

(美) 海恩, 著







保罗·海恩(Paul Heyne,1931-2000),美国芝加哥大学伦理学与社会学博士、华盛顿大学经济系讲师。作为大学本科经济学教育的改革者,海恩终身致力于改变讲话刻板的经济学教学方式,被誉为“近25年来最优秀的经济学教育工作者”之一。《经济学的思维方式》是海恩的代表作,在世界范围内享有盛誉。 彼得·勃特克(Peter Boettke),美国乔治·梅森大学经济学博士,现为该校经济学教授,同时担任詹姆斯·布坎南政治经济中心副主任,美国市场研究中心高级研究员。著有《计算和调试:社会主义和转型政治经济学》、《新思维为何失败:社会主义改造的政治和经济》等。 大卫·普雷契特科(David Prychitko),美国乔治·梅森大学经济学博士,现任北密歇根大学经济系教授。编著有《市场过程理论》(与彼得·勃特克合作)、《为何经济学家不同意:经济学流派思想概论》等。







Preface 前 言

1 The Economic Way of Thinking 经济学的思维方式

Recognizing Order 认识秩序

The Importance of Social Cooperation 社会协作的重要性

How Does It Happen· 这一切是怎么发生的?

An Apparatus of the Mind-the skill of the economist 智力工具--经济学家的技能

Cooperation through mutual adjustment 通过相互调整进行合作

Rules of the game 游戏规则

Property rights as rules of the game 产权作为游戏规则

The biases of economic theory: a weakness or a strength·


Biases or conclusions 偏倚还是结论?

No theory means poor theory 没有理论就是糟糕的理论

Once over lightly 简短回顾

Questions for discussion 问题与讨论

2 Efficiency, Exchange, and Comparative Advantage 效率、交换与比较优势

Goods and Bads 好品和坏品

The Myth of Material Wealth 物质财富的误区

Trade Creates Wealth 贸易创造财富

Is It Worth It· Efficiency and Values 值不值?效率与价值

Recognizing Trade-Offs: Comparing Opportunity Costs of Production


The Gains from Specialization and Exchange 从专业化和交换中获益

Why Specialize· 为什么要专业化?

From Individual Trade to International Trade, and Back Again


Transaction Costs 交易成本

Incentives to Reduce Transaction Costs: Middlemen 降低交易成本的激励:中间人

Middlemen Create Information 中间人创造信息

Markets as Discovery Processes 市场作为发现过程

An Appendix: Economic Growth: Specialization, Exchange, and The Rule of Law

延伸阅读: 经济增长:专业化、交换和法治

Once Over Lightly 简短回顾

Questions for Discussion 问题与讨论

3 Substitutes Everywhere: The Concept of Demand 无处不在的替代:需求的概念

On the Notion of "Needs" 关于"需要"

Marginal Values 边际价值

Everyday Choices Are Marginal Choices 日常选择就是边际选择

The Demand Curve 需求曲线

The Law of Demand 需求法则

Demand and Quantity Demanded 需求和需求量

Demand Itself Can Change 需求自身也会变

Everything Depends on Everything Else 任何事物都依赖于其他事物

Misperceptions Caused by Inflation 通货膨胀导致的错觉

Time Is on Our Side 时间站在我们这一边

Price Elasticity of Demand 需求的价格弹性

Thinking About Elasticity 对弹性的思考

Elasticity and Total Receipts 弹性与总收入

The Myth of Vertical Demand 垂直需求的误区

All Scarce Goods Must Be Rationed Somehow 所有稀缺品都必须以某种方式分配

Is Money All That Matters· Money Costs, Other Costs, and Economic Calculation


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Questions for Discussion 问题与讨论

4 Cost and Choice: The Concept of Supply 成本和选择:供给的概念

Refresher on Opportunity Costs 对机会成本的复习

Costs Are Tied to Actions, Not Things 成本和行为而不是事物相关

What Do I Do Now· The Irrelevance of "Sunk Costs"


Producers' Costs as Opportunity Costs 生产者的成本作为机会成本

Marginal Opportunity Costs 边际机会成本

Costs and Supply 成本和供给

The Supply Curve 供给曲线

Supply Itself Can Change 供给自身也会变

Marginal and Average Costs 边际成本和平均成本

The Cost of a Volunteer Military Force 志愿兵役制度的成本

Price Elasticity of Supply 供给的价格弹性

Cost as Justification 用成本论证正当性

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Questions for Discussion 问题与讨论

5 Supply and Demand: A Process of Coordination 供给与需求:协调的过程

The Market Is a Process of Plan Coordination 市场是计划协调的过程

The Basic Process 基本过程

Competition, Cooperation, and Market Clearing 竞争、合作与市场出清

Changing Market Conditions 变动的市场条件

Learning from Free-Market Prices 理解自由市场价格

Central Planning and the Knowledge Problem 中央计划和知识问题

An Appendix: Coordination Problems: Transaction Costs


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Questions for Discussion 问题与讨论

6 Unintended Consequences: More Applications of Supply and Demand


Catastrophe and Confusion 自然灾害时供求的迷思

Catastrophe and Coordination 自然灾害时供求的协调

The Urge to Fix Prices 限价的冲动

Competition When Prices Are Fixed 价格固定时的竞争

Appropriate and Inappropriate Signals 恰当与不恰当的信号

Looking for an Apartment in the City· Read the Obituary!


Strong Booze, Stronger Drugs: Criminal Incentives 烈酒、烈性毒品:犯罪的激励

Skim Milk, Whole Milk, and Gangster Milkmen 脱脂牛奶、全脂牛奶和"牛奶匪帮"

Supports and Surpluses 价格下限与生产过剩

Supply, Demand, and the Minimum Wage 供给、需求和最低工资

Slavery Goes Global, Again 奴隶贸易再次全球化

Do Costs Determine Prices· 成本决定价格吗?

The Dropouts Release Their First CD "退出者"发行了他们的第一张唱片

"There's Gold in Them Thar Hills!" So What· "山里有金子!"那又怎么样?

Even Butchers Don't Have the Guts 甚至连屠户都没这个胆子

Why Does It Cost So Much to Change Bedpans· 为什么医院里换个便盆都这么贵?

An Appendix: Framing Economic Questions Correctly 延伸阅读:正确地表述经济问题

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Questions for Discussion 问题与讨论

7 Profit and Loss 利润与亏损

Wage, Rent, and Interest: Incomes Established in Advance by Contract


Profit: Income That Can Be Positive or Negative 利润:可正可负的收入

Calculating Profit: What Should Be Included in Costs· 计算利润:哪些应该计入成本?

Comparing Economic Profit and Accounting Profit 比较经济利润和会计利润

Uncertainty: A Necessary Condition for Profit 不确定性:利润的必要条件

The Entrepreneur 企业家

The Entrepreneur as Residual Claimant 作为剩余索取者的企业家

Not-for-Profit Institutions 非营利机构

Entrepreneurship and the Market Process 企业家才能与市场过程

Mere Luck· 仅仅是运气吗?

Profit and Loss as Coordinating Signals: The Role of Monetary Calculation


Beware of Experts 小心专家

An Appendix: Profiteering in Futures Markets 延伸阅读: 在期货市场上赚取利润

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Questions for Discussion 问题与讨论

8 Price Searching 觅 价

The Popular Theory of Price Setting 定价的流行理论

Introducing Ed Sike 艾德·赛克登场

The Basic Rule for Maximizing Net Revenue 净收益最大化的基本法则

The Concept of Marginal Revenue 边际收益的概念

Why Marginal Revenue Is Less Than Price 为什么边际收益会低于价格?

Setting Marginal Revenue to Equal Marginal Cost 让边际收益等于边际成本

What About Those Empty Seats· 那些空座位呢?

The Price Discriminator's Dilemma 差别定价者的困境

The College as Price Searcher 学校作为觅价者

Some Strategies for Price Discrimination 一些差别定价策略

Ed Sike Finds a Way 艾德·赛克找到了一个办法

Resentment and Rationale 不满情绪与"合理化"辩解

Lunch and Dinner Prices 午餐价和晚餐价

Cost-Plus-Markup Reconsidered 重新思考成本加成

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Questions for Discussion 问题与讨论

9 Competition and Government Policy 竞争与政府政策

Competition as a Process 竞争作为一个过程

The Pressures of Competition 竞争的压力

Controlling Competition 控制竞争

Restrictions on Competition 对竞争的限制

Competition for the Key Resource:

The $600,000 Taxi License 对核心资源的竞争:60万美元的出租车执照

Competition and Property Rights 竞争和财产权

The Ambivalence of Government Policies 政府政策的矛盾性

Selling Below Cost 低于成本销售

What Is the Appropriate Cost· 什么是适当的成本?

"Predators" and Competition "掠夺者"和竞争

Regulating Prices 价格管制

"Antitrust" Policy "反托拉斯"政策

Interpretations and Applications 解释和应用

Vertical Restraints: Competitive or Anticompetitive 纵向限制:竞争或反竞争

The Range of Opinion 观点谱系

Toward Evaluation 对于竞争政策的评估

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Questions for Discussion 问题与讨论

10 Externalities and Conflicting Rights 外部性与冲突的权利

Externalities, Negative and Positive 正外部性和负外部性

Perfection Is Unattainable 十全十美无法达到

Negotiation 协 商

Reducing Externalities Through Adjudication 通过裁定减少外部性

The Case of the Complaining Homeowner 抱怨的房主

The Importance of Precedents 先例的重要性

The Problem of Radical Change 剧烈变化带来的问题

Reducing Externalities Through Legislation 通过立法减少外部性

Minimizing Costs 把成本降到最低

Another Approach: Taxing Emissions 另一种办法:征收排放税

Licenses to Pollute· 污染许可证?

Efficiency and Fairness 效率和公平

The Bubble Concept 泡泡法

Rights and the Social Problem of Pollution 权利和污染带来的社会问题

Traffic Congestion as an Externality 交通拥堵作为一种外部性

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Questions for Discussion 问题与讨论

11 Markets and Government 市场与政府

Private Versus Public· 私人还是公共?

Competition and Individualism 竞争和个人主义

Economic Theory and Government Action 经济理论和政府行为

The Right to Use Coercion 采取强制的权利

Is Government Necessary· 政府是必要的吗?

Excluding Nonpayers 排除不付钱的人

The Free-Rider Problem 搭便车问题

Positive Externalities and Free Riders 正外部性和搭便车

Law and Order 法律和秩序

National Defense 国 防

Roads and Schools 道路和学校

Income Redistribution 收入再分配

The Regulation of Voluntary Exchange 自愿交易的管制

Government and the Public Interest 政府和公共利益

Information and Democratic Governments 信息和民主政府

The Interests of Elected Officials 民选官员的利益

Concentrated Benefits, Dispersed Costs 集中的收益,分散的成本

Positive Externalities and Government Policies 正外部性和政府政策

How Do People Identify the Public Interest· 人们如何界定公共利益

The Prisoners' Dilemma 囚徒困境

The Limits of Political Institutions 政治制度的局限

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Questions for Discussion 问题与讨论

12 Measuring the Overall Performance of Economic Systems


Gross Domestic Product 国内生产总值


GDP as Total Income Created in the Domestic Economy


GDP Is Not a Measure of All Purchases in the Economy


GDP as Total Value Added GDP作为总附加价值

Is Value Added Always Positive· 附加价值是否总是正的?

Loose Ends: Unsold Inventories and Used Goods 零散问题:未出售的存货和二手货

Aggregate Fluctuations 总量波动

Unemployment and Nonemployment 失业和未就业

Employed, Not Employed, and Unemployed 就业、未就业和失业

Labor-Market Decisions 劳动力市场中的决策

Unemployment and Recessions 失业和经济衰退

Inflation 通货膨胀

The Difficulties of Monetary Calculation 货币计量的难题

Recession and Inflation Since 1960 1960年以来的经济衰退和通货膨胀

What Causes Aggregate Fluctuations· 什么导致总量波动?

An Appendix: Limitations of National Income Accounting


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Questions for Discussion 问题与讨论

13 The Wealth of Nations: Globalization and Economic Growth


Who Is Rich, Who Is Poor· 谁富,谁穷?

The Historical Record 历史记录

Sources of Economic Growth 经济增长的源泉

Foreign Investment 外国投资

Human Capital 人力资本

Oil Comes from Our Minds 石油来自我们的头脑

Economic Freedom Index 经济自由度指数

The Developmental Power of Private Property Rights 私有产权对发展的作用

The Asian Record 亚洲记录

Outside of Asia 亚洲之外

Globalization and Its Discontents 全球化及其不满

The Power of Popular Opinion 公众意见的力量

The Power of Special Interests 特殊利益的力量

The Outsourcing Controversy: Soundbytes vs. Analysis 外包的争论:脱口秀还是分析

An Appendix: The Difficulties of International GDP Comparisons


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Questions for Discussion 问题与讨论

14 Money 货 币

The Evolution of Money 货币的演化

The Myth of Fiat Money 法定货币的故事

The Nature of Money Today 当今货币的性质

So How Much Money Is Out There· 市面上有多少货币?

The Creation of Money 货币的创造

What Can Be Created Can Be Destroyed 任何可以创造出来的东西都可以被灭失

Credibility and Confidence 信用和信任

Banks Under Regulation: Legal Reserve Requirements


The Fed as Monitor and Rule Enforcer 美联储作为监督者和规则实施者

The Tools Used by the Fed 美联储的工具

The Discount Rate 贴现率

Open Market Operations 公开市场操作

But Who Is Really in Charge· 但是谁真正做主呢?

An Appendix: What about Gold· 延伸阅读:那么黄金呢?

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Questions for Discussion 问题与讨论

15 Economic Performance and Real-World Politics 经济绩效和真实世界中的政治

The Great Depression 经济大萧条

What Really Happens in a Recession· 经济衰退期间究竟会发生什么?

A Cluster of Errors 错误集群

Monetary Mismanagement, Monetary Miscalculation 货币的不良管理和错误计算

Monetary Equilibrium 货币均衡

When Is Monetary Policy Effective· 货币政策何时有效?

The Case for Fiscal Policy 财政政策

The Necessity of Good Timing 掌握好时机的必要性

The Federal Budget as a Policy Tool 联邦预算作为一种政策工具

Time Horizons and Politics 任期和政治

Deficits Unlimited 无限度的赤字

Why Not Government at All Levels· 为什么不是各级政府都如此?

Discretion and Rules 自由裁量和规则

Who Is at the Controls· 谁掌权?

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Questions for Discussion 问题与讨论

16 Renewal of the Debate: Some Parting Thoughts 辩论的更新:临别的思想赠言

The Great Financial Crisis of 2008 . . . and Beyond 2008年及其后的金融大海啸

But First: The S&L Crisis of the 1980s 先得回顾20世纪80年代的存贷危机

The Subprime Mortgage Crisis: Hurting the Disadvantaged by Helping the Disadvantaged


Profit, Loss, and Bailout: Can a Government Agency Be a Good Entrepreneur·


What Economists Know and the Limitations of Economics


Beyond Mere Economics 超越纯粹的经济学

Glossary 重要词汇

Index 索 引





尺寸26 × 19装帧平装
页数 413 印数


经济学的思维方式是世界图书出版公司北京公司于2012.7出版的中图分类号为 F011 的主题关于 经济学-方法论-教材-英文 的书籍。