preface iv
about theauthor xiii
the companion website xiv
to the studentxvi
list of symbols xix
1 the foundations:logic and proofs
1.1 propositional logic
1.2 applications of propositional logic
1.3 propositional equivalences
1.4 predicates andquantifiers
1.5 nested quantifiers
1.6 rules of inference
1.7 introduction to proofs
1.8 proofmethods and strategy
2 basic structures:sets,functions,sequences,sums,and matrices
2.1 sets
2.2 set operations
2.3 functions
.2.4 sequences and summations
2.5 cardinality of sets
2.6 matrices
3 algorithms
3.1 algorithms
3.2 the growth of functions
3.3 complexity of algofithms
end-of-chapter material
4 number theory and cryptography
4.1 divisibilitv andmodular arithmetic
4.2 integer representations andalgorithms
4.3 primesand greatest common divisors
4.4 solving congruences
4.5 applications of congruences
4.6 cryptography
end-of-chapter material
5 induction and recursion
5.1 mathematical induction
5.2 strong induction and well-ordering
5.3 recursive definitions and structural induction
5.4 recursive algorithms
5.5 program correctness
end-of-chapter material
6 counting
6.1 tlle basics of counting
6.2 the pigeonhole principle
6.3 permutations and combinations
6.4 binomial coefficients and identities
6.5 generalized permutations and combinations
6.6 generating permutations and combinations
end-of-chapter material
7 discrete probability
7.1 an introduction to discrete probability
7.2 probability theory
7.3 bayes'theorem
7.4 expected value and variance
end-of-chapter material
8 advanced counring technigues
8.1 applications of recurrence relations
8.2 solving linear recurrence relations
8.3 divide-and-conquer algorithms and recurrence relations
8.4 generating functions
8.5 inclusion-exclusion
8.6 applications of inclusion-exclusion
end-of-chapter material
9 relations
9.1 relations and their properties
9.2 n-ary relations and theirapplications
9.3 representing relations
9.4 closures of relations
9.5 equivalence relations
9.6 partial orderings
end-of-chapter material
10 graphs
10.1 graphs andgraphmodels
10.2 graph terminology and special types of graphs
10.3 representing graphs and graph isomorphism
10.4 connectivity
10.5 eulerandhamiltonpaths
10.6 shortest.pathproblems
10.7 planargraphs
10.8 graphcoloring
end-of-chapter material
11 trees
11.1 introduction to trees
11.2 applications of trees
11.3 tree travcrsal
11.4 spanning trees
11.5 minimum spanning trees
end-of-chapter material
12 boolean algebra
12.1 boolean functions
12.2 representing boolean functions
12.3 logic gates
12.4 minimization of circuits
end-of-chapter material
13 modeling cornputation
13.1 languagesand grammars
13.2 finite-state machines with output
13.3 finite-state machines with no output
13.4 languagerecognition
13.5 turing machines
end-of-chapter material
1 axioms for the real numbers and the positive integers
2 exponential and logarithmic functions
3 pseudocode
suggestedreadings b-1
answers to odd-numbered exercises s-1
photo credits c-1
index ofbiographies i-1
index i-2
书籍详细信息 | |||
书名 | 离散数学及其应用站内查询相似图书 | ||
丛书名 | 经典原版书库 | ||
9787111385509 如需购买下载《离散数学及其应用》pdf扫描版电子书或查询更多相关信息,请直接复制isbn,搜索即可全网搜索该ISBN | |||
出版地 | 北京 | 出版单位 | 机械工业出版社 |
版次 | 1版 | 印次 | 1 |
定价(元) | 129.0 | 语种 | 英文 |
尺寸 | 24 × 19 | 装帧 | 平装 |
页数 | 903 | 印数 | 3000 |
离散数学及其应用是机械工业出版社于2012.6出版的中图分类号为 O158 的主题关于 离散数学-高等学校-教材-英文 的书籍。
(美) 肯尼思·H.罗森 (Kenneth H. Rosen) , 著
(美) 苏杉娜 (Susanna,S.E.) , 著
(美) 肯尼思·H.罗森 (Kenneth H. Rosen) , 著
(美) 肯尼思·H.罗森 (Kenneth H. Rosen) , 著
傅彦, 编著
魏雪丽, 主编
傅彦, 顾小丰, 王庆先, 刘启和, 编著
(美) 肯尼思 H. 罗森 (Kenneth H. Rosen) , 著
张清华, 蒲兴成, 尹邦勇, 刘勇, 编