1 Genes Are DNA
2 Genes Code for Proteins
3 The Interrupted Gene
4 The Content of the Genome
5 Genome Sequences and Gene Numbers
6 Clusters and Repeats
7 Messenger RNA
8 Protein Synthesis
9 Using the Genetic Code
10 Protein Localization
11 Transcription
12 The Operon
13 Regulatory RNA
14 Phage Strategies
15 The Replicon
16 Extrachromosomal Replicons
17 Bacterial Replication Is Connected to the Cell Cycle
18 DNA Replication
19 Homologous and Site-Specific Recombination
20 Repair Systems
21 Transposons
22 Retroviruses and Retroposons
23 Immune Diversity
24 Promoters and Enhancers
25 Activating Transcription
26 RNA Splicing and Processing
27 Catalytic RNA
28 Chromosomes
29 Nucleosomes
30 Controlling Chromatin Structure
31 Epigenetic Effects Are Inherited
国籍著名作者Benjamin Lewin经典著作《基因》系列的最新版本《基因9》问世。几十年来,Lewin 在分子生物学和分子遗传学方面为教育界提供了最前沿的研究内容,包括基因结构、测序、组织和表达。新版第9版具有崭新的设计理念和当代美编风格,同时版面编排新颖,使学生能够更加专注地阅读各单独专题。全书通篇内容都作了彻底的更新,包括新增的“表观遗传学效应”一章。事实必将证明,《基因9》是业已出版的最前沿、最全面和最适合学生阅读的分子生物学著作。本版的最新之处t新——重新编排以便读者阅读时对各专题更加专注。 新——通篇内容都有更新,包括那些关于基因组组织、DNA复制、基因调控,等等的信息,都是最新的。.新——全新的章节——表观遗传学效应!新——具有当代风格的新型设计和令人惊奇的四色插图方案。编辑推荐意见本书为世界级经典教材,堪称分子生物学的“圣经”。本书更新速度非常快,几乎每两年更新一次,此为第九版,与《基因VIII》相比,通篇内容都有所更新,还增加了新的章节,紧跟分子生物学发展最前沿。适合高年级本科生和研究生以上人员阅读,使得读者既学习本领域的经典基础知识,又了解当代最新进展。我社成功引进了《基因VIII》,并翻译成中文供大家学习,此《基因IX》为英文原版,可以使读者读到原汁原味的内容,也可以和《基因VIII》形成对照,学习专业英语。本书为全彩色原版书,图片清晰美观,印刷质量很高,十一本值得收藏的好书。——责编读者推荐意见《基因IX》系列堪称当今生命科学的最为权威之作。这个最新版保留了该系列生动翔实地特点,使我的理论基础更为坚实;新添章节更是紧跟时代前沿,在科研工作给我带来了很多启发。无论学习、备考还是研究,它都是一本均不可或缺的必备良书。希望更多的同学们能够早日获益于它。——遗传学研究生 Science is a wonderfully resilient venture. There are new and interesting developments to report in each revision of this book, and this revision includes much updated mate-rial to account for new findings in molecular research. The general organization of material in this edition has been revised along the same lines as Essential Genes, making it easier to use the two books in conjunction. With increas-ing size becoming a problem, the content has been more sharply focused on genes and their expression by eliminat-ing the chapters dealing with the consequences of gene ex-pression for cell biology. Striking changes occur in the first part of the book, dealing with genomes, resulting from the success of many genome sequencing projects. The impor-tance of RNA as a regulator has become increasingly evi-dent and now can be seen to extend across all levels of gene expression in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Somewhat of a "missing link," it casts further light on how the current apparatus for gene expression must have evolved from the early RNA world.
(英) 戴尔 (Dale,J.W.) , (英) 冯尚茨 (Von-Schantz,M.) , 著
(美) 克莱博斯 (Krebs) , (美) 高登斯坦 (Goldstein) , (美) 吉尔帕特里克 (Kilpatrick) , 著
(美) 本·林奇, 著
(美) 卢因 (Lewin,B.) , 编著
(美) 摩尔根, 著
(美) 托马斯·亨特·摩尔根, 著
(美) 托马斯·亨特·摩尔根, 著
(美) 戴维森 (Davidson,E.H.) , 编著
傅继梁, 著