

徐蔚, (美) 达戈斯蒂诺 (Dagostino,l.) , (美) 卡里菲奥 (Carifio,J.) , 著











List of Tables

List of Figures

Chapter One Introduction

1 1 Necessity of Exploring ESL/EFL Reading Teachers' Knowledge Base

1 2 Difficulty of Exploring ESL/EFL Reading Teachers' Knowledge Base

1 3 Status Quo of Exploring ESL/EFL Reading Teachers' Knowledge Base

1 3 1 Exploring Teachers' Knowledge Base at the Cognitive Level

1 3 2 Exploring Teachers' Knowledge Base at the Metacognitive Level

1 4 Research Purpose

Chapter Two Design of a Case Study on Metacognitive Knowledge

2 1 Base of the Research Design: Carifio-Perla Model

2 2 Design of the Research: A Two-Phase Case Study

2 2 1 Case Study: Phase Ⅰ

2 2 2 Case Study: Phase Ⅱ

Chapter Three Construction of a General Metacognitive Knowledge Framework

3 1 Understanding the Concept of Metacognition

3 2 Distinguishing Met&cognition from Cognition

3 3 Understanding the Concept of Metacognitive Knowledge

3 4 Flavell's Conceptualization of Metacognitive Knowledge

3 4 1 Metacognitive Knowledge= A Class of Metacognitive Phenomena

3 4 2 Metacognitive Knowledge: The Base of Metacognitive Phenomena

3 4 3 Metacognitive Knowledge= Its Three Variables

3 5 Other Researchers' Conceptualization of Metacognitive Knowledge

3 5 1 Knowledge Structures in Information Processing Theory

3 5 2 Knowledge Structures in Cognitive Psychology

3 6 A Theoretical Framework of Metacognitive Knowledge

Chapter Four Elaboration of the Constructed Metacognitive Knowledge Framework

4 1 The Scope of Investigating Reading Teachers' Metacognitive Knowledge

4 2 The Identification of the Critical and High Quality Knowledge Base

4 3 The Finalization of the Content of The Monograph

Chapter Five Validation of the Metacognitive Knowledge Exploration

5 1 Methodology of the Validation

5 1 1 Review Panels

5 1 2 Data Collection

5 1 3 Data Analyses

5 2 Results of the Validation

5 2 1 Structured Responding Results

5 2 1 1 Structured Item-by-Item Responses by Teacher Educators

5 2 1 2 Structured Item-by-Item Responses by In-Service Reading Teachers

5 2 1 3 Structured Criteria Responses by Teacher Educators

5 2 1 4 Structured Criteria Responses by In-Service Reading Teachers

5 2 1 5 Structured Responding Results by Both Panels in Comparison

5 2 2 Open-Ended Responding Results

5 2 2 1 Description of the Open-Ended Responses by Both Panels

5 2 2 2 Rated Open-Ended Responses by Teacher Educators

5 2 2 3 Rated Open-Ended Responses by In-Service Reading Teachers

5 3 All Responses by Both Panels in Comparison

5 4 Surnry and Discussion of the Results

5 4 1 Views on the General MKF Construction

5 4 2 Views on the General MKF Elaboration

5 4 2 1 A Reading Model

5 4 2 2 Enfolding the General MKF in the ESL/EFL Context

5 4 2 3 Constructs and Teaching Demands of Summarizing Strategies Instruction

5 4 2 4 Strategy Categories of Summarizing Strategies Instruction

5 4 2 5 Selection of Cognitive and Metacognitive Pedagogical Strategies

5 4 2 6 A Sample Lesson Plan

5 4 3 Differences in Evaluating The Monograph

5 4 4 Summing-up of the Results

Chapter Six Cross-Validation of and Personal Reflection on the Research Process

6 1 Cross-Validation of the Results from Other Studies

6 2 Analysis of the Informal Research Journal

6 2 1 Theme Ⅰ: Understanding the Concept "Metacognition

6 2 2 Theme Ⅱ: Organizing and Synthesizing Resources

6 2 3 Theme Ⅲ: Writing of The Monograph

Chapter Seven Final Reflections

7 1 Overview of the Research Design

7 1 1 Phase Ⅰ of the Study= The Theorization Process

7 1 2 Phase Ⅱ of the Study: The Validation Process

7 2 Limitations of the Case Study

7 3 Implications of the Case Study

7 4 Directions for Future Research

7 5 Concluding Comments


Definition of Terms


Appendix A

Appendix B

Appendix O






尺寸13 × 18装帧平装


高校外语教师概述策略教学元认知知识研究是同济大学出版社于2013.6出版的中图分类号为 H09 的主题关于 外语教学-教学研究-高等学校 的书籍。