

黄义俊, 编著







Part I Die and Mold Design

Unit 1 The Die and Mold Materials and Heat Treatment

Lesson 1 Die and Mold Steels

Lesson 2 The Purpose of Heat Treatment

Reading Materials (1) Carbon Steels and Alloy Steels

Reading Materials (2) Types of Heat Treatment

Unit 2 Die Design

Lesson 3 Deformation Modes in Sheet Forming

Lesson 4 Piercing Die Design

Lesson 5 Bending Die Design

Reading Materials (3) Blanking Die Design

Reading Materials (4) Drawing Die Design

Reading Materials (5) Compound Die Design

Unit 3 The Plastic Mold Design

Lesson 6 Plastics and Classification of Plastics

Lesson 7 Thermoplastic Mold Design

Lesson 8 Transfer and Injection Molding

Reading Materials (6) Characteristics of Forming for Plastic Material

Reading Materials (7) Thermosetting Mold Design

Reading Materials (8) Compression Molding

Unit 4 Pressure Die-casting Die Design

Lesson 9 The Assembly of Pressure Die-casting Dies

Reading Materials (9) The Die Insert

Unit 5 The Parts for Die and Molds

Lesson 10 Die Part——Stock Stop

Lesson 11 Plastic Injection Mold Parts

Lesson 12 Standard Die and Mold Base

Lesson 13 Types of Injection-molding

Reading Materials (10) Pilots

Reading Materials (11) Design of Guides for the Parts to Be Molded

Reading Materials (12) Knockout Bars

Reading Materials (13) The Economics of Injection-molding Products

Unit 6 The Forming and Molding Equipment

Lesson 14 Types of Press

Lesson 15 The Injection-molding Machine

Lesson 16 The Specifications of Press

Reading Materials (14) Main Components of Press

Reading Materials (15) Components of Injection-molding Machine

Reading Materials (16) The Specifications of Injection-molding Machine

Part Ⅱ NC Technology

Unit 7 The Applications of NC/CNC Machining Technology

Lesson 17 The Applications of NC/CNC

Lesson 18 Definition of CNC Machines

Reading Materials (17) CNC Machining Centers

Reading Materials (18) Classification of CNC Machines

Unit 8 NC/CNC Machining Equipment

Lesson 19 Types of CNC Machining Centers

Lesson 20 CNC Turning Center

Reading Materials (19) The Advantages of CNC Machines

Reading Materials (20) The Disadvantages of CNC Machines

Unit 9 The Control System of CNC Machines

Lesson 21 Open-loop Control System

Lesson 22 Closed-loop Control System

Reading Materials (21) Coordinate System of CNC Machines

Reading Materials (22) Type of Control System for Tool Movements

Unit 10 NC Programming

Lesson 23 Basic Requirements of NC Machine Control

Lesson 24 Interpolation Commands of CNC Lathes

Reading Materials (23) Setup Procedure

Reading Materials (24) Debugging the Program

Unit 11 Main Specification of CNC Machining Centers

Lesson 25 Specification for CNC Horizontal Machining Center

Lesson 26 Specification for CNC Vertical Machining Center


Unit 12 The Special-Purpose Machining Equipment




本书介绍了与模具设计及与数控技术专业有关的英语知识。《模具与数控专业英语》共分为模具设计与数控技术两部分,共有12个单元、28篇课文、28篇阅读材料,主要内容包括:模具材料与热处理、冲压模具设计、塑料模具设计、压力铸造模具设计、冲压模具与注射模具零件、冲压与塑压成形设备、数控/计算机数控加工技术的应用、数控加工设备、数控机床的控制系统、数控编程、数控加工中心的主要技术规格和特种加工设备等。   全书由课文、阅读材料、单词与词组、难句注释、课文译文等部分组成。   本书适合作为高职高专院校模具专业与数控专业的英语教材或阅读材料,也可作为从事模具设计与制造、数控技术方面工作的工程技术人员的自学参考用书。


尺寸26 × 19装帧平装
页数 180 印数 3000


模具与数控专业英语是清华大学出版社于2011.5出版的中图分类号为 H31 的主题关于 模具-英语-高等职业教育-教材 ,数控机床-英语-高等职业教育-教材 的书籍。