

(美) 休斯 (Hughes,M.) , (美) 克雷勒 (Kroehler,C.J.) , 著







List of BoxesPrefaceAcknowledgmentsVisual PreviewCHAPTER ONEDeveloping a SociologicalConsciousnessCHAPTER TWOCulture and Social StructureCHAPTER THREESocializationCHAPTER FOURSocial Groups and FormalOrganizationsCHAPTER FIVEDeviance and CrimeCHAPTER SIXSocial StratificationCHAPTER SEVENInequalities of Race and EthnicityCHAPTER EIGHTGender InequalityCHAPTER NINEPolitical and Economic PowerCHAPTER TENThe FamilyCHAPTER ELEVENReligion, Education, and MedicineCHAPTER TWELVEPopulation and EnvironmentCHAPTER THIRTEENSocial ChangeReferencesPhoto CreditsName IndexSubiect Index


  ●由麦格劳·希尔授权;  ●定价仅为英文原著的1/6;  ●高中及大学中准备出国留学必备;  读者群体:准备出国求学的高中生、大学生及研究生;  普通高等院校在校学生、英语爱好者。  Highly respected for its scholarship and straightforwardapproach, Sociology The Core covers core sociological conceptswith a brief and accessible presentation at an affordable price. Inthe ninth edition, Sociology once again comes alive as a vital andexciting field to relate sociological principles to real-worldcircumstances. New “What Can Sociology Do For You” sectionsintroduce the careers and provide educational recommendations forstudents that decide to pursue a degree in Sociology.  这本教材自1986年问世以来,一直受到大学教师和学生的欢迎,不断再版,本书是其原版教材第九版的注释版。社会学是大学人文学科中非常重要的一门课程。书中以简洁、通俗易懂的论述,系统性地介绍了社会学的众多核心概念。本书阐释了许多社会学重要话题,如文化、社会化、群体、正式组织、社会层级、种族、性别、权力、家庭、宗教以及社会变革等等,以目前主流的社会学研究方法,全面而通俗地向读者展示了社会学的广阔领域和丰富内容。【作者简介】 Michael Hughes,Carolyn J. KroehlerMichael Hughes is Professor of Sociology at Virginia PolytechnicInstitute and State University (Virginia Tech). He received hisPh.D. in sociology from Vanderbilt University in 1979 and hastaught introductory sociology over the past 34 years. He alsoregularly teaches courses in minority group relations, deviantbehavior, the sociology of mental illness, and data analysis. From2000 to 2004, he served as editor of the Journal of Health andSocial Behavior. He has held positions as research fellow at theUniversity of Michigan’s Institute for Social Research (1992–1994)and research associate at Vanderbilt University (1980–1982). WithWalter R. Gove he is the author of the book, Overcrowding in theHousehold. His research interests in mental health and mentalillness, race and ethnicity, and crowding and living alone haveresulted in over 60 professional articles published in a variety ofjournals. In 2004–2005, he served as president of the SouthernSociological Society.CAROLYN J. KROEHLER is a professional writer and editor who hasreceived her sociological education “on the job.” Before her workon Sociology The Core, she contributed to criminology and criminaljustice textbooks. She edited and helped with the writing of aguide to academic success for college students, Straight A’s If ICan Do It, So Can You. At the Virginia Water Resources ResearchCenter, she wrote public education and technical materials aboutwater quality and other environmental issues, including a book ondrinking water standards. Her writing experience also includesseveral years in a college public relations office and writing andediting for the Lancaster Independent Press. She earned her Ph.D.in botany at Virginia Tech and has published in the CanadianJournal of Botany, Plant and Soil, and Oecologia. Mike and Carrielive in Blacksburg, Virginia, with their children Edmund andCamilla.迈克尔·休斯,社会学博士,美国弗吉尼亚州里大学社会学教授,有着长达39年社会学教学经验。卡罗琳· J.克雷勒,大学学业规划职业作家、编辑。


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社会学和我们是海南出版社于2013.4出版的中图分类号为 C91 的主题关于 社会学-高等学校-教材 的书籍。