

(丹) 安徒生 (Andersen,H.C.) , 著







安徒生是丹麦19世纪著名童话作家,世界文学童话创始人。他生于欧登塞城一个贫苦鞋匠家庭,早年在慈善学校读过书,当过学徒工。受父亲和民间口头文学影响,他自幼酷爱文学。11岁时父亲病逝,母亲改嫁。为追求艺术,他14岁时只身来到首都哥本哈根。经过8年奋斗,终于在诗剧《阿尔芙索尔》的剧作中崭露才华。因此,被皇家艺术剧院送进斯拉格尔塞文法学校和赫尔辛欧学校免费就读。历时5年。1828年,升入哥尔哈根大学。毕业后始终无工作,主要靠稿费维持生活。1838年获得作家奖金——国家每年拨给他200元非公职津贴。安徒生终生未成家室,1875年8月4日病逝于朋友——商人麦尔乔家中。 安徒生文学生涯始于1822年。早期主要撰写诗歌和剧本。进入大学后,创作日趋成熟。曾发表游记和歌舞喜剧,出版诗集和诗剧。1833年出版长篇小说《即兴诗人》,为他赢得国际声誉,是他成人文学的代表作。“为了争取未来的一代”,安徒生决定给孩子写童话,出版了《讲给孩子们听的故事》。此后数年,每年圣诞节都出版一本这样的童话集。其后又不断发表新作,直到1872年因患癌症才逐渐搁笔。近40年间,共计写了童话168篇。安徒生童话具有独特的艺术风格:即诗意的美和喜剧性的幽默。前者为主导风格,多体现在歌颂性的童话中,后者多体现在讽刺性的童话中。安徒生的创作可分早、中、晚三个时期。早期童话多充满绮丽的幻想、乐观的精神,体现现实主义和浪漫主义相结合的特点。代表作有《打火匣》、《小意达的花儿》、《拇指姑娘》、《海的女儿》、《野天鹅》、《丑小鸭》等。中期童话,幻想成分减弱,现实成分相对增强。在鞭挞丑恶、歌颂善良中,表现了对美好生活的执着追求,也流露了缺乏信心的忧郁情绪。代表作有《卖火柴的小女孩》、《白雪皇后》、《影子》、《一滴水》、《母亲的故事》、《演木偶戏的人》等。晚期童话比中期更加面对现实,着力描写底层民众的悲苦命运,揭露社会生活的阴冷、黑暗和人间的不平。作品基调低沉。代表作有《柳树下的梦》、《她是一个废物》、《单身汉的睡帽》、《幸运的贝儿》等。



1.The Tinder-Box

2.Great Claus and Little Claus

3.The Princess on the Pea

4.Little Ida s Flowers


6.The Naughty Boy

7.The Travelling Companion

8.The Little Sea Maid

9.The Emperor s New Clothes

10.The Goloshes of Fortune

11.The Daisy

12.The Hardy Tin Soldier

13.The Wild Swans

14.The Garden of Paradise

15.The Flying Trunk

16.The Storks

17.The Metal Pig

18.The Bond of Friendship

19.A Rose From the Grave of Homer

20.Ole Luk-Oie

21.The Rose-Elf

22.The Swineherd

23.The Buckwheat

24.The Angel

25.The Nightingale

26.The Lovers

27.The Ugly Duckling

28.The Fir Tree

29.The Snow Queen

30.The Elder Tree Mother

31.The Daming-Needle

32.The Bell


34.The Elf-Hill

35.The Red Shoes

36.The Jumper

37.The Shepherdess and the Chimney-Sweeper

38.Holger the Dane

39.The Little Match Girl

40.A Picture From the Fortress Wall

41.By the Almshouse Window

42.The Old Street Lamp

43.The Neighbouring Families

44.Little Tuk

45.The Shadow

46.The Old House

47.The Drop of Water

48.The Happy Family

49.The Story of a Mother

50.The Shirt Collar

51.The Flax

52.The Phoenix Bird

53.A Story

54.The Dumb Book

55."There Is a Difference"

56.The Old Gravestone

57.The Loveliest Rose in the World

58.The Story of the Year

59.On the Last Day

60."Its Quite True !"

61.The Swans Nest

62.Good Humour

63.A Great Grief

64.Everything in Its Right Place

65.The Goblin and the Huckster

66.In a Thousand Years

67.Under the Willow Tree

68.Five Out of One Pod

69.A Leaf From the Sky

70.She Was Good for Nothing

71.The Last Pearl

72.Two Maidens

73.In the Uttermost Parts of the Sea

74.The Money-Pig

75.Ib and Christine

76.Jack the Dullard

77.The Thorny Road of Honour

78.The Jewish Girl

79.The Bottle-Neck

80.The Stone of the Wise Men

81.Soup on a Sausage-Peg

82.The Old Bachelor s Nightcap


84.The Last Dream of the Old Oak Tree-A Christmas Tale

85.The A.B.C.Book

86.The Marsh King s Daughter

87.The Racers


88.The Bell-Deep

89.The Wicked Prince

90.The Wind Tells about Waldemar Daa and His Daughters

91.The Girl Who Trod on the Loaf

92.Ole the Tower-Keeper

93.Anne Lisbeth

94.Childrens Prattle

95.A String of Pearls

96.The Pen and Inkstand

97.The Child in the Grave

98.The Farm-Yard Cock and Weathercock


100.A Story from the Sand-Dunes

101.The Puppet Showman

102.Two Brothers

103.The Old Church Bell

104.Twelve by the Mail

105.The Beetle

106.What the Old Man Does Is Right

107.The Snow Man

108.In the Duck-Yard

109.The Muse of the New Century

110.The Ice Maiden

111.The Butterfly

112.The Psyche

113.The Snail and the Rose Tree

114."The Will-O-The-Wisps Are in the Town," Says the Moor-Woman

115.The Windmill

116.The Silver Shilling

117.The Bishop of Borglum and His Kinsmen

118.In the Nursery

119.The Golden Treasure

120.The Storm Shifts the Signs

121.The Tea-Pot

122.The Bird of Popular Song

123.The Little Green Ones

124.Brownie and the Dame

125.Peter, Pete, and Peterkin

126.Hidden Is Not Forgotten

127.The Porters Son


129.The Snowdrop, or Summer-Geck


131.The Toad

132.Godfather s Picture-Book

133.Good Luck Can Lie in a Pin

134.The Comet

135.The Days of the Week

136.Sunshines Stories


138.The Candles

139.The Most Incredible Thing

140.What the Whole Family Said

141.Dance, Dance, Doll of Mine

142.The Great Sea-Serpent

143.The Gardener and the Family

144.The Rags

145.Vano and Glano

146.Who Was the Luckiest?

147.The Dryad

148.Poultry Megs Family

149.The Thistles Experiences

150.What One Can Invent

151.The Flea and the Professor

152.What Old Johanna Told

153.The Door-Key

154.The Cripple

155.Auntie Toothache

156.God Can Never Die

157.The Talisman

158.This Fable is Intended for You


160.The Penmen

161.The Court Cards

162.Lucky Peer

163.A Picture Book Without Pictures


安徒生童话是一部以童话而名扬世界的文学巨著,它是由丹麦著名诗人、童话作家安徒生历时近40年创作而成。“丑小鸭”、“皇帝的新装”、“ 拇指姑娘”和“卖火柴的小女孩”伴随了一代又一代人的美丽童年、少年直至成年。安徒生童话问世一百多年来,至今仍被译成世界上140种文字,而其中英文译本更是不计其数。《安徒生童话全集(上下)》选用的是最著名的英文译本之一。孩子,你不仅会学到真诚、友爱与智慧,还将以这《安徒生童话全集(上下)》记录你的欢乐你的悲伤你成长的痕迹!


页数印数 7000


安徒生童话全集是中国城市出版社于2009.05出版的中图分类号为 H319.4:I 的主题关于 童话-作品集-丹麦-近代 ,英语-语言读物 的书籍。