

张岂之, 编著







张岂之,Zhang Qizhi was born on November 12, 1927 in Nantong City, Zhejiang Province. After graduating from Peking Universitys Deparnnenr of Philosophy in 1950, he pursued further studies on the graduate level at Tsinghua Universitys Department of Philosophy. In 1953, he began to work as a teacher in Northwest University in Xian, Shaanxi Province. He was president of Northwest University from 1984 to 1992. He is now honorary president of Northwest University and director of Tsinghua Universitys Research Center of Chinese Culture. He is compiler of A History of Chinese Thought, The History of Chinas Confucian Thought, and Traditional Chinese Culture, and author of Confucianism, Neo-Confucianism, Real Learning, and New Learning, and Gu Yanwu. He is also editor-in-chief of the magazine Chinese Culture.



Chapter 1 The Dawn of Chinese Culture

Section 1 The Achievements of the Chinese Ancestors

Section 2 Farm Produce of the South and North

Section 3 A World of Pottery and Jade

Section 4 Original Carved Marks and the Invention of Chinese Characters

Section 5 Dragon — a Symbol of the Striving Ethos of Chinese Culture

Chapter 2 Chinese Philosophy —— The Soul of Traditional Chinese Culture

Section 1 The Study of the Universe and Man

Section 2 The Study of Changes

Section 3 The Learning of Absorption and Assimilation

Chapter 3 Ethics and the Humanities

Section 1 Traditional Virtues

Section 2 The Features of the Chinese Science of History

Section 3 The Humanistic Spirit and Artistic Charm of Classical Chinese Literature

Chapter 4 The Dominant Religions in Ancient China —— Buddhism and Taoism

Section 1 The Introduction of Buddhism into China and the Blending of Chinese and Foreign Cultures

Section 2 The Rise of Taoism and the Blending of Various Cultures

Section 3 Chinese Buddhism and Taoism and Traditional Chinese Culture

Chapter 5 Colorful and Stylistic Historical Relics

Section 1 The Cultural Characteristics of Jade Articles

Section 2 The Cultural Value of Bronze Mirrors

Section 3 The Cultural Connotation of Gold and Silver Articles

Section4 Bronze, Pottery and Porcelain Ware and Ancient Chinese Culture

Chapter 6 The Cradle of Chinese Culture —— Education

Section 1 Origin and Characteristics of Schools in Ancient China

Section 2 Traditional Chinese Education and Culture

Chapter 7 Chinese Calligraphy and Painting

Section 1 Introduction to Chinese Calligraphy and Top-Notch Calligraphic Works

Section 2 Chinese Painting and Traditional Culture

Chapter 8 Traditional Chinese Medicine and The Science of Health Preservation

Section 1 Theory and Classifications in Traditional Chinese Medicine and the Development of Traditional Chinese Pharmacology

Section 2 The School of TCM and the Schools of the TCM Health-Preserving Science

Section 3 Cultural Features of Chinese Medicine

Section 4 The Health-Preservation. Theory of Early Confucianism

Chapter 9 The Culture of Chinese Food

Section 1 Features of the Culture of Chinese Food

Section 2 Preservation and Development of Dietary Culture

Chapter 10 Ancient Chinese Architecture and Traditional Chinese Culture

Section 1 Traditional Culture As Manifested in Ancient Chinese Architecture

Section 2 The Four Major Types of Traditional Architecture and Their Cultural Connotations

Chapter 11 Traditional Chinese Culture Faces Challenges

Section 1 Western Culture: Its Spread and Influence

Section 2 A Review and Critical Examination of Traditional Chinese Culture

Section 3 Achievements and Value of Traditional Chinese Culture in Modem Times

Conclusion: The 21st Century and Traditional Chinese Culture


A Brief Chinese Chronology



Traditional Chinese Culture is a scholarly introduction to fine traditional Chinese culture. Superbly illustrated and written, the book has altogether 250,000 words. The introduction briefly discusses the essence of traditional culture and the evolution of traditional values, followed by 10 separate chapters covering such aspects as philosophy, religion, science of history, literature, relics, calligraphy, painting, medicine, health maintenance, deduction, food and architecture. The last part analyses the challenges faced by traditional Chinese culture in modern times and forecasts its future development trends.


页数 340 印数 2000


中国传统文化是外文出版社于2009.出版的中图分类号为 G12 的主题关于 传统文化-中国-英文 的书籍。