

(美) 卡耐基 (Carnegie,D.) , 著







戴尔·卡耐基(Dale Carnegie,1888~1955),被誉为20世纪最伟大的心灵导师和成功学大师,美国现代成人教育之父,同时他还是著名企业家、演讲家,美国《时代周刊》称:“除了自由女神,卡耐基或许就是美国的象征。” 他运用心理学知识,对人类共同的心理特点进行探索和分析,开创和发展了一种融演讲、推销、为人处世、智力开发等为一体的独特的成人教育方式。他所开创的美国卡耐基成人教育机构、国际卡耐基成人教育机构,今天已经拥有遍布世界各地的分支机构多达1700余个。 他一生中著有《人性的弱点》、《人性的优点》、《女性的智慧》、《卡耐基口才训练》、《人性的光辉》、《伟大的人物》等多部经典励志书籍,这些书籍曾影响了成千上万人的生活和命运。



Part One / Fundamentals of Effective Speaking

Chapter 1 Acquiring theBasic Skills

Take Heart from the Experience of Others

Keep Your Goal Before You

Predetermine Your Mind to Success

Seize Every Opportunity to Practice

Chapter 2 Developing Confidence

Get the Facts About Fear of Speaking in Public

Prepare in the Proper Way

Predetermine Your Mind to Success

Act Confident

Chapter 3 Speaking Effectively the Quick and Easy Way

Speak About Something You Have Earned the Right to Talk About Through

Experience or Study

Be Sure You Are Excited About Your Subject

Be Eager to Share Your Talk with Your Listeners

Part Two / Speech, Speaker, and Audience

Chapter 4 Earning the Right to Talk

Limit Your Subject

Develop Reserve Power

Fill Your Talk with Illustrations and Examples

Use Concrete, Familiar Words That Create Pictures

Chapter 5 Vitalizing the Talk

Choose Subjects You Are Eamest About

Relive the Feelings You Have About Your Topic

Act in Earnest

Chapter 6 Sharing the Talk with the Audience

Talk in Terms of Your Listeners Interests

Give Honest, Sincere Appreciation

Identify Yourself with the Audience

Make Your Audience a Partner in Your Talk

Play Yourself Down

Part Three/The Purpose of Prepared and Impromptu Talks

Chapter 7 Making the Short Talk to Get Action

Give Your Example, an Incident from Your Life

State Your Point, What You Want the Audience to Do

Give the Reason or Benefit the Audience May Expect

Chapter 8 Making the Talk to Inform

Restrict Your Subject to Fit the Time at Your Disposal

Arrange Your Ideas in Sequence

Enumerate Your Points as You Make Them

Compare the Strange with the Familiar

Use Visual Aids

Chapter 9 Making the Talk to Convince

Win Confidence by Deserving It

Get a Yes-Response

Speak with Contagious Enthusiasm

Show Respect and Affection for Your Audience

Begin in a Friendly Way

Chapter 10 Making Impromptu Talks

Practice Impromptu Speaking

Be Mentally Ready to Speak Impromptu

Get into an Example Immediately

Speak with Animation and Force

Use the Principle of the Here and Now

Dont Talk Impromptu -- Give an Impromptu Talk

Part Four / The Art of Communicating

Chapter 11 Delivering the Talk

Crash Through Your Shell of Self-Consciousness

Dont Try to Imitate Others -- Be Yourself

Converse with Your Audience

Put Your Heart into Your Speaking

Practice Making Your Voice Strong and Flexible

Part Five / The Challenge of Effective Speaking

Chapter 12 Introducing Speakers, Presenting and Accepting Awards

Thoroughly Prepare What You Are Going to Say

Follow the T-I -S Formula

Be Enthusiastic

Be Warmly Sincere

Thoroughly Prepare the Talk of Presentation

Express Your Sincere Feelings in the Talk of Acceptance

Chapter 13 Organizing the Longer Talk

Get Attention Immediately

Avoid Getting Unfavorable Attention

Support Your Main Ideas

Appeal for Action

Chapter 14 Applying What You Have Learned

Use Specific Detail in Everyday Conversation

Use Effective Speaking Techniques in Your Job

Seek Opportunities to Speak in Public

You Must Persist

Keep the Certainty of Reward Before You





丛书名卡耐基励志经典 : 英文原版
尺寸23 × 16装帧平装


语言的突破是外语教学与研究出版社于2010.11出版的中图分类号为 H319.4:H 的主题关于 英语-语言读物 ,演讲学-通俗读物 的书籍。