

李岚, 著







Abbreviations TablesFiguresChapter 1 IntroductionChapter 2 Literature Review 2.1 The Definition of Corporate Political Action 2.2 The Aims of Corporate Political Actions 2.3 The Functions of Public Affairs/Government Relations in Firms 2.4 The Types of CPAs 2.5 The Factors Influencing the Level of CPAs 2.6 The Effects of Corporate Political Actions 2.7 How Do Finns Take Effective Political Actions? 2.8 Corporate Political Actions in MNEs 2.9 Corporate Political Actions in the EU 2.10 Summary

Abbreviations TablesFiguresChapter 1 IntroductionChapter 2 Literature Review 2.1 The Definition of Corporate Political Action 2.2 The Aims of Corporate Political Actions 2.3 The Functions of Public Affairs/Government Relations in Firms 2.4 The Types of CPAs 2.5 The Factors Influencing the Level of CPAs 2.6 The Effects of Corporate Political Actions 2.7 How Do Finns Take Effective Political Actions? 2.8 Corporate Political Actions in MNEs 2.9 Corporate Political Actions in the EU 2.10 SummaryChapter 3 Aims and Approach 3.1 The Research Aims and Questions 3.2 The Approach to the Project 3.3 Choosing the Sample Firms 3.4 The Sample Firms 3.5 The Sources of Data 3.6 SummaryChapter 4 The Cases 4.1 Altria Group Inc. --Philip Morris 4.2 Imperial Tobacco Group Plc. 4.3 CigTec Tobacco, LLC 4.4 British American Tobacco Plc. 4.5 Pfizer Inc. 4.6 GlaxoSrnithKline Plc. 4.7 Bradley Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 4.8 Provalis Plc. 4.9 Bechtel Group Inc. 4.10 Balfour Beatty Plc. 4.11 J.S. Vig Construction Co. 4.12 William Birch & Sons Ltd. 4.13 Wal-Mart Stores Inc. 4.14 Tesco Stores Plc. 4.15 D & W Food Centres Inc. 4.16 E.H. Booth&Co. Ltd. Chapter 5 Corporate Pofitical Tactics 5.1 The Viability and Comprehensiveness of Hillman and Hitt's List of CPTs 5.2 The Direct and Indirect Nature of the CPTs 5.3 The Open and Secretive Nature of CPTs 5.4 Summary Chapter 6 Firm Size and Corporate Political Tactics 6.1 Comparison between Individual Companies of Different Sizes 6.2 An Overall Comparison 6.3 Summary and DiscussionChapter 7 Industrial Regulatory Pressure and Corporate Political Tactics 7.1 Comparison between Individual Companies 7.2 An Overall Comparison 7.3 Summary and DiscussionChapter 8 Industrial Life-cycle and Corporate Political Tactics 8.1 The Comparison between Individual Companies 8.2 An Overall Comparison between the Two Groups of Companies ... 8.3 Summary and DiscussionChapter 9 Country and Corporate Political Tactics 9.1 Comparison between Individual Companies 9.2 An Overall Comparison of the CPTs 9.3 Summary and DiscussionChapter 10 Conclusions 10.1 The Effects of Firm Size on the Combination of CPTs 10.2 The Effects of Industrial Regulatory Pressure on the Combination of CPTs 10.3 The Effects of Industry Maturity on the Combination of CPTs 10.4 The Effects of the National Context on the Combination of CPTs 10.5 Discussion and Further Research 10.6 Conclusions


本书的特点在于:第一,它打开了以往的“黑箱”,把企业的政治行为看成是具有丰富内涵的、内容可能千变万化的一种现象,并剖析这些变化以及引起这些变化的因素。第二,它以实证研究、而非个人经验的方式考察了企业政治战术的使用情况,并对它们进行了分类。第三,它运用了扎根理论的思想,通过对16家样本企业的案例分析,较为全面地掌握了英美企业使用政治战术的情况。 同时,通过阅读本书,读者能够从中了解到,即使在西方发达国家中,不同国家间企业的政治行为也是显著不同的,我们不能以偏概全,简单的以“美国”和“西方”相互替代,否则就会给我国的研究者和企业带来不必要的困扰。如果以此指导实践,甚至会带来严重后果。而通过分析更多企业内外在因素的作用,读者也可以了解到,除了政治资源和地域文化外,影响企业政治战术组合的因素可能是多样的。总之,本研究希望起到一个抛砖引玉、进一步拓宽研究者的思路的作用。




企业政治行为研究是对外经济贸易大学出版社于2009.出版的中图分类号为 F270 的主题关于 企业管理-研究-英文 的书籍。