

张建仁, 刘小燕, 主编







General Introduction

0.1 Introduction

0.2 Basic Concepts

0.3 Characteristics of the course and guidance for how to learn the course

Part 1 Reinforced Concrete Structures

Chapter 1 Basic Concepts of Reinforced Concrete Structures and Physical and Mechanical Properties of Materials

1.1 Basic concept of reinforced concrete structures

1.2 Concrete

1.3 Steel reinforcement

1.4 Bonding between steel reinforcement and concrete

Chapter 2 Structural Probabilistic Design Method and Principles

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Basic concepts of probabilistic limit state design method

2.3 Calculation principles of the CHBC

2.4 Values of material strength

2.5 Actions, specified actions and combinations of action effects

Chapter 3 Calculation of Load-carrying Capacity of Flexural Member

3.1 Basic concept of flexural members

3.2 Construction and shape of cross-section for flexural members

3.3 Failure mode and mechanical behavior of whole process for flexural members

3.4 Basic calculation principles of load-carrying capacity of normal section for flexural member

3.5 Singly-reinforced rectangular section flexural member

3.6 Doubly reinforced flexural members with rectangular section

3.7 T-shaped flexural members

Chapter 4 Calculation of Inclined Section's Load-carrying Capacity of Flexural Members

4.1 Inclined section's performance characteristics and failure forms of flexural members

4.2 Factors affecting the shear capacity of diagonal section

4.3 The calculation of inclined section's shear capacity of flexural members

4.4 Inclined section's flexural capacity of flexural members

4.5 Load-carrying capacity checking of the whole beam and the detailing requirements

Chapter 5 Calculation of Load-carrying Capacity of Torsion Members

5.1 Overview

5.2 Failure characteristics and capacity calculation of pure torsion members

5.3 The bearing capacity of rectangular section member under the action of bending, shear and torsion

5.4 Torsion member of T-shaped and I-shaped cross section

5.5 Torsion member with box section

5.6 Construction requirements

Chapter 6 Calculation of Strength of Axially Loaded Members

6.1 Introduction

6.2 Calculation on axially loaded members with longitudinal bars and tied stirrups

6.3 Axially loaded members with longitudinal bars and spiral stirrups

Chapter 7 Calculation of Strength of Eccentrically Loaded Members

7.1 Failure modes and mechanical characteristics

7.2 Buckling of eccentrically loaded members

7.3 Eccentrically loaded rectangular member

7.4 Eccentrically loaded members with I-shape and T-shape sections

7.5 Eccentrically loaded circle member

Chapter 8 Calculation of Load-carrying Capacity of Tensile Members

8.1 Overview

8.2 Calculation of load-carrying capacity of axial tensile members

8.3 Calculation of strength of eccentric tensile members

Chapter 9 Calculation of Stress, Cracking and Deflection of Reinforced Concrete Flexural Members

9.1 Introduction

9.2 Transformed section

9.3 Check of stress

9.4 Check of cracks and crack width of flexural members

9.5 Deformation (deflection) check of flexural members

9.6 Durability of concrete structure

Chapter 10 Local Compression

10.1 The mode and mechanism of failure under local compression

10.2 Enhancement coefficient of concrete strength for local compression

10.3 Calculation of local compression zone

Part 2 Prestressed Concrete Structure

Chapter 11 Basic Concepts and Materials of Prestressed Concrete Structures

11.1 Introduction

11.2 Methods and equipment for prestressing construction

11.3 Materials of prestressed concrete structures

Chapter 12 Design and Calculation of Prestressed Concrete Flexural Members

12.1 Mechanical phases and calculation characteristics

12.2 Calculation of ultimate load-carrying capacity

12.3 Calculation of tension control stress and loss of prestressing

12.4 Calculation and checking of stress for the flexural member of prestressed concrete

12.5 Checking of anti-cracking

12.6 Calculation of deformation and setting of pre-camber

12.7 Calculation of the end in the anchorage zone

12.8 Design of simply-supported prestressed concrete beams

Chapter 13 Partially Prestressed Concrete Flexurai Members

13.1 Concept and characteristics of PPC members

13.2 Classification and mechanic characteristic of PPC structure

13.3 The design calculation for category B of PPC

13.4 Design of PPC flexural member crack allowed

13.5 Example for calculation of the hollow-core deck of prestressed concrete

Chapter 14 Calculation of the Fiexural Members of Unbonded Prestressed Concrete

14.1 Flexural strength of unbonded prestressed concrete members

14.2 Calculation of flexural members of unbonded partially prestressed concrete

14.3 Design of a cross section of a flexural member of unbonded partially prestressed concrete member

14.4 Structure of flexural members of unbonded partially prestressed concrete

Part 3 Masonry Structures

Chapter 15 Basic Concepts and Materials of Masonry Structures

15.1 Basic concepts of masonry structures

15.2 Materials of the masonry

15.3 The strength and displacement of the masonry

Chapter 16 Calculation of Load-carrying Capacity of Masonry Structures

16.1 Principles of calculation

16.2 Load-carrying capacity of the compressed member

16.3 Sectional local compression, bended, and shear calculations of the load-carrying capacity






《结构设计原理》基于高等院校土木工程专业、道路桥梁工程专业教学指导委员会的要求,按照中华人民共和国国家标准和现行的交通运输部行业标准与最新设计规范《公路桥涵设计规范》(JTG 1360—2004)、《公路钢筋混凝土及预应力混凝土桥涵设计规范》(YFG D62—2004)、《公路圬工桥涵设计规范》(JTG D6l—2005)进行编写的,适应于包括香港、澳门等地的国内外相关的专业技术人员使用。


尺寸26 × 18装帧平装
页数印数 2000


结构设计原理是人民交通出版社于2011.9出版的中图分类号为 TU318 的主题关于 建筑结构-结构设计 的书籍。