

秦小雅, 编著







Lesson 1 Excuse me!Lesson 2 Is this your...? Lesson 3 Sorry, sir.Lesson 4 Is this your...? Lesson 5 Nice to meet you.Lesson 6 What make is it? Lesson 7 Are you a teacher?Lesson 8 What’s your job? Lesson 9 How are you today?Lesson 10 Look at... Lesson 11 Is this your shirt?Lesson 12 Whose is this...? This is my/your/his/her...Whose is that...?hat is my/your/his/her... Lesson 13 A new dressLesson 14 What colour is your...? Lesson 15 Your passports, please.

Lesson 1 Excuse me!Lesson 2 Is this your...? Lesson 3 Sorry, sir.Lesson 4 Is this your...? Lesson 5 Nice to meet you.Lesson 6 What make is it? Lesson 7 Are you a teacher?Lesson 8 What’s your job? Lesson 9 How are you today?Lesson 10 Look at... Lesson 11 Is this your shirt?Lesson 12 Whose is this...? This is my/your/his/her...Whose is that...?hat is my/your/his/her... Lesson 13 A new dressLesson 14 What colour is your...? Lesson 15 Your passports, please.Lesson 16 Are you...? Lesson 17 How do you do? Lesson 18 What are their jobs?  Lesson 19 Tired and thirstyLesson 20 Look at them! Lesson 21 Which book? Lesson 22 Give me/him/her/us/them a... Which one?  Lesson 23 Which glasses? Lesson 24 Give me/him/her/us/them some... Which ones?  Lesson 25 Mrs. Smith’s kitchenLesson 26 Where is it? Lesson 27 Mrs. Smith’s living roomLesson 28 Where are they?  Lesson 29 Come in, Amy.Lesson 30 What must I do? Lesson 31 Where’s Sally? Lesson 32 What’s he/she/it doing?  Lesson 33 A fine dayLesson 34 What are they doing?  Lesson 35 Our villageLesson 36 Where...?  Lesson 37 Making a bookcaseLesson 38 What are you going to do? What are you doing now? Lesson 39 Don’t drop it!Lesson 40 What are you going to do?I’m going to... Lesson 41 Penny’s bagLesson 42 Is there a...in /on that...? Is there any...in/on that...? Lesson 43 Hurry up!Lesson 44 Are there any...?Is there any...?  Lesson 45 The boss’s letterLesson 46 Can you...?  Lesson 47 A cup of coffeeLesson 48 Do you like...? Do you want...?  Lesson 49 At the butcher’sLesson 50 He likes... But he doesn’t like... Lesson 51 A pleasant climateLesson 52 What nationality are they? Where do they come from? Lesson 53 An interesting climateLesson 54 What nationality are they? Where do they come from?Lesson 55 The Sawyer familyLesson 56 What do they usually do? Lesson 57 An unusual dayLesson 58 What’s the time?  Lesson 59 Is that all? Lesson 60 What’s the time?  Lesson 61 A bad coldLesson 62 What’s the matter with them? What must they do?Lesson 63 Thank you, doctor.Lesson 64 Don’t...! You mustn’t...! Lesson 65 Not a babyLesson 66 What’s the time? Lesson 67 The weekendLesson 68 What’s the time?  Lesson 69 The car raceLesson 70 When were they there?  Lesson 71 He’s awful!Lesson 72 When did you...?  Lesson 73 The way to King StreetLesson 74 What did they do?  Lesson 75 Uncomfortable shoesLesson 76 When did you...?  Lesson 77 Terrible toothacheLesson 78 When did you...?  Lesson 79 Carol’s shopping listLesson 80 I must go to the... Lesson 81 Roast beef and potatoesLesson 82 I had... Lesson 83 Going on holidayLesson 84 Have you had...?  Lesson 85 Paris in the springLesson 86 What have you done? Lesson 87 A car crashLesson 88 Have you...yet? Lesson 89 For saleLesson 90 Have you...yet? Lesson 91 Poor Ian!Lesson 92 When will...?  Lesson 93 Our new neighbourLesson 94 When did you/will you go to...?  Lesson 95 Tickets, please.Lesson 96 What’s the exact time?  Lesson 97 A small blue caseLesson 98 Whose is it? Whose are they?  Lesson 99 Ow!Lesson 100 He says that... She says that... They say that... Lesson 101 A card from JimmyLesson 102 He says he... She says she... They say they... Lesson 103 The French testLesson 104 Too, very, enough Lesson 105 Full of mistakesLesson 106 I want you/him/her/them to... Tell him/her/them to... Lesson 107 It’s too small.Lesson 108 How do they compare?  Lesson 109 A good ideaLesson 110 How do they compare? Lesson 111 The most expensive modelLesson 112 How do they compare?  Lesson 113 Small changesLesson 114 I’ve got none. Lesson 115 Knock, knock!Lesson 116 Every, no, any and some Lesson 117 Tommy’s breakfastLesson 118 What were you doing?  Lesson 119 A true storyLesson 120  It had already happened. Lesson 121 The man in a hatLesson 122 Who(whom), which and that Lesson 123 A trip to AustraliaLesson 124 (Who)/(whom), (which) and (that) Lesson 125 Tea for twoLesson 126 Have to and do not need to Lesson 127 A famous actressLesson 128 He can’t be... He must be... Lesson 129 Seventy miles an hourLesson 130 He can’t have been... He must have been... Lesson 131 Don’t be so sure!Lesson 132 He may be... He may have been... I’m not sure. Lesson 133 Sensational news!Lesson 134 He said (that) he... He told me (that) he... Lesson 135 The latest reportLesson 136 He said (that) he... He told me (that) he... Lesson 137 A pleasant dreamLesson 138 If... Lesson 139 Is that you, John? Lesson 140 He wants to knowif/why/what/when Lesson 141 Sally’s first train rideLesson 142 Someone invited Sally to a party. Sally was invited to a party. Lesson 143 A walk through the woodsLesson 144 He hasn’t been served yet. He will be served soon. 参考答案 听力文本


本套《新概念英语之小题大做》的特点:  这是一套由国内外历年考试真题汇编而成的新概念练习册,真正实现了新概念教材中的知识点与国内外考试真题考点的第一次完整的“亲密”接触。  拿到本套丛书不要只顾着动笔练。 “练”的时候还要多动动嘴,把听力口语部分甚至是每道单项选择题都反复读出来,乃至背诵下来。把每一道我们为你精心挑选的练习题目嚼碎、揉烂,直至脱口而出。这套丛书可以把你变成《新概念英语》 真正的主人,从此在国内外各种考试中游刃有余不再是梦想!   丛书共分为四册,采用同一编排体系,每课练习结构均为:  第一部分:听力口语题  第二部分:词汇语法题  第三部分:阅读题    第四部分:写作/翻译题  本套丛书立足于听说读写,各册又各有偏重,每册重点分别为:  一册偏重:听力+口语 —— 主要针对中考、PETS 1/2、高考常见听力口语场景练习。  二册偏重:语法 —— 主要针对实用语法结构的搭建、高考、PETS 2/3 及四级考试语法真题测试。  三册偏重:词汇 —— 主要针对在各种国内外考试中单词部分的真题测试、常考近义词的区分以及常考写作主题词汇素材的成套积累。  四册偏重:阅读+写作 —— 主要针对科技、历史、教育、传媒、法律等多学科阅读真题及专题写作素材的积累。  各册的真题来源:  一册:中考、PETS 1/2  二册:中考、高考、PEST 2/3、四级   三册:高考、四级、六级、考研、TOEFL、雅思  四册:六级、考研、TOEFL、雅思、GRE  推荐使用方法:  一、请先把《新概念英语》相关课文逐字逐句地读懂,即精读课文后再用本套练习册进行学习检验,把刚刚获得的书本知识有效运用到实战中。(配合《新概念英语之全新全绎》的使用学习效果会更佳。)  二、在做题过程中,你会时常遇到以下提示:  临考情境模拟: 每题控制在2分钟内,本级测试限时8分钟,请把计时器调到8分钟。计时开始!


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新概念英语之小题大做是西安交通大学出版社于2008.01出版的中图分类号为 H319.6 的主题关于 英语-习题 的书籍。