

王占景, 编著







PART1 5大基本句型

基本句型1 主语+谓语

基本句型2 主语+谓语(及物动词)+宾语(+状语)

基本句型3 主语+系动词+表语(+状语)

基本句型4 主语+谓语(及物动词)+宾语+宾语补足语(+状语)

基本句型5 主语+谓语(及物动词)+间接宾语+直接宾语(+状语)

PART2 11组常用句型

第1组 常用会话句型

① What do you do?/What are you?

② What can I do for you? /How canIhelp you?

③ Could you (please)...?

④ Can you tellme...?

⑤ How are you?

⑥ How is the weather...? /What's the weatherlike...?

⑦ Howisitgoing?

⑧ Thanks for

⑨ What is wrong/the matter...?

第2组 陈述个人意见、看法的句型

① I'm afraid...

② I think (that)...

③ I think/find/feel it +形容词 + to do sth

④ I don't know...

⑤ I want to know...

⑥ I wonder...

⑦ I hope...

⑧ I feellike (doing) sth...

⑨ So do I.

⑩ Wish you...

第3组 征求对方意见或向对方提建议的句型

① What do you think...? /What do you think of...?

② Do you think...?

③ Would you like +不定式/名词?

④ WiIUWould you please...?

⑤ Would/Do you mind...?

⑥ If you like...

⑦ What/How about...?

⑧ Why not...?

⑨ Do you know...?

⑩ You'd beaer (not) do sth.

⑾ Do you have...?/Have you got...?

第4组 用于比较、选择的句型

① ...as+形容词或副词的原级+ as...

② ......形容词或副词的比较级+ than...

③ ......形容词或副词的最高级+介词短语

④ ......形容词或副词的比较级+than any (other)...

⑤ prefer...to...

⑥ would rather...than...

⑦ What's...favourite...?

第5组 Therebe句型及与不定式有关的句型

① There be...

② There is something wrong with...

③ There be+名词+V-ing...

④ There may/might be+名词……

⑤ 不定代词/名词+不定式

⑥ 疑问代词/疑问副词+不定式

⑦ ...be+形容词+ enough+ to do sth

⑧ ...be the first/last to do sth

第6组 It句型

① Itis+形容词+for/of sb to do sth.

② It's time for sth/to do sth.

③ It is one's turn to do sth.

④ Itis+名词+to do sth.

⑤ It takes sb some time to do sth.

⑥ It is said/reported/believed/ thought that...

⑦ It is some time since...

⑧ It's the first time (that)...

⑨ It's true that...

⑩ It doesn't matter...

⑾ Itis/was...that

第7组 含状语从句的主从复合句型

① 主句+ as soon as引导的从句

② ...not...until...

③ so/such...that...

④ though/although/even though 引导的从句+主句

⑤ now that...

⑥ the more..., the more...

第8组 与关联连词、代词、介词有关的句型

① whether...or...;either...or...;neither...nor...

② not only...but also...

③ both...and...

④ between...and...

⑤ neither(of)...;either(of)...

⑥ one...another...some...others

⑦ one/some..., the other/the others...

⑧ as far as sb know...

⑨ ...as...aspossible

⑩ ...kind of+形容词/动词

⑾ by the way...

⑿ On (the) one hand..., on the other hand...

第9组 表示祈使、否定、感叹、强调、推测、情绪的句型

① Let's/Let us, Let me do sth.

② Don't do sth.

③ 简单句或祈使句+ and+简单句/ 简单句或祈使句+ or+简单句

④ too...to...

⑤ sb can hardly...

⑥ ...not...anymore...

⑦ How+形容词/副词+主语+谓语/What (a/an)+形容词+名词+主语/代词+谓语

⑧ could/may/mighUmust be...

⑨ What on earth...?

⑩ ...be always doing sth...


Part 3 43个短语句型


在读书学习方面,熟记背诵重要内容,是必要的捷径!  熟记并活用本书必背句型,绝对有效提升英语水平,经常性熟记硬背的训练,可以使大脑内的神经元数目不断增加,使脑力得到训练,使记忆力快速提升!


尺寸14 × 13装帧平装


无敌初中英语必背句型是外文出版社于2011.出版的中图分类号为 G634.413 的主题关于 英语-句型-初中-教学参考资料 的书籍。