

凌秋虹, 秦雪飞, 戴月兰, 谢红, 主编







Section 1 Healthy Living


S1VC 1 Super Foods and Health

S1VC 2 Diet Soda and Health Risk

S1VC 3 Holding The Salt

S1VC 4 Alcohol Drinking and Women Health

S1VC 5 Fluoride in Drinking Water

S1VC 6 Vitamin Supplements

S1VC 7 Sitting and Cancer

S1VC 8 Obesity and Kids

S1VC 9 Why Americans Keep Getting Bigger

S1VC 10 Secrets to A Better Night's Sleep

S1VC 11 Transforming Your Body in 21 Days

S1VC 12 Night Shift and Health

S1VC 13 Slow Down Life Pace

S1VC 14 Never Get Sick Again

Section 2 Disease Prevention & Treatment


S2VC 1 Medical Myths

S2VC 2 Debunking Medical Myths

S2VC 3 Diet and Cancer Prevention

S2VC 4 Face Could Be Key to Your Health

S2VC 5 Cold Hands Treatment

S2VC 6 Blood Pressure

S2VC 7 Hypertension Control

S2VC 8 Hyper Cleanliness and Illness

S2VC 9 Stopping The Pain before It Starts

S2VC 10 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

S2VC 11 DNA Testing and Diagnosis

S2VC 12 Stroke and Environment

S2VC 13 Treatment for Dry Eye Syndrome

S2VC 14 Preventing Flu

S2VC 15 Hepatitis C

S2VC 16 Warning about BPA Exposure

Section 3 War on Cancer


S3VC 1 Cancer Rate

S3VC 2 Smoking and Cancer

S3VC 3 Lifestyle and Cancer Prevention

S3VC 4 Personalized Treatment of Cancer

S3VC 5 Cancer Rate on The Decline

S3VC 6 Fighting Cancer through Your Genes

S3VC 7 Cancer Survivors and Continued Care

S3VC 8 Screening for Colon Cancer

S3VC 9 Confronting Cancer

S3VC 10 Cancer Research Needs More Investment

S3VC 11 Prostate Cancer Screening

S3VC 12 Breast Cancer Is Not Just A Female Disease

S3VC 13 Survival Rates for Leukemia

S3VC 14 Kidney Cancer

S3VC 15 Advances in Lung Cancer Research

S3VC 16 Lung Cancer and Genetic Mutation

S3VC 17 Alternative Prostate Cancer Treatment

S3VC 18 Debate on Prostate Cancer Screening

S3VC 19 Better Cooperation in The War on Cancer

S3VC 20 New Weapons in The War on Cancer

Section 4 Cardiovascular diseases


S4VC 1 Heart Disease

S4VC 2 Heart Attack and Treatment

S4VC 3 Heart Disease Myths

S4VC 4 Coronary Heart Disease

S4VC 5 Heart Disease and Statins

S4VC 6 Heart Has The Ability to Repair Itself

S4VC 7 Recovery from Stroke

S4VC 8 Cutting Risks of Heart Failure

S4VC 9 Rising Blood Pressure in Women

S4VC 10 Heart Stents in Question

S4VC 11 Heart Disease and Younger Women

S4VC 12 Heart Failure

S4VC 13 Hands Only CPR

S4VC 14 Heart Defibrillators

S4VC 15 Bypass Surgery vs. Stent Placement

S4VC 16 Is Angioplasty Worth The Risk?

S4VC 17 Heart Disease in Women

S4VC 18 Heart Stem Cell Therapy

Section 5 Infectious Diseases


S5VC 1 Mumps

S5VC 2 Shingles

S5VC 3 HIV and AIDS Epidemic

S5VC 4 Measles and Vaccination

S5VC 5 New Face of HIV

S5VC 6 Immunization and Children

S5VC 7 Lessons from Swine Flu

S5VC 8 Genetic Ancestry of Flu Viruses

S5VC 9 Superbug Infection

S5VC 10 Hepatitis Outbreaks

S5VC 11 STD among Teenagers

S5VC 12 Do Masks Really Work?

S5VC 13 The Flu Epidemic of 1918

S5VC 14 Cold Virus Decoded

Section 6 Rare Diseases


S6VC 1 Wilson s Disease

S6VC 2 Learn More about Down Syndrome

S6VC 3 Peripartum Cardiomyopathy

S6VC 4 Williams Syndrome

S6VC 5 Stuttering

S6VC 6 New Progress against ALS

S6VC 7 New Hope for Cystic Fibrosis

S6VC 8 Living with Gigantism

S6VC 9 Primordial Dwarfism

S6VC 10 Myositis

S6VC 11 Mystery Illness

S6VC 12 Morgellons Mystery

S6VC 13 Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva

S6VC 14 Ondine s Curse Syndrome

Section 7 Medical Transplantation


S7VC 1 Gender Matching in Heart Transplant

S7VC 2 The Gift of Life

S7VC 3 Organ Donor Chains

S7VC 4 A Miracle of Bone Marrow Transplant

S7VC 5 First U.S. Face Transplant Patient

S7VC 6 Easier Tests for Heart Transplant Patients

S7VC 7 First Double Hand Transplant Patient in The U.S.

S7VC 8 Advances in Organ Transplant Research

S7VC 9 Cord Blood Transplant Saves A Boy from Rare Illness

S7VC 10 Stem Cell Transplant Breakthrough

S7VC 11 An Amazing Liver Transplant

S7VC 12 Bone Marrow Transplant for Leukemia Patient

S7VC 13 World’s First All Robotic Kidney Transplant

S7VC 14 Voice Box Transplant

Section 8 Medical Technology


S8VC 1 New Tumor Detection Method

S8VC 2 The Future of Stroke Rehabilitation

S8VC 3 Universal Vaccine against Flu

S8VC 4 Bone Building Breakthrough

S8VC 5 Test Could Predict Premature Labor

S8VC 6 Are Doctors Recommending Too Many Tests?

S8VC 7 Cyberknife to Blast Lung Cancer

S8VC 8 New Test Provides Hope for Colon Cancer

S8VC 9 Minimally Invasive Open Heart Surgery

S8VC 10 New Weapon to Fight Melanoma

S8VC 11 Is Genomic Cancer Screening Reliable?

S8VC 12 New Device to Reduce Numbers of Breast Cancer Surgeries

S8VC 13 New Treatment Holds Promise for Glaucoma Sufferers

S8VC 14 Bionic Eye

S8VC 15 Bionic Hand

S8VC 16 A Non Surgical Therapy for Lung Cancer

S8VC 17 New Laser Treatment for Scars

S8VC 18 “Cooking” Tumors Deep inside The Brain

S8VC 19 Targeted Chemotherapy Safely Shrinks Liver Cancer

S8VC 20 AMH Test

Section 9 Alternative and Complementary Medicine


S9VC 1 Biological Effects of Music Therapy

S9VC 2 Tai Chi to Improve Depression

S9VC 3 An Amazing Thing about TCM

S9VC 4 Alternative Medicine in The U.S.

S9VC 5 Yoga to Ease Chronic Pain

S9VC 6 Red Yeast Rice Helps Reduce Cholesterol

S9VC 7 Honey Healing Power

S9VC 8 Acupuncture and Placebo Effect

S9VC 9 Complementary Medicine

S9VC 10 Massage Therapy

S9VC 11 Acupuncture Could Boost Fertility

S9VC 12 Hookworm Therapy for Crohn's

Section 10 Healthcare Service


S10VC 1 Hospital Visits Increased

S10VC 2 Long Distance Doctoring

S10VC 3 Money or Patient?

S10VC 4 Patients Overusing ER Resources

S10VC 5 Differences in Emergency Medical Services

S10VC 6 Many Medical Test Results Go Astray

S10VC 7 Longer ER Wait

S10VC 8 ICU Patients

S10VC 9 Charity Operations

S10VC 10 Unnecessary Surgeries?

S10VC 11 Hospice Care

S10VC 12 Better Care, Low Cost

S10VC 13 Age Bias in Treatment

S10VC 14 Gender Bias in Stroke Care

S10VC 15 Too Many Tests

S10VC 16 ER for Seniors

S10VC 17 Hospitals Trying to Polish Their Image

S10VC 18 A Model for The Future Health Care




尺寸23 × 17装帧平装


当代医学新视野是复旦大学出版社于2012.8出版的中图分类号为 H319.4 的主题关于 医学-英语-阅读教学-高等学校-教学参考资料 的书籍。