

中华人民共和国水利部, 发布





本书为规范碾压式土石坝设计规范技术要求,制定本标准。主要内容为坝型选择和泄、引水建筑物布置;筑坝材料选择和填筑要求;坝体结构和坝基处理;坝体与坝基及其他建筑物的连接;坝的计算和分析;分期施工和扩建加高;安全监测设计等基本规定和要求。Major technical modifications to SDJ218-84 include:1 The applicable scope of this standard is changed;2 A ne w calculating method of dam height (the vertical distance from the foundation elevation to the dam crest at the dam axis) is added;3 A chapter of major terms is added;4 New criteria of compaction for cohesive soil ar eadded;5 Calculation of wave runup on slopes with a gradient more than 1:1.5 is added;6 The calculating meth od of curtain thickness according to allowable seepage gradient isdeleted for bedrock grouting;etc.


Introduction to English Version


1 GeneralProvisions

2 Terms

3 Layout and Dam Type Selection

3.1 Dam Axis

3.2 Water Release and Diversion Structures

3.3 Selection of Dam Type

4 Selection of Fill Materials and Compaction Requirem ents

4.1 Selection of Fill Materials

4.2 Compaction Requirements

5 Dam Structure

5.1 Zoning

5.2 Dam Slopes

5.3 Freeboard

5.4 Crest

5.5 Impervious Zones

5.6 Filters and Transition Zones

5.7 Dam Drainage

5.8 Slope Protection

5.9 Surface Drainage

6 Foundation Treatment

6. 1 General Requirements

6.2 Seepage Control for Sand and Gravel Foundations

6.3 Treatment of Rock Foundations

6.4 Treatment of Liquefiable Soil Soft Clay and Collapsible Loess


7 Connections of Dam Body with Foundation Abutment Slopes and Other Structures

7.1 Connections of Dam Body with Foundation and Abutment Slopes

7.2 Connections of Dam Body with Other Structures

8 Calculation and Analysis

8.1 Seepage Calculation

8.2 Seepage Stability Calculation

8.3 Stability Calculation

8.4 Calculation of Stress and Deformation

9 Stage Construction and Dam Raising

9.1 Stage Construction

9.2 Dam Raising

10 Safety Monitoring Design

Annex A Wave and Slope Protection Calculation

A. 1 Wave Calculation

A.2 Slope Protection Calculation

Annex B Filter Design

Annex C Estimate of Pore Pressure in Dams

AnnexD Stability Analysis

D.1 Determination of Shear Strength

D.2 Stability Calculation

Annex E Settlement Calculation

E.1 General Considerations

E.2 Vertical Stress Calculation

E.3 Settlement Calculation

Explanation of Wording


This specification is formulated to standardize the engineering design of roller compacted earthrock fill dams to achieve the purposes of engineering safety, economy and rationality, and state-of-the-art technology.
  This specification is applicable to the design of roller compacted earth-rock fill dams of Class 1 (the most important class) , Class 29 Class 3 and dams below Class 3 but higher than 30m. Special researches shall be performed for particularly important roller compacted earth-rock fill dams.


尺寸21 × 14装帧平装
页数印数 500


碾压式土石坝设计规范是中国水利水电出版社于2015.1出版的中图分类号为 TV641.2-65 的主题关于 土石坝-碾压土坝-设计规范-中国-英文 的书籍。