻执行命令/

Chapter 35 In which Phileas Fogg does not have to repeat

his orders to Passepartout twice 217

第三十六章 “福格股票”在证券市场大受欢迎/

Chapter 36 In which Phileas Foggs name is once more at a premium on Change

第三十七章 这次环球旅行只让福格赢得了幸福/

Chapter 37 In which it is shown that Phileas Fogg gained

nothing by his tour around the world, unless it were happiness 228


Around the World in Eighty Days,中文译名为《八十天周游世界》,这是一部充满传奇、冒险与幻想的科幻巨著,它由法国著名作家、“现代科幻小说之父”儒勒·凡尔纳编著。英国人福格先生和朋友打赌,要在八十天内环游地球一周。福格带着随从路路通,历经曲折,终于完成了八十天环游地球一周的壮举,并收获了美好的爱情。 该书一经出版,很快就成为当时最受关注和最畅销的科幻作品,至今已被译成多种文字,并多次被改编成电影。书中所展现的神奇故事伴随了一代又一代人的美丽童年、少年直至成年。无论作为语言学习的课本,还是作为通俗的文学读本,《八十天周游世界》对当代中国的青少年都将产生积极的影响。为了使读者能够了解英文故事概况,进而提高阅读速度和阅读水平,在每章的开始部分增加了中文导读。


页数 244 印数 5000


八十天周游世界是清华大学出版社于2008.12出版的中图分类号为 H319.4:I 的主题关于 英语-语言读物 ,科学幻想小说-法国-近代 的书籍。