

田银生, 谷凯, 陶伟, 著








ChApter 1 The Structure of UrbAn Form : ConzeniAn And CAniggiAn IdeAs 1

1. 1 ReseArch on UrbAn Form 1

1. 2 UrbAn Morphology And Design Typology 2

1. 3 UrbAn Morphology of Chinese Cities 4

1. 4 Structure of the Book 5

Notes And References 7

ChApter 2 British UrbAn Morphology:The ConzeniAn TrAdition 10

2. 1 The Antecedents of M. R. G. Conzen 10

2. 2 Conzen,s IdeAs And their Influence 11

2. 3 Recent ReseArch 14

2.4 Conclusions 18

Notes And References 18

ChApter 3 How Cities InternAlize their Former UrbAn Fringes: A

Cross-CulturAl CompArison 20

3. 1 Discovery And ConceptuAlizAtion of Fringe Belts 21

3. 2 A StrAtegy lor CompArAtive Study of Fringe Belts 31

3. 3 DynAmics And DifferentiAtion of Fringe-Belt Types 36

3. 4 A FrAmework lor CompArAtive Study 44

3. 5 Closing RemArks 48

Notes And References 49

ChApter 4 UrbAn TrAnsformAtion in An Inner City AreA: MorphologicAl

Processes in Shieldfield, NewcAstle upon Tyne, UK 56

4. 1 Introduction 56

4. 2 CreAting Shieldfield:The First TrAnsformAtion 59

4. 3 Redeveloping Shieldfield : The Second TrAnsformAtion 64

4. 4 Shieldfield And the Inner Fringe Belt: A Third TrAnsformAtion? 72

Notes And References 77

ChApter 5 SAverio MurAtori And the ItAliAn School of PlAnning Typology 79

5. 1 SAverio MurAtori 79

5. 2 SAverio MurAtori^ s RomAn School 83

5. 3 The DispersAl from Rome 84

5. 4 GiAnfrAnco CAniggiA 86

5. 5 The Present School 88

Notes And References 91

ChApter 6 From MurAtori to CAniggiA : The Origins And Development of the

ItAliAn School of Design Typology 95

6. 1 MurAtoriRomAn School 95

6. 2 MurAtori As A Philosopher 96

6. 3 MurAtori,s CulturAl BAckground 97

6. 4 The ArchitecturAl Issue of Technique And LAnguAge 99

6. 5 The PhilosophicAl Issue of TypologicAl FeAtures’ 100

6. 6 The ConstructionAl Issue of the Built Environment 102

6. 7 The UrbAn Issue of the Development of Towns 103

6. 8 The GeogrAphicAl Issue of the HumAn Environment 105

6. 9 The HistoricAl Issue of the Development of CivilizAtion 106

6. 10 The ScuolA MurAtoriAnA 107

6. 11 FormAtive GenerAtion GAps 108

6. 12 The RelAtive Accomplishments of MurAtori And CAniggiA 112

6. 13 FinAl Judgement And Criticism 113

6. 14 Conclusions 114

Notes And References 115

ChApter 7 ReseArch on Chinese UrbAn Form : Retrospect And Prospect 120

7. 1 ReseArch on TrAditionAl Cities 121

7. 2 ReseArch on EArly Modern Cities 129

7. 3 ReseArch on SociAlist And Post-Reform Cities 131

7. 4 HistoricAl PreservAtion And ConservAtion 132

7. 5 The ChAllenge lor UrbAn Morphology 133

7. 6 The ApplicAtion of ConzeniAn And CAniggiAn ApproAches 135

7. 7 Conclusions 137

ChApter 8 ResidentiAl Building Types As An EvolutiwiAry Process:The GuAngzhou

AreA,ChinA 147

8. 1 GuAngzhou: History And ReseArch Sources 148

8. 2 RurAl And SmAll-Town Building Types 150

8. 3 ResidentiAl Building Forms in GuAngzhou 153

8. 4 Multi-Storey Zhutongwu And Zhutongwu FlAts 155

8. 5 The XiguAn DAwu 157

8. 6 The Qilou 159

8. 7 The DongshAn House 160

8. 8 AdAptAtions And New Types 161

8. 9 Interpreting ResidentiAl Building Forms in GuAngzhou 163

8. 10 Conclusions 167

Notes And References 169

9 Preserviring the CulturAl Identity of Chinese Cities in UrbAn Design through

A TypomorphologicAl ApproAch 172

9. 1 T ypomorphology 173

9. 2 CAse Study:Suzhou 174

9. 3 UrbAn Design Suggestions 190

9. 4 Discussion And Conclusions 194

Notes And References 195




尺寸24 × 17装帧精装
页数 130 印数


城市形态学、建筑类型学与转型中的城市是科学出版社于2014.3出版的中图分类号为 TU984.11 的主题关于 城市建设-城市规划-研究-英文 的书籍。