1 An Invitation to Statistics
1.1 A Motivating Example
1.2 Generalities on Survey Sampling
1.3 Statistical Data
1.4 Statistical Models
1.5 Some Computational Statistics
1.6 Exercises
2 Sampling Distributions
2.1 Sampling from a Bernoulli Population
2.2 Sampling from a Normal Population
2.3 Sampling from an Exponential Population
2.4 Order StatisticS
2.5 Distributions of Quadratic Forms
2.6 Exercises
3 Data Reduction
3.1 Sufficient Statistics
3.2 Complete Statistics
3.3 Exponential and Location-scale Families
3.4 Exercises
4 Estimation
4.1 Point Estimation
4.2 The Best Unbiased Estimation
4.3 Fisher Information and Efficiency
4.4 Two Methods of Finding Estimators
4.5 Confidence Sets
4.6 Bayes Estimation
4.7 Exercises
5 Large Sample Estimation
5.1 Consistency
5.2 Asymptotic Normality
5.3 Asymptotic Normality of Maximum Likelihood Estimators
5.4 Asymptotic Efficiency
5.5 Large Sample Interval Estimation
5.6 Robust Estimation
5.7 Exercises
6 Tests of Statistical Hypotheses
7 Nonparametric Statistical Inference
A Common Distributions
B Some Common Statistical Tables
· This is an update Text book for beginning graduate students in Mathematics, Probability and Statistics, Engineering, Computer Sciences, Mathematical Economics
· It distinguishes from all existing texts on the subject from its pedagogical spirit, namely, motivations before mathematics; mathematics tools are only introduced when needed and motivated
· All theoretical results are proved in a friendly fashion
· Teaching the students, not only the concepts and possible applications, but also guiding the students with proof techniques
· This series will help students to learn with full understanding and appreciation of the subject
· It will provide interested students with solid background for research