

马文蔚, 解希顺, 周雨青, 编







Chapter 1 The Kinematics of Mass Points

1-1 The Description of the Motion of Mass Points

1.Reference frames,mass point

2.Position vector,equation of motion and displacement



1-2 Motion in a Circle

1.Planar polar coordinate system

2.Angular velocity of the circular motion

3.Tangential and nonnal acceleration of circular motion,angular acceleration

4.Circular motion with constant speed and circular motion with constant variation rate of speed

1-3 RelativeMotion

1.Time and space

2.Relative motion



Chapter 2 Newton's Laws

2-1 Newton's Laws

1.Newton's first law

2.Newton's second law

3.Newton's third law

4.Relativity principle of force

2-2 Units and Dimensions of Physical Quantities

2-3 Some Forces often Seen

1.The gravitational force

2.Elastic force

3.Friction force

2-4 Examples of the Applications of the Newton's Law

*2-5 Non-inertial Reference Frames,lnertial Forces



Chapter 3 The Laws of Momentum Conservation and Energy


3-1 Momentum Theorem of a Mass Point and the Mass Point System

1.Impulse,momentum theorem of a mass point

2.Theorem of momentum of the ohject system

3-2 The Law of Momentum Conservation

*3-3 The Mass Transport Problem within a System

3-4 The Theorem of Kinetic Energy


2.The theorem of kinetic energy of a particle

3-5 Conservation Force,Non-conservation Force and Potential Energy

1.The features of the work done by universal gravitational force and the elastic force

2.Conservation forces and non-conservation forces,the mathematical expression of the work done

by conservation force

3.Potential energy

4.Potential curve

3-6 The Principle of Work-energy and the Law of the Conservation of Mechanical Energy

1.The theorem of kinetic energy of a system of particles

2.The theorem of work-energy of the system of particles

3.The law of conservation of mechanical energy

*4.The universal speeds

3-7 Complete Elastic Collisions,Complete Inelastic Collisions

3-8 The Law of Energy Conservation

3-9 Center of Mass,the Law of Mass Center Motion

1.Center of mass

2.The law of motion of center of mass

3-10 Symmetry and Conservative Law


2.Conservation law and the symmetry



Chapter 4 Rotation of Rigid Body

4-1 The Rotation of a Rigid Body about a Fixed Axis

1.The angular velocity and angular acceleration of a rotating rigid body

2.Formula of fixed axis rotation with constant angular acceleration

3.The relationship between angular quantities and linear quantities

4-2 Torque,the Law of Rotation,Moment of Inertia


2.The law of rotation

3.The moment of inertia

4.The theorem of parallel axes

4-3 Angular Momentum,the Law of Angular Momentum Conservation

1.The theorem of angular momentum and the law of the conservation of the angular momentum of mass points

2.The theorem of angular momentum and the principle of conservation of angular momentum of a rigid body rotating about a fixed axis

4-4 Work Done by a Torque,the Theorem of Kinetic Energy of a Rigid Body Rotating about a Fixed Axis

1.Work done by a torque

2.The power of a torque

3.The kinetic energy of rotation

4.The theorem of kinetic energy of a rigid body rotating about a fixed axis

4-5 The Translation of a Rigid Body on a Plane

* 4-6 The Precession of Rigid Body

*4-7 The Newtonian Proposition of the Universal Gravitational Force

1.The calculation of gravitation between objects

2.Proving elliptical orbit


Chapter 5 The Static Electric Field

Chapter 6 Conductors and Dielectrics in Static Electric Fields

Chapter 7 The Steady Magnetic Field

Chapter 8 The Electromagnetic Induction,the ElectromagneticField

Appendix 1 Vectors

Appendix 2 The Legitimate Metric Units of China and the International System of Units(SI)

Appendix 3 Some Common Data of Air,Water,the Earth and the Solar System

Answers for Exercises in PartⅠ


On the base of Physics( Fourih Edition),the revision of Lhis hook is made consulting The Basic Reqirirement of Teachin,g UniversityPhysics Course for/Von-physical Major in Uaiversity of.Sciernce & Errgineerrng (Discussion Draf't)and constituted lasdy by sub-commitLee of physics essential lecture teaching guidance for non-physics spcciahy,F,ducation DeparLment. What in the bookcontains all of kernels required in the basic requiremem,moreover,a certain amount of extension content is presemed as well as fordifferent majors.ln the revision,thia book keepa specialtiea such aa logical system,well-situaLed profundity and extension,propercapacity,wide flexibility cominS from the original vision of the book. Meanwhile.il adds more contente in following aspects: modernphysics.the annoLation with modern viewpoints for classic physica,and the effects Lo science and technology from the achievements ofmodern phyeyics.
Th18 book has two volumes. In VolumeⅠ,it contains mechanics and elecctomagnetic. And in VolumeⅡ,it contains oscillation and undulation,optics,theory of molecular dynamics and basic of thermodynamics,theary of relativily.quantum physics. There are hooks The Applications of Physical Principle in Engineering and Technology(Third Edition),The Analysis and Solution for Exercises In Physics(Fifth EdiLion),Cuidance Jor Learning Physics(Fifth Edition) and the muhimedia The Electronic Teaching PLan for Physics (Fifth Fdition)to form a complete set with this book.
This book can be the teaching material of the higher education for non-physical major in universiLy of sciences and engineering. It can also be selected as texts by the relevant fields of social sciences and natural sciences and read by social readers at large.


页数印数 3000


物理学是高等教育出版社于2009.07出版的中图分类号为 O4 的主题关于 物理学-高等学校-教材-英文 的书籍。