序IntroductionChapter 1 The Making of Joseph Heller as a Postmodernist Writer:HiS Mind and Art A.Joseph Heller’S Childhood IJife B.Joseph Heller’S Views on ArtChapter 2 The Absurdity of Postmodern American Society Deconstructed in HeHer’S Fiction A.Absurdity Prevailing as Normality in Catch 22:Heller’S Deconstruction of the Military Bureaucracy B.The Company’S Pervasive Absurdity:Heller’S Deconstruction of the Corporate Establishment in Something HappenedChapter 3 The Grotesqueness of the Postmodernist Texts Constructed in Heller’S Fiction A.Black Humor in Catch.22 B.Dialogism in No Laughing Matter
序IntroductionChapter 1 The Making of Joseph Heller as a Postmodernist Writer:HiS Mind and Art A.Joseph Heller’S Childhood IJife B.Joseph Heller’S Views on ArtChapter 2 The Absurdity of Postmodern American Society Deconstructed in HeHer’S Fiction A.Absurdity Prevailing as Normality in Catch 22:Heller’S Deconstruction of the Military Bureaucracy B.The Company’S Pervasive Absurdity:Heller’S Deconstruction of the Corporate Establishment in Something HappenedChapter 3 The Grotesqueness of the Postmodernist Texts Constructed in Heller’S Fiction A.Black Humor in Catch.22 B.Dialogism in No Laughing Matter C.Carnivalization in Closing Time D.Decanonization in God Knows E.Hybridization in Good as Gold and Picture This F.Metaftction in Portrait ofan Artist.as nn 0ld Man Chapter 4 The Comparisons Between Heller and Other Postmodern Writers A.Heller’S Black Humor Stressing Irrationality and Absurdity B.Vonnegut’S Black Humor Leaning to Cynicism C.Barth’S Black Humor Exercising Farce and Parody D.Pynchon’S Black Humor Centering EntropyConclusionWorks Cited附录一 狂欢化视角中的《最后一幕》附录二 颠覆《圣经》之作附录三 我国学者对海勒的解读和接受后记
秋风送爽,催人奋进。在欢庆祖国六十华诞的热潮中,王祖友同志的专著《后现代的怪诞——海勒小说研究》终于问世了,可喜可贺! 这是以他的博士学位论文《美国后现代社会的荒诞与约瑟夫·海勒后现代主义文本的怪诞》为基础修订而成的。它体现了几年来王祖友同志对海勒潜心研究的成果,也记录了他在美国文学研究征途上勤苦钻研的足迹。
书籍详细信息 | |||
书名 | 后现代的怪诞站内查询相似图书 | ||
丛书名 | 美国后现代小说论丛 | ||
9787561534113 如需购买下载《后现代的怪诞》pdf扫描版电子书或查询更多相关信息,请直接复制isbn,搜索即可全网搜索该ISBN | |||
出版地 | 厦门 | 出版单位 | 厦门大学出版社 |
版次 | 1版 | 印次 | 1 |
定价(元) | 16.0 | 语种 | 简体中文 |
尺寸 | 19 × 0 | 装帧 | 平装 |
页数 | 印数 |
后现代的怪诞是厦门大学出版社于2009.11出版的中图分类号为 I712.074 的主题关于 海勒,J.(1923~1999)-小说-文学研究 的书籍。