音乐探索 : 中央音乐学院音乐学文集
音乐探索 : 中央音乐学院音乐学文集封面图

音乐探索 : 中央音乐学院音乐学文集

张伯瑜, 编








Music Aesthetics and Appreciation

A Foreword to the book“Interpretation of Tragic Content in Chopins Music”

The Aesthetics of the Universal Union of Man and Nature: TheCombination of Emotion and Setting as Influences upon TraditionalChinese Music

Thoughts on Problems Relevant to Prospects of MusicologicalDevelopment at the“Forum of Contemporary Musicology ResearchExperts” in Nanjing

Is There Such Thing on Earth as Art?——A discussion with E. H. J.Combrich

Over the Imperial Millennia, with Ritualism Being Paid Its Due:Who Would Have Dared Express the Affectivity of Music?

Neutralization: Tendencies in the Post-Westernization Era -Predictions about the New Paradigm of Muhicuhuralism in Music

The Trend from “Not Beautiful? to “Not Being” ——What Is theBaseline of Art?

Concern about One s Audience——Revelations from ContemporaryHermeneutics and Reception Aesthetics Addressed to the Aestheticsof Music

Chan and Qin: Buddhist Thoughts in the Aesthetics of Guqin(Seven-Stringed Zither)

Standardized Evaluation and Non-Standardized Evaluation in MusicAesthetics

Reflections on Perceptual Wisdom—— A View of Formalism in theAesthetics of Music

A Commentary on Zofia Lissa s Thoughts Concerning MusicalAesthetics Discussed in Three Books

Chinese Traditional Music

Thoughts on the Historical Source and Development of QuanzhouNanyin ( Southern Sounds of Quanzhou)

Original Style:“Original-State” or “Original-Ecology”?

The Sixth Progression in HaM (Chinese majority) Folk Songs

Study of the Literal Notation in the Christian Hymns of the EthnicMinorities in Yunnan Province

On the Loss of Traditional Musical Thinking in the CurrentDevelopment of Chinese Instrumental Music

Some Doubts about “Protoecological” Music

Nianci ( Word Recitals) : Folk Ritual Songs in Xi an Guyue(Instrumental Ensemble of Xi an)

Chinese Music History

Ding Shande: A Pioneer and Founder for the Development of ChinesePiano Music

Rewrite Musical History: A Timeless Subject

Development of Chinese Piano Music

Western Music History

When "Criticizing Absolute Music" Was in Vogue

Bach Studies in China

Composition, History of Music Structure and the History of HumanBeings Introduction to the Musical History of Daulhaus

Johannes Tinctoris and the Change of Ideas in Music in theRenaissance

Rhetoric: A Strategy for Musical Breakthrough Observation andAnalysis of How Artistic Trends in European Music Emerged fromReligious Liturgy

World Music

The Spread and Influence of Indian Music and Dance in China

Music of Original Ecology and Origianl Ecology of Music

African Music Study in China




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尺寸26 × 19装帧平装


音乐探索 : 中央音乐学院音乐学文集是中央音乐学院出版社于2010.11出版的中图分类号为 J60-53 的主题关于 音乐学-文集-英文 的书籍。