

张玲, 主编







Part One Basic Knowledge About Logistics

Unit 1 Introduction to Logistics 1

Learning Objectives 1

Background 1

Logistics Terms 1

Section Ⅰ Lead-in: Speaking 2

Section Ⅱ Reading 2

Reading Activity 1 The Definition of Logistics 2

Reading Activity 2 The Components of Logistics System 3

Reading Activity 3 The History of Logistics 4

Section Ⅲ Listening 5

Section Ⅳ Speaking 6

Dialogue 1 6

Dialogue 2 7

Dialogue 3 7

Summary 8

Exercises 8

Case Study 13

Unit 2 Transportation 15

Learning Objectives 15

Background 15

Logistics Terms 15

Section Ⅰ Lead-in: Speaking 17

Section Ⅱ Reading 17

Reading Activity 1 The Function of Transportation 17

Reading Activity 2 Five Modes of Transportation 18

Reading Activity 3 Container Transportation 20

Section Ⅲ Listening 21

Section Ⅳ Speaking 22

Dialogue 1 22

Dialogue 2 23

Dialogue 3 24

Summary 25

Exercises 25

Case Study 32

Unit 3 Warehousing Management 34

Learning Objectives 34

Background 34

Logistics Terms 34

Section Ⅰ Lead-in: Speaking 37

Section Ⅱ Reading 37

Reading Activity 1 Types of Warehouses 37

Reading Activity 2 The Functions of Warehouse 38

Reading Activity 3 Principles of Warehousing Management 39

Section Ⅲ Listening 42

Section Ⅳ Speaking 42

Dialogue 1 42

Dialogue 2 43

Dialogue 3 44

Summary 44

Exercises 44

Case Study 49

Unit 4 Inventory Control 50

Learning Objectives 50

Background 50

Logistics Terms 50

Section Ⅰ Lead-in: Speaking 51

Section Ⅱ Reading 51

Reading Activity 1 The Definition and Purpose of Inventory 51

Reading Activity 2 The Classifications of Inventory 51

Reading Activity 3 ABC Analysis of Inventory 52

Section Ⅲ Listening 54

Section Ⅳ Speaking 54

Dialogue 1 54

Dialogue 2 55

Dialogue 3 55

Summary 56

Exercises 56

Case Study 59

Unit 5 Logistics Packaging 61

Learning Objectives 61

Background 61

Logistics Terms 61

Section Ⅰ Lead-in: Speaking 64

Section Ⅱ Reading 64

Reading Activity 1 The Definition and Functions of Packaging 64

Reading Activity 2 Major Categories of Packaging 64

Reading Activity 3 Green Packaging 65

Section Ⅲ Listening 66

Section Ⅳ Speaking 66

Dialogue 1 66

Dialogue 2 67

Dialogue 3 68

Summary 69

Exercises 69

Case Study 75

Unit 6 Distribution 76

Learning Objectives 76

Background 76

Logistics Terms 76

Section Ⅰ Lead-in: Speaking 76

Section Ⅱ Reading 77

Reading Activity 1 Distribution and Transportation 77

Reading Activity 2 A Typical Distribution Process 77

Section Ⅲ Listening 81

Section Ⅳ Speaking 82

Dialogue 1 82

Dialogue 2 82

Dialogue 3 83

Summary 83

Exercises 84

Case Study 87

Unit 7 Logistics Information Technology 89

Learning Objectives 89

Background 89

Logistics terms 89

Section Ⅰ Lead-in: Speaking 89

Section Ⅱ Reading 90

Reading Activity 1 Major Areas of ICT Application in Logistics 90

Reading Activity 2 Major ICTs Used in Logistics 90

Reading Activity 3 Intranets and Extranets 91

Section Ⅲ Listening 93

Section Ⅳ Speaking 93

Dialogue 1 93

Dialogue 2 94

Dialogue 3 94

Summary 95

Exercises 95

Case Study 98

Unit 8 Purchasing 99

Learning Objectives 99

Background 99

Logistics Terms 99

Section Ⅰ Lead-in: Speaking 99

Section Ⅱ Reading 99

Reading Activity 1 What Is Procurement? 99

Reading Activity 2 The Importance of Procurement 100

Reading Activity 3 Major Activities in the Procurement Process 100

Section Ⅲ Listening 101

Section Ⅳ Speaking 102

Dialogue 1 102

Dialogue 2 103

Dialogue 3 104

Summary 104

Exercises 104

Case Study 108

Unit 9 Third-party Logistics and Reverse Logistics 110

Learning Objectives 110

Background 110

Logistics Terms 110

Section Ⅰ Lead-in: Speaking 111

Section Ⅱ Reading 111

Reading Activity 1 What’s 3PL? 111

Reading Activity 2 The Basic Features of 3PL 111

Reading Activity 3 How to Choose 3PL Suppliers? 112

Reading Activity 4 What’s Reverse Logistics? 112

Reading Activity 5 Main Activities of Reverse Logistics 113

Reading Activity 6 Why Companies Pay More Attention to Reverse Logistics? 113

Section Ⅲ Listening 115

Section Ⅳ Speaking 116

Dialogue 1 116

Dialogue 2 117

Dialogue 3 118

Summary 118

Exercises 119

Case Study 124

Unit 10 Supply Chain Management 126

Learning Objectives 126

Background 126

Logistics Terms 126

Section Ⅰ Lead-in: Speaking 126

Section Ⅱ Reading 127

Reading Activity 1 Supply Chain and Supply Chain Management 127

Reading Activity 2 Two Systems of Supply Chains—MTO vs MTS 128

Reading Activity 3 Factors for the Successful SCM 128

Section Ⅲ Listening 129

Section Ⅳ Speaking 130

Dialogue 1 130

Dialogue 2 130

Dialogue 3 131

Summary 132

Exercises 132

Case Study 138

Part Two Logistics English Correspondence Writing

Unit 11 Layout of Business Letters 141

Learning Objectives 141

Section Ⅰ Principal and Optional Parts of Business Letters 141

Section Ⅱ Two Formats of Business Letters 144

Section Ⅲ Two Ways of Addressing an Envelope 147

Unit 12 Electronic Forms of Business Letters 148

Learning Objectives 148

Section Ⅰ Telex 148

Section Ⅱ Fax 150

Section Ⅲ E-mail 150

Unit 13 Specimen Business Correspondence 152

Learning Objectives 152

Section Ⅰ Letters of Establishing Business Relations 152

Sample 1 152

Sample 2 154

Section Ⅱ Letters of Enquiry, Offer and Confirmation 155

Sample 1 155

Sample 2 157

Sample 3 159

Section Ⅲ Letters of Orders 161

Sample 161

Section Ⅳ Letters of Packing and Shipment 162

Sample 1 162

Sample 2 163

Part Three Appendixes—Logistics Documents

Appendix 1 Sales Confirmation 165

Appendix 2 Letter of Credit 167

Appendix 3 Commercial Invoice 170

Appendix 4 Packing List 171

Appendix 5 Container Shipping Note 172

Appendix 6 Bill of Lading 174

Appendix 7 Inspection Certificate of Quality 176

Appendix 8 Insurance Policy 177

Reference Books 179


《物流英语/21世纪高职高专物流管理专业实用规划教材》分为三个部分:第一部分为物流基础知识,分为10个单元,以基本的物流活动为主线,涵盖了物流系统中各环节的专业英语知识,具体包括物流概述、运输、仓储管理、库存控制、包装、配送、信息技术、采购、第三方物流和逆向物流及供应链管理的基本知识;第二部分为相关的商务信函,具体包括商务信函的基本结构、商务信函的电子形式和相关物流商务信函实例;第三部分是常用的国际物流单证范例。物流基础知识部分的每个单元都包含呼应本单元主题的专业术语以及听、说、读、写、译等学习和训练内容,全方位培养和提高学生的物流英语应用能力,突出高等职业教育的特点。  《物流英语/21世纪高职高专物流管理专业实用规划教材》可作为高职院校物流专业英语教材,a也可作为物流从业人员自学的材料。


尺寸26 × 19装帧平装
页数印数 3000


物流英语是清华大学出版社于2015.出版的中图分类号为 H31 的主题关于 物流-英语-高等职业教育-教材 的书籍。