

美国Javvin技术有限公司, 著





本书纵观网络协议,充分阐释和总结了所有常用网络通信协议,包括TCP/TP, security, VoIP, WAN, LAN, SAN等。本书也囊括了Cisco, Novell, IBM, Microsoft, Apple等厂商的网络协议。这本书可供信息技术和网络专业人员作为参考书刊号和手册,也可供高校相关专业的学生作为参考。


Table of ContentsNetwork Protocols HandbookTable of ContentsNetwork Communication Architecture and Protocols1 OSI Network Architecture 7Layer Model TCP/IP 4Layer Architecture Model Other Network Architecture Models: IBM SNA Network Protocol: Definition and OverviewProtocols Guide TCP/IP Protocols Application Layer Protocols BOOTP: Bootstrap Protocol DCAP: Data Link Switching Client Access Protocol DHCP: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol DNS: Domain Name System (Service) Protocol FTP: File Transfer Protocol Finger: User Information Protocol

Table of ContentsNetwork Protocols HandbookTable of ContentsNetwork Communication Architecture and Protocols1 OSI Network Architecture 7Layer Model TCP/IP 4Layer Architecture Model Other Network Architecture Models: IBM SNA Network Protocol: Definition and OverviewProtocols Guide TCP/IP Protocols Application Layer Protocols BOOTP: Bootstrap Protocol DCAP: Data Link Switching Client Access Protocol DHCP: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol DNS: Domain Name System (Service) Protocol FTP: File Transfer Protocol Finger: User Information Protocol HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol SHTTP: Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol IMAP and IMAP4: Internet Message Access Protocol (version 4) IRCP : Internet Relay Chat Protocol LDAP: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (version 3) MIME (SMIME): Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions and Secure MIME NAT: Network Address Translation NNTP: Network News Transfer Protocol NTP: Network Time Protocol POP and POP3: Post Office Protocol (version 3) rlogin: Remote Login in UNIX Systems RMON: Remote Monitoring MIBs (RMON1 and RMON2) SLP: Service Location Protocol SMTP: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol SNMP: Simple Network Management Protocol SNMPv1: Simple Network Management Protocol (version 1) SNMPv2: Simple Network Management Protocol (version 2) SNMPv3: Simple Network Management Protocol (version 3) SNTP: Simple Network Time Protocol TELNET: Terminal Emulation Protocol of TCP/IP TFTP: Trivial File Transfer Protocol URL: Uniform Resource Locator Whois (and RWhois): Remote Directory Access Protocol X Window/X Protocol: X Window System Protocol Presentation Layer Protocol LPP: Lightweight Presentation Protocol Session Layer Protocol RPC: Remote Procedure Call Protocol Transport Layer Protocols ITOT: ISO Transport Service on Top of TCP RDP: Reliable Data Protocol RUDP: Reliable User Datagram Protocol (Reliable UDP) TALI: Tekelecs Transport Adapter Layer Interface TCP: Transmission Control Protocol UDP: User Datagram Protocol Van Jacobson: Compressed TCP Protocol Network Layer Protocols Routing Protocols BGP(BGP4): Border Gateway Protocol EGP: Exterior Gateway Protoco IPv4: Internet Protocol (version 4) IPv6: Internet Protocol (version 6) ICMP and ICMPv6: Internet Control Message Protocol and ICMP(version 6) IRDP: ICMP Router Discovery Protocol Mobile IP: IP Mobility Support Protocol for IPv4 and IPv NARP: NBMA Address Resolution Protocol NHRP: Next Hop Resolution Protocol OSPF: Open Shortest Path First Protocol (version 2) RIP: Routing Information Protocol (RIP2) RIPng: Routing Information Protocol Next Generation for IPv RSVP: Resource ReSerVation Protocol VRRP: Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol Multicast Protocols BGMP: Border Gateway Multicast Protocol DVMRP: Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol IGMP: Internet Group Management Protocol MARS: Multicast Address Resolution Server MBGP: Multiprotocol BGP MOSPF: Multicast Extensions to OSPF MSDP: Multicast Source Discovery Protocol MZAP: MulticastScope Zone Announcement Protocol PGM: Pragmatic General Multicast Protocol PIMDM: Protocol Independent MulticastDense Mode PIMSM: Protocol Independent MulticastSparse Mode MPLS Protocols MPLS: Multiprotocol Label Switching CRLDP: ConstraintBased Label Distribution Protocol LDP: Label Distribution Protocol RSVPTE: Resource ReSerVation ProtocolTraffic Engineering Data Link Layer Protocols ARP and InARP: Address Resolution Protocol and Inverse ARP IPCP and IPv6CP: IP Control Protocol and IPv6 Control Protocol RARP: Reverse Address Resolution Protocol SLIP: Serial Line IP Network Security Technologies and Protocols AAA Protocols Kerberos: Network Authentication Protocol RADIUS: Remote Authentication Dial In User Service SSH: Secure Shell Protocol …… Tunnelling Protocols Voice over IP and VoIP Protocols Media/CODEC Wide Area Network and WAN Protocols Broadband Access Protocols PointtoPoint Protocols Other WAN Protocols Local Area Network and LAN Protocols Wireless LAN Protocols Metropolitan Area Network and MAN Protocols Storage Area Network and SAN Protocols ISO Protocols in OSI 7Layer Reference Model Cisco Protocols Novell NetWare and Protocols IBM Systems Network Architecture (SNA) and Protocols AppleTalk: Apple Computer Protocols Suite DECnet and Protocols SS/C7 Protocol Suite:Signalling System#7 for Telephony Signalling Other ProtocolsNetwork Protocols Dictionary:From A to Z and 0 to 9Major Networking and Telecom Standard Organizations293FiguresFigure 1-1 Communication between computers in a network3Figure 1-2 Data encapsulation at each layer3Figure 1-3 Data communication between peer layers4Figure 1-4 TCP/IP protocol stack 4layer model5Figure 1-5 SNA vs. OSI model6Figure 1-6 SNA network topology6Figure 1-7 Communications between TPs and LUs in SNA7Figure 2-1 RMON monitoring layers30Figure 2-2 Remote procedure call flow45Figure 2-3 Mobile IP functional flow chart60Figure 2-4 MPLS protocol stack architecture78Figure 2-5 IPSec protocol stack structure96Figure 2-6 H.323 protocol stack structure105Figure 2-7 H.235-Encryption of media107Figure 2-8 H.235-Decryption of media107Figure 2-9 T.120 data conferencing protocol structure118Figure 2-10 ATM reference model147Figure 2-11 Gigabit Ethernet protocol stack174Figure 2-12 Packet bursting mode in Gigabit Ethernet175Figure 2-13 Gigabit Ethernet architecture175Figure 2-14 IEEE 802.15 (Bluetooth) protocol stack186Figure 2-15 DQDB architecture194Figure 2-16 IEEE 802.16 (WiMax) functional flow chart196Figure 2-17 IEEE 802.16 (WiMax) protocol stack197Figure 2-18 Storage area network architecture198Figure 2-19 Fibre Channel Protocol199Figure 2-20 NDMP functional components205Figure 2-21 SCSI protocol stack structure207Figure 2-22 Novell NetWare protocol stack architecture242Figure 2-23 IBM SNA vs. OSI model248Figure 2-24 IBM APPN network illustration255Figure 2-25 QLLC network architecture257Figure 2-26 AppleTalk protocol stack architecture259Figure 2-27 DECnet protocol suite architecture261Figure 2-28 SS7/C7 protocol suite architecture263Figure 2-29 SCCP protocol structure269Figure 2-30 TCAP protocol structure271Figure 2-31 Microsoft CIFS flow chart274Figures


本书纵观网络协议,阐释和总结了所有常用网络通信协议,包括TCP/TP, security,VoIP,WAN,LANMAN,SAN等.本书也囊括了Cisco,Novell,IBM,Microsoft, Apple等厂商的网络协议. 这本书可供信息技术和网络专业人员作为参考书和手册,也可供高校相关专业的学生作为参考。




网络协议手册是清华大学出版社于2005.出版的中图分类号为 TN915.04-62 的主题关于 计算机网络-通信协议-技术手册 的书籍。