

jQuery社区专家, 著





作为JavaScript新手和行家的理想选择,《jQuery Cookbook》从基础知识开始,然后转向实际用例,包括经验证的解决方案和常见的web开发障碍。你还能看到高级话题相关章节,诸如将jQuery应用到大型项目中去的方法等。





1. jQuery Basics

1.1 Including the jQuery Library Code in an HTML Page

1.2 Executing jQuery/JavaScript Coded After the DOM Has Loaded but Before Complete Page Load

1.3 Selecting DOM Elements Using Selectors and the jQuery Function

1.4 Selecting DOM Elements Within a Specified Context

1.5 Filtering a Wrapper Set of DOM Elements

1.6 Finding Descendant Elements Within the Currently Selected Wrapper Set

1.7 Returning to the Prior Selection Before a Destructive Change

1.8 Including the Previous Selection with the Current Selection

1.9 Traversing the DOM Based on Your Current Context to Acquire a New Set of DOM Elements

1.10 Creating, Operating on, and Inserting DOM Elements

1.11 Removing DOM Elements

1.12 Replacing DOM Elements

1.13 Cloning DOM Elements

1.14 Getting, Setting, and Removing DOM Element Attributes

1.15 Getting and Setting HTML Content

1.16 Getting and Setting Text Content

1.17 Using the $ Alias Without Creating Global Conflicts

2. Selecting Elements withjQuery

2.1 Selecting Child Elements Only

2.2 Selecting Specific Siblings

2.3 Selecting Elements by Index Order

2.4 Selecting Elements That Are Currently Animating

2.5 Selecting Elements Based on What They Contain

2.6 Selecting Elements by What They Dont Match

2.7 Selecting Elements Based on Their Visibility

2.8 Selecting Elements Based on Attributes

2.9 Selecting Form Elements by Type

2.10 Selecting an Element with Specific Characteristics

2.11 Using the Context Parameter

2.12 Creating a Custom Filter Selector

3. Beyond the Basics

3.1 Looping Through a Set of Selected Results

3.2 Reducing the Selection Set to a Specified Item

3.3 Convert a Selected jQuery Object into a Raw DOM Object

3.4 Getting the Index of an Item in a Selection

3.5 Making a Unique Array of Values from an Existing Array

3.6 Performing an Action on a Subset of the Selected Set

3.7 Configuring jQuery Not to Conflict with Other Libraries

3.8 Adding Functionality with Plugins

3.9 Determining the Exact Query That Was Used

4. jQue Utilities

4.1 Detecting Features with jQuery.support

4.2 Iterating Over Arrays and Objects with jQuery.each

4.3 Filtering Arrays with jQuery.grep

4.4 Iterating and Modifying Array Entries with jQuery.map

4.5 Combining Two Arrays with jQuery.merge

4.6 Filtering Out Duplicate Array Entries with jQuery.unique

4.7 Testing Callback Functions with jQuery.isFunction

4.8 Removing Whitespace from Strings or Form Values with jQuery.trim

4.9 Attaching Objects and Data to DOM with jQuery.data

4.10 Extending Objects with jQuery.extend

5. Faster, Simpler, More Fun

5.1 Thats Not jQuery, Its JavaScript!

5.2 Whats Wrong with $(this)?

5.3 Removing Redundant Repetition

5.4 Formatting Your jQuery Chains

5.5 Borrowing Code from Other Libraries

5.6 Writing a Custom Iterator

5.7 Toggling an Attribute

5.8 Finding the Bottlenecks

5.9 Caching Your jQuery Objects

5.10 Writing Faster Selectors

5.11 Loading Tables Faster

5.12 Coding Bare-Metal Loops

5.13 Reducing Name Lookups

5.14 Updating the DOM Faster with .innerHTML

5.15 Debugging? Break Those Chains

5.16 Is It ajQuery Bug?

5.17 Tracing into jQuery

5.18 Making Fewer Server Requests

5.19 Writing Unobtrusive JavaScript

5.20 Using jQuery for Progressive Enhancement

5.21 Making Your Pages Accessible

6. Dimensions

6.1 Finding the Dimensions of the Window and Document

6.2 Finding the Dimensions of an Element

6.3 Finding the Offset of an Element

6.4 Scrolling an Element into View

6.5 Determining Whether an Element Is Within the Viewport

6.6 Centering an Element Within the Viewport

6.7 Absolutely Positioning an Element at Its Current Position

6.8 Positioning an Element Relative to Another Element

6.9 Switching Stylesheets Based on Browser Width

7. Effects

7.1 Sliding and Fading Elements in and out of View

7.2 Making Elements Visible by Sliding Them Up

7.3 Creating a Horizontal Accordion

7.4 Simultaneously Sliding and Fading Elements

7.5 Applying Sequential Effects

7.6 Determining Whether Elements Are Currently Being Animated

7.7 Stopping and Resetting Animations

7.8 Using Custom Easing Methods for Effects

7.9 Disabling All Effects

7.10 Using jQuery UI for Advanced Effects

8. Events

8.1 Attaching a Handler to Many Events

8.2 Reusing a Handler Function with Different Data

8.3 Removing a Whole Set of Event Handlers

8.4 Triggering Specific Event Handlers

8.5 Passing Dynamic Data to Event Handlers

8.6 Accessing an Element ASAP (Before document.ready)

8.7 Stopping the Handler Execution Loop

8.8 Getting the Correct Element When Using event.target

8.9 Avoid Multiple hover() Animations in Parallel

8.10 Making Event Handlers Work for Newly Added Elements

9. Advanced Events

9.1 Getting jQuery to Work When Loaded Dynamically

9.2 Speeding Up Global Event Triggering

9.3 Creating Your Own Events

9.4 Letting Event Handlers Provide Needed Data

9.5 Creating Event-Driven Plugins

9.6 Getting Notified When jQuery Methods Are Called

9.7 Using Objects Methods as Event Listeners

10. HTML Form Enhancements from Scratch

10.1 Focusing a Text Input on Page Load

10.2 Disabling and Enabling Form Elements

10.3 Selecting Radio Buttons Automatically

10.4 (De)selecting All Checkboxes Using Dedicated Links

10.5 (De)selecting All Checkboxes Using a Single Toggle

10.6 Adding and Removing Select Options

10.7 Autotabbing Based on Character Count

10.8 Displaying Remaining Character Count

10.9 Constraining Text Input to Specific Characters

10.10 Submitting a Form Using Ajax

10.11 Validating Forms

11. HTML Form Enhancements with Plugins

11.1 Validating Forms

11.2 Creating Masked Input Fields

11.3 Autocompleting Text Fields

11.4 Selecting a Range of Values

11.5 Entering a Range-Constrained Value

11.6 Uploading Files in the Background

11.7 Limiting the Length of Text Inputs

11.8 Displaying Labels Above Input Fields

11.9 Growing an Input with Its Content

11.10 Choosing a Date

12. jQuery Plugins

12.1 Where Do You Find jQuery Plugins?





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jQuery参考手册是东南大学出版社于2010.9出版的中图分类号为 TP312 的主题关于 JAVA语言-程序设计-英文 的书籍。