

(法) 拉封丹 (Fontaine,L.) , 著







让·德·拉封丹(Jean de La Fontaine),法国著名诗人,被誉为“法国的荷马”,出生于法国香槟省的夏托蒂埃里,父亲是位从事森林管理的小官吏。受家庭环境的影响,拉封丹从小就对诗歌怀有浓厚的兴趣。1641年,拉封丹去巴黎学习神学,后又改学法律,1652年接替父职,后于1657年携家定居巴黎。1668年,拉封丹发表了《寓言诗》第1集(1-6卷),这使他一举成名,并奠定了在法国文坛的地位。随后于1678-1679年间,拉封丹发表了《寓言诗》的第2集(7~11卷)。1694年,他发表了《寓言诗》的最后一集,即第12卷。此外,拉封丹著名的作品还有《故事诗》(1664-1685)和韵文小说《普叙赫和库比德的爱情》(1669)等。1684年,拉封丹当选为法兰西学院院士。1695年4月13日,拉封丹病逝于巴黎。


1.知了和蚂蚁/the grasshopper and the ant

2.乌鸦和狐狸/the raven and the fox

3.青蛙希望和牛一样大/the frog that wished to be as big as the ox

4.两头骡子/the two mules

5.狼和狗/the wolf and the dog

6.小母牛、山羊、绵羊和狮子结成联盟/the heifer, the goat, and the sheep, in company with the lion

7.褡裢/the wallet

8.燕子和小鸟/the swallow and the little birds

9.城里的老鼠和乡村的老鼠/the city rat and the country rat

10.狼和小羊/the wolf and the lamb

11.男人和他的镜像/the man and his image

12.多头的龙和多尾巴的龙/the dragon with many heads, and the dragon with many tails

13.盗贼和驴/the thieves and the ass

14.受神保护的西莫尼戴斯/simonides preserved by the gods

15.死神和不幸的人/death and the unfortunate

16.死神和樵夫/death and the woodman

17.一个男士和两位不同年龄的女士the man between two ages, and his two mistresses

18.狐狸和鹤/the fox and the stork

19.男孩和教师/the boy and the schoolmaster

20.公鸡和珍珠/the cock and the pearl

21.大黄蜂和蜜蜂/the hornets and the bees

22.橡树和芦苇/the oak and the reed

23.斥爱挑剔的人/against the hard to suit

24.老鼠开会/the council held by the rats

25.狼在猴子面前告狐狸the wolf accusing the fox before the monkey

26.两头公牛和青蛙/the two bulls and the frog

27.蝙蝠和两只黄鼠狼/the bat and the two weasels

28.受箭伤的鸟/the bird wounded by an arrow

29.母猎狗和她的朋友/the bitch and her friend

30.鹰和甲壳虫/the eagle and the beetle

31.狮子和蚊子/the lion and the gnat

32.驮海绵的驴和驮盐的驴the ass loaded with sponges, and the ass loaded with salt

33.狮子和老鼠/the lion and the rat

34.鸽子和蚂蚁/the dove and the ant

35.落井的占星家/the astrologer who stumbled into a well

36.野兔和青蛙/the hare and the frogs

37.公鸡和狐狸/the cock and the fox

38.乌鸦想模仿鹰/the raven wishing to imitate the eagle

39.孔雀向朱诺发牢骚/the peacock complaining to juno

40.变成女人的猫/the cat metamorphosed into a woman

41.狮子和帮他打猎的驴/the lion and the ass hunting

42.由伊索来解释的遗嘱/the will explained by aesop

43.尤利西斯的伙伴/the companions of ulysses

44.猫和两只麻雀/the cat and the two sparrows

45.守财奴和猴子/the miser and the monkey

46.两只山羊/the two goats

47.老猫和小老鼠/the old cat and the young mouse

48.病鹿/the sick stag

49.蝙蝠、荆棘和鸭子/the bat, the bush, and the duck

50.狗猫之争和猫鼠之争the quarrel of the dogs and cats, and that of the cats and mice

51.狼和狐狸/the wolf and the fox

52.龙虾母女/the lobster and her daughter

53.鹰和喜鹊/the eagle and the magpie

54.国王、鹞鹰和狩猎者/the king, the kite, and the falconer

55.狐狸、苍蝇和刺猬/the fox, the flies, and the hedgehog

56.爱神和疯神/love and folly

57.乌鸦、羚羊、乌龟和老鼠the raven, the gazelle, the tortoise, and the rat

58.森林和樵夫/the woods and the woodman

59.狐狸、狼和马/the fox, the wolf, and the horse

60.狐狸和火鸡/the fox and the turkeys




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页数印数 5000


狼和小羊是清华大学出版社于2012.11出版的中图分类号为 H319.4:I 的主题关于 英语-语言读物 ,寓言-作品集-法国-近代 的书籍。