

靳敏, 编







Chapter 1 Overview of Environmental Management1.1 Definition and content of environmental management1.2 Government and environmental management1.3 Corporate environmental responsibility1.4 Public participation in environmental management1.5 Adaptive managementChapter 2 Environmental Planning2.1 Overview of environmental planning2.2 Content of environmental planning2.3 Environmental planning techniques2.4 Environmental planning practice in ChinaChapter 3 Environmental Assessment3.1 Overview of environmental assessment3.2 Standards for environmental assessment3.3 Procedures and methods of environmental assessment3.4 Environmental assessment practice in ChinaChapter 4 Economic Instruments for Environmental Management4.1 Overview of environmental economic instruments4.2 Economic solutions to environmental pollution4.3 Practice of environmental economic instruments in ChinaChapter 5 Environmental Information Disclosure and Public Particip ation5.1 Overview5.2 Mechanism of environmental information disclosure and public participation5.3 International experience of environmental information disclosure and public participatio5.4 Environmental information disclosure and public participation in China .5.5 Practice of enterprises' environmental information disclosure in Jiangsu ProvinceChapter 6 Environmental Management in Urban and Rural Areas6.1 Overview of Urban Environmental Management6.2 Main Content of Urban Environmental Management6.3 Main Content of Rural Environmental Management6.4 Demonstration of the National Model City for Environmental Protection6.5 Eco-city and the demonstrations in China6.6 Practice of the National Beautiful Environment Town in ChinaChapter 7 Industrial and Corporate Environmental Management7.1 Industrial environmental management7.2 Corporate environmental management7.3 Eco-industrial park and its practice in China7.4 The practice of corporate environmental management in ChinaChapter 8 Environmental Risk Management8.1 Overview of environmental risk assessment, early waming and emergency response8.2 ERA, early warning and emergency system in China8.3 Comparative analysis of environmental risk management (ERM) cases in China8.4 Development trend of environmental risk management in ChinaChapter 9 Environmental Supervision and Management9.1 Overview on environmental supervision and management9.2 Environmental Monitoring9.3 Emissions reporting, registration and permits in China9.4 Environmental Monitoring and Inspectio9.5 Environment StatisticsAcknowledgementsAbout the Author


Environment issue has become a complex issue involving many fields such as politics, economy, diplomacy, society, culture, science and technology with multiple dimensions. International negotiations on key environmental topics such as addressing climate change and conservation of biodiversity increasingly become the hot topic of foreign affairs and focus of interests of many countries in the world. This has something to do with deepening understanding of the international communities in the field of environment and development. In particular, there are four historic leaps of human understanding about eco environment issues. The first leap happened at the First United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm, Sweden in June of 1972. This conference gives a warning to the whole world that there is "Only One Earth". The Declaration on the Human Development adopted by the conference stresses that "Man has constantly to sum up experience and go on discovering, inventing, creating and advancing." The second leap happened at the United Nations Conference in Environment and Development held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in June, 1992. This meeting for the first time considers economic development in the context of environmental protection, identifies the principle of "common but differentiated responsibilities" and puts forward sustainable development strategy. The third leap happened at the World Summit on Sustainable Development held in Johannesburg, South Africa in August of 2002. This meeting identifies that economic development, social progress and environmental protection are the three pillars for sustainable development.


尺寸24 × 17装帧平装


环境管理是中国环境出版社于2014.5出版的中图分类号为 X32 的主题关于 环境管理-技术培训-教材-英文 的书籍。