

(美) 王子中, 著





本书前六章介绍了Java程序的基本结构与要素,第七章至第十一章,及第十三章,十四章引入Java程序的复合结构及编程技术,包括数组,类及其方法,面向对象编程(OOP),及异常处理(exceptional handling),其中面向对象编程(OOP)讨论了类的继承(inheritance)与多态(polymorphism)。第十二章,第十五章及第十六章介绍了由Java实现的数据结构,如序列(lists),链表(linked lists),及递归(recursion)。


2000年至今,Virginia Wesleyan College (USA),助理教授,副教授,教授2012年至今,太原理工大学特聘教授1988年至1996年,太原钢铁公司助理经济师,经济师,高级经济师


Chapter 1 Introduction 1

1.1 What is a Computer 1

1.2 Instruction Execution Cycle 3

1.3 Compilers and Interpreters 3

1.4 Programs and Algorithms 4

1.5 Code Debugging 5

1.6 Compiling and Execution 6

1.7 Chapter Exercises 8

Chapter 2 Characters and Strings 9

2.1 Java Program Components 9

2.2 Naming Identifiers 10

2.3 Characters and Strings 12

2.4 Declaration of Variables 13

2.5 Assignment Statements 14

2.6 Named Constants 15

2.7 Standard Output 16

2.8 Standard Input 17

2.9 String Concatenation 18

2.10 The Length of a String 19

2.11 The Preprocessor 20

2.12 Chapter Exercises 20

Chapter 3 Numerical Data 23

3.1 Integers and Floating Numbers 23

3.2 Arithmetic Operations 24

3.3 Coercion and Cast 25

3.4 Operations with Mixed Types 26

3.5 Modulo Operations 27

3.6 Increments and Decrements 28

3.7 Combined Assignment Operators 28

3.8 Precedence of Operators 29

3.9 Commonly Used Methods of Math Class 30

3.10 Section Exercises 31

3.11 Formatting the Floating Numbers 32

3.12 Standard Input for Numerical Data 33

3.13 Chapter Exercises 33

Chapter 4 Input/Output and File I/O Operations 35

4.1 More on Input Statements 36

4.2 Input for Strings with Spaces 39

4.3 Input for Characters 40

4.4 Skipping Lines 41

4.5 Section Exercises 42

4.6 File I/O Operations 45

4.7 Redirection for File I/O 48

4.8 Procedure of Software Design 49

4.9 Chapter Exercises 50

Chapter 5 Selection Structures 53

5.1 The Boolean Data Type 53

5.2 Relational Operators 53

5.3 Logical Operators 54

5.4 Precedence of Operators 56

5.5 String Comparisons 57

5.6 Statement Blocks 58

5.7 If Statements 60

5.8 If-Else Statements 60

5.9 Nested If Statements 63

5.10 Section Exercises 65

5.11 More Examples 65

5.12 An Alternative Selection Structure 68

5.13 Chapter Exercises 70

Chapter 6 Loops 73

6.1 While Loops 73

6.2 EOF-Controlled Loops 76

6.3 Sentinel-Controlled Loops 78

6.4 Do-While Loops 81

6.5 For Loops 82

6.6 Chapter Exercises 85

Chapter 7 Static or Class Methods 87

7.1 Value-Returning Methods 89

7.2 Void Methods 92

7.3 Local and Global Variables 94

7.4 Section Exercises 95

7.5 More Examples 95

7.6 Chapter Exercises 98

Chapter 8 Classes 101

8.1 Definition of a Class 103

8.2 Instance Variables 103

8.3 Constructors 104

8.4 Instance Methods 104

8.5 Chapter Exercises 108

Chapter 9 Arrays 111

9.1 Declaration of an Array 112

9.2 I/O Work for Array’s Components 116

9.3 Initialization of an Array 117

9.4 Section Exercises 118

9.5 Aggregate Operations 119

9.6 Chapter Exercises 121

Chapter 10 More on Arrays 123

10.1 The Length of an Array 123

10.2 Arrays Used in Methods 124

10.3 Section Exercises 129

10.4 Parallel Arrays 130

10.5 Section Exercises 131

10.6 Two-Dimensional Arrays 131

10.7 Section Exercises 133

10.8 More on 2-D Arrays 133

10.9 2-D Arrays in Methods 135

10.10 Chapter Exercises 136

Chapter 11 More on Classes 139

11.1 Abstract Data Type (ADT) 139

11.2 Definition of a Class 140

11.3 The TimeType Class 143

11.4 Class Objects 145

11.5 Accessing Class Members 145

11.6 Code Example 146

11.7 Section Exercises 148

11.8 Aggregate Operations 149

11.9 Information Hiding 150

11.10 Section Exercises 152

11.11 Class Constructors 152

11.12 Section Exercises 157

11.13 The Fraction Class 158

11.14 The Split Method 160

11.15 Arrays of Objects 161

11.16 Chapter Exercises 163

Chapter 12 Lists 165

12.1 What is a List 165

12.2 Sequential Search 168

12.3 Selection Sort 169

12.4 The List Class 173

12.5 Section Exercises 179

12.6 Sorted Lists 180

12.7 Java Generics 188

12.8 Big-O Notation 189

12.9 Using the ArrayList Class 192

12.10 Chapter Exercises 193

Chapter 13 Object-Oriented Programming 197

13.1 OOP Inheritance 198

13.2 Using the toString Method 203

13.3 Section Exercises 208

13.4 OOP Composition 210

13.5 The Line Class 213

13.6 Section Exercises 214

13.7 OOP Polymorphism 216

13.8 Java Interface 218

13.9 Chapter Exercises 220

Chapter 14 Exception Handling 223

14.1 The Try-Catch Structure 223

14.2 Exception Classes 227

14.3 More on Exception Classes 230

14.4 Chapter Exercises 233

Chapter 15 Linked Lists 235

15.1 The ListNode Class 236

15.2 Creating a Linked List 237

15.3 Using the LinkedList Class 243

15.4 More on Java Generics 245

15.5 Chapter Exercises 249

Chapter 16 Recursion 251

16.1 Recursive Methods 251

16.2 Recursion or Repetition 253

16.3 More Examples 254

16.4 Chapter Exercises 254

Chapter 17 Java Applets and Applications 257

17.1 Java Applets 257

17.2 The Graphics Class 259

17.3 The Simulation of Cell Division 261

17.4 The Dynamic Iteration of Triangles 264

Bibliography 269

Appendix A Using Linux for Java 271

A.1 New Users on Linux 271

A.2 User Login 272

A.3 PICO Editor 273

A.4 Using Secure File Transfer 276

Appendix B Installation of Java and TextPad 279

B.1 Installation of Java 279

B.2 Downloading and Installing TextPad 282

B.3 Execution of Java Applications 283

B.4 Execution of Java Applets 285

Index 287


本书前六章介绍了Java 程序的基本结构与要素,包括字符串、数值变量、输入/输出、选择(selection)与循环(loops)。第七章至第十一章、第十三章、第十四章引入了Java 程序的复合结构及编程技术,包括数组(arrays)、类(classes)及其方法(methods)、面向对象编程(OOP)及异常处理(exception handling ),其中面向对象编程(OOP)讨论了类的继承(inheritance)与多态(polymorphism)。第十二章、第十五章及第十六章介绍了由Java 实现的数据结构,如表(lists)、链表(linked lists)及递归(recursion)。本书最后对Java Applets 作了简单介绍,并给出了几个应用实例。


尺寸23 × 17装帧平装


Java编程及其应用是电子工业出版社于2014.11出版的中图分类号为 TP312 的主题关于 JAVA语言-程序设计-英文 的书籍。