

叶兴国, 主编







Unit 1

Part Ⅰ Pre-reading Questions

Part Ⅱ Extensive Reading

Text A The New International Style of Management

Text B New Thinking for successful Entrepreneurs

Part Ⅲ Reading Skills

Part Ⅳ Supplementary Reading: New Thinking for a New Financial Order

Part Ⅴ Test Yourself

Unit 2

Part Ⅰ Pre-reading Questions

Part Ⅱ Extensive Readin

Text A How Fast Can You Learn

Text B Student Teachers

Part Ⅲ Reading Skills

Part Ⅳ Supplementary Reading: Learn to Work with the "Now".

Part Ⅴ Test Yourself

Unit 3

Part Ⅰ Pre-reading Questions

Part Ⅱ Extensive Reading

Text A If You Fire People, Dont Be a Jerk About It

Text B Why Cant You Find a Job?

Part Ⅲ Reading Skills

Part Ⅳ Supplementary Reading: They Were Once Executives

Part Ⅴ Test Yourself

Unit 4

Part Ⅰ Pre-reading Quesuons

Part Ⅱ Extensive Readin

Text A Brain-twisting Job Interview Questions by Microsoft

Text B Its Time for a Brand New You

Part Ⅲ Reading Skills

Part Ⅳ Supplementary Reading: Todays Hottest Product? You!

Part Ⅴ Test Yourself

Unit 5

Par tⅠ Pre-reading Questions

Part Ⅱ Extensive Reading

Text A Ways to Keep More Cash

Text B When Stocks Tank, Some Investors Stampede to Alpacas

Part Ⅲ Reading Skills

Part Ⅳ Supplementary Reading: On Breaking Rules

Part Ⅴ Test Yourself

Unit 6

Part Ⅰ Pre-reading Questions

Part Ⅱ Extensive Reading

Text A Got Ideas?

Text B Seven Useful Lessons You Can Learn from a Bad Boss

Part Ⅲ Reading Skills

Part Ⅳ Supplementary Reading: Efficiepcy vs. EffecUveness

Part Ⅴ Test Yourself

Unit 7

Part Ⅰ Pre-reading Questions

Part Ⅱ Extensive Reading

Text A The End of E-Mall

Text B The Disruptive Power of Networks

Part Ⅲ Reading Skills

Part Ⅳ Supplementary Reading: Who Killed the Newspaper?

Part Ⅴ Test Yourself

Unit 8

Part Ⅰ Pre-reading Questions

Part Ⅱ Extensive Reading

Text A How Long Will You Live?

Text B Plan Ahead to Beat Retirement Blues

Part Ⅲ Reading Skills

Part Ⅳ Supplementary Reading: Over 60 and Overlooked

Part Ⅴ Test Yourself

Unit 9

Part Ⅰ Pre-reading Questions

Part Ⅱ Extensive Reading

Text A Voice of Courage

Text B Tell Stories to Strengthen Organizational Bonds

Part Ⅲ Reading Skills

Part Ⅳ Supplementary Reading: Home Truths About Working Famlll

Part Ⅴ Test Yourself

Unit 10

Part Ⅰ Pre-reading Questions

Part Ⅱ Extensive Reading

Text A Be Happy Cause I Choose Happiness

Text B Humour Me

Part Ⅲ Reading Skills

Part Ⅳ Supplementary Reading: Come Out and Play

Part Ⅴ Test Yourself

Unit 11

Part Ⅰ Pre-reading Questions

Part Ⅱ Extensive Reading

Text A Succeeding as a "Green" Business

Text B The Weliness Boom

Part Ⅲ Reading Skills

Part Ⅳ Supplementary Reading,: Who Owns Your Address Book?

Part Ⅴ Test Yourself

Unit 12

Part Ⅰ Pre-reading QuesUons

Part Ⅱ Extensive Reading

Text A 20 Ways to save 20 Minutes

Text B How Much Time Should CEOs Devote to Customers?

Part Ⅲ Reading Skills

Part Ⅳ Supplementary Reading: No Experience Needed

Part Ⅴ Test Yourself

Unit 13

Part Ⅰ Pre-reading Questions

Part Ⅱ Extenslve Reading

Text A Marrled, wlth Money

Text B Posltlve Thinkers

Part Ⅲ Reading Skills

Part Ⅳ Supplementary Reading: Yours, Mine & Mine

Part Ⅴ Test Yourself

Unit 14

Part Ⅰ Pre-reading Questions

Part Ⅱ Extensive Readin

Text A In Search of Honesty

Text B S Ways to Spot a Liar

Part Ⅲ Reading Skllls

Part Ⅳ Supplementary Reading: Slasher Attack

Part Ⅴ Test Yourself

Unit 15

Part Ⅰ Pre-reading Questions

Part Ⅱ Extensive Reading

Text A Wrinlde, Wrinkle, Little Star

Text B TV Is Dying?Long Live TV!

Part Ⅲ Reading Slills

Part Ⅳ Supplementary Reading: We Are What We Google

Part Ⅴ Test Yourself

Unit 16

Part Ⅰ Pre-reading Questions

Part Ⅱ Extensive Reading

Text A Handle Your Men In the Office

Text B How to Make the Multicultural Work Force Work

Part Ⅲ Reading Skills

Part Ⅳ Supplementary Reading: Lets Have More Babies!

Part Ⅴ Test Yourself

Appendix: Key to Test Yourself




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商务英语阅读教程是上海外语教育出版社于2010.出版的中图分类号为 H319.4 的主题关于 商务-英语-阅读教学-高等学校-教材 的书籍。