

(荷) 森夫特 (Senft,G.) , 等编





语用学研究前沿丛书为外教社从John Benjamins出版公司引进的一套10本语言学原版专著,丛书研讨的专题包括了语用学与哲学、认知语言学、语法、社会学、文化学的交叉领域,展现了语用学研究的最前沿发现。本书为丛书之一。


Preface to the series



Gunter Senti


Risako Ide

1. Introduction: The pragmatics and metapragmatics of routine formulae

2. The anatomy of aisatsu

2.1 Marking social relationships

2.2 Marking contextual boundaries

3. The social acquisition of aisatsu

3.1 Aisatsu in school contexts

3.2 Aisatsu in workplace contexts

4. The pragmatics of aisatsu within the metapragmatics of aisatsu

5. Exploring intercultural routine formulae

Anthropological linguistics

Ben G. Blount

1. Preliminaries

2. Early history

3. Early types of research

4. Continuity

5. The Sapir-Whorfhypothesis

6. Ethnographic semantics

7. The ethnography of communication

8. Sociolinguistics

9. Recent research and current directions

Franz Boas

Regna Darnell

1. Introduction

2. Biography

3. The Americanist tradition

4. Time perspective in aboriginal languages

5. The Handbook of American Indian Languages

6. Phonetics vs. phonemics

7. Assessment

Cognitive anthropology

Stephen C. Levinson

1. Historical background

2. Reconstruing cognitive anthropology

Componential analysis

Cliff Goddard

1. Introduction

2. The structuralist tradition

3. Linguistic anthropology

4. Generative and typological studies

5. Natural semantic metalanguage (NSM)

6. Other trends and problems

Cultural scripts

Cliff Goddard

1. Introduction

2. Semantic primes: The language of cultural scripts

3. High-level scripts: Examples and observations

4. Communicative style: Some further examples

5. Culture-specific concepts in cultural scripts

6. Rhetorical speech practices

7. Scripts for ways of thinking and feeling, and for beliefs

8. Scripts for social models

9. Scripts for non-verbal communicative practices

10. The accessibility and practicality of cultural scripts

11. Closing note


Srikant Sarangi

1. Introduction: Culture as an interdisciplinary project

2. Defining and redefining culture: An overview

2.1 The historical transformation of the culture concept

2.2 What is not culture

2.3 What is culture

2.3.1 The whole is the sum of parts: The mentalist approach

2.3.2 A map of and for behavior: The behaviorist approach

2.3.3 The metaphor of culture as text: The semiotic approach

2.4 Culture is a verb

3. Culture as ideology: From a consensual to a differentiated view of culture

3.1 The construction of the cultural other

3.2 The politics of cultural difference in stratified multicultural societies

4. Doing cultural analysis: A critique of the method

4.1 The dominance of intensive fieldwork

4.2 The subjectivity of participant observation

4.3 Doing and writing ethnography as interpretation and invention

5. Culture as communication: The 'linguistic' turn

5.1 One language —— one culture?

5.2 Language as a means to cultural resources

6. Cross-cultural and intercultural analysis in pragmatic research

6.1 Cross-cultural pragmatic research: The culture principle

6.2 Intercultural pragmatics: Towards a critical reading

7. Conclusion: The pragmatics of recovering culture


Gunter Senft


Michael Agar

1. Introduction

2. Ethnography by example

3. Ethnography by contrast

4. Discourse

Ethnography of speaking

Kristine L. Fitch & Gerry Philipsen

1. Development and main characteristics

2. Areas ofinquiry

3. Issues and debates


Gunter Senti

Firthian linguistics

Jan-Ola Ostman & Anne-Marie Simon-Vandenbergen

Folk pragmatics

Nancy Niedzielski & Dennis R. Preston

1. Folk linguistics

2. Folk pragmatics

3. Directions for future research


Judith T. Irvine

1. Definitions

2. Dimensions of variation and comparison

2.1 Linguistic forms

2.2 Sources of honorific expressions

2.3 Honorification roles and participant roles

2.4 Deployment and ideology

3. Pragmatics and semantics

4. Trends in theory and research

Wilhelm von Humboldt

Brigitte Nerlich & David D. Clarke

1. Life

2. Humboldt's philosophy of language

3. Language and thought

4. Language and world

5. Language and languages (superior and inferior ones)

6. Language, culture, and creativity

7. Language, dialogue, and pronouns

8. Humboldt and the Ideologues

Intercultural communication

Volker Hinnenkamp

1. Background: Language and culture

2. Intercultural communication: The emergence of a field of inquiry

3. The concept of culture

4. Loci of culture-in-communication

5. Methodological (sub)discourses of the field

6. Conclusion


Charles Briggs

1. Introduction

2. The construction of interviews and questionnaires

3. Research on interviewing

4. Pragmatic underpinnings of interviews

5. Interviewing and institutional authority

6. Conclusion

Bronislaw Kasper Malinowski

Gunter Senft

1. Biographical sketch

2. The study of culture

3. Fieldwork

4. Theory of language

5. An appraisal

Phatic communion

Gunter Senft

Edward Sapir

Jeroen Vermeulen

1. Introduction

2. Biography

3. Sapir on language, culture and personality

3.1 Language

3.1.1 Americanist text tradition

3.1.2 Linguistic form

3.1.3 Form-feeling

3.1.4 Linguistic relativity

3.2 Culture and personality

4. Sapir's importance to pragmatics


Robert E. MacLaury

Benjamin Lee Whoff

Penny Lee

1. Introduction

2. Whorf's life and work

3. Whorf's perspective on linguistics

4. The linguistic relativity principle

5. Whorf's influence



本丛书为外教社从John Benjamins出版公司引进的一套10本语言学原版专著,丛书研讨的专题包括了语用学与哲学、认知语言学、语法、社会学、文化学的交叉领域,展现了语用学研究的最前沿发现。《语用学研究前沿丛书:文化与语言的使用》展现了语用学在文化方面的研究。


尺寸20 × 14装帧平装


文化与语言的使用是上海外语教育出版社于2014.出版的中图分类号为 H0-05 的主题关于 文化语言学-英文 的书籍。