

刘梅华, 著








Preface i

List of Tables ix

List of Diagrams xi

Chapter 1 Introduction 1

Chapter 2 Study Abroad and Whole-Person Development 5

2.1 The Vygotskian Sociocultural Theory 5

2.2 Empirical Studies on Study Abroad 8

2.2.1 Expectations and Concerns of SA 9

2.2.2 Academic and Linguistic Gains During SA 10

2.2.3 Changes in Intercultural Communication Competence

During SA 17

2.2.4 Changes in Self-identities During SA 23

2.2.5 Changes in Other Aspects Before and After SA 26

2.3 Summary 27

Chapter 3 The Study 29

3.1 Context 29

3.2 Research Design 30

3.2.1 Participants 30

3.2.2 Instruments 38

3.2.3 Data Collection Procedure 39

3.2.4 Data Analyses 39

Chapter 4 Survey Findings 41

4.1 Aims and Expectations of the Exchange Program 41

4.2 Concerns About International Affairs 45

vi Exchange Abroad and University Students’ Whole-Person Development:

A Case Study

4.3 Self-perceived Worries About, Preparation for and

Importance of the Exchange Program 46

4.4 Self-rated Proficiency in the Language of Instruction 49

4.5 Recommendation for Students to Join Exchange Programs 50

Chapter 5 Motivation and Concerns for the SA—Interview

Findings 52

5.1 The Interviewees’ Motivation to Join the Exchange Program 52

5.2 The Interviewees’ Aims and Expectations for the SA 56

5.3 The Interviewees’ Worries and Concerns About the SA 61

5.3.1 Level of Preparation for and General Worries About the SA 61

5.3.2 Interviewees’ Self-perceived Biggest Challenges During the SA 63

5.4 Actual Challenges During the SA 66

Chapter 6 Interview Findings of the 12 One-semester

Sojourners 70

6.1 Self-perceived Changes in Academic and Linguistic Competence 70

6.1.1 Changes in Academic Competence 70

6.1.2 Changes in Linguistic Competence 72

6.2 Self-perceived Changes in Intercultural Communication

Competence 74

6.2.1 Learning of the Host Culture 74

6.2.2 Changes in Intercultural Communication Competence 80

6.2.3 Changes in Openness to Other Cultures 83

6.3 Self-perceived Changes in Self-identities 88

6.3.1 Changes in the Perception of the Self 88

6.3.2 Changes in the Sense of National Identity 91

6.4 Self-perceived Changes in Self-development 95

Chapter 7 Interview Findings of the Three 1-year Sojourners 97

7.1 Self-perceived Changes in Academic and Linguistic Competence 97

Contents vii

7.1.1 Changes in Academic Competence 97

7.1.2 Changes in Linguistic Competence 99

7.2 Self-perceived Changes in Intercultural Communication

Competence 100

7.2.1 Learning of the Host Culture 100

7.2.2 Changes in Intercultural Communication Competence 103

7.3 Self-perceived Changes in Self-identities 105

7.4 Self-perceived Changes in Self-development 107

Chapter 8 Discussion and Implications 109

8.1 Discussion 109

8.1.1 Worries and Concerns About the SA 109

8.1.2 Changes in Academic and Linguistic Competence 111

8.1.3 Changes in Intercultural Communication Competence 114

8.1.4 Changes in Self-identities 117

8.1.5 Changes in Self-development 118

8.2 Implications 119

8.2.1 Implications for Home Universities 120

8.2.2 Implications for Prospective Sojourners 123

Chapter 9 Conclusions and Suggestions for Future Research 128

9.1 Conclusions 128

9.2 Limitations and Suggestions for Future Research 130

Bibliography 133

Appendix Ⅰ: Pre-Sojourn Exchange Survey 162

Appendix Ⅱ: Post-Sojourn Exchange Survey 165

Appendix Ⅲ: Pre-Sojourn Interview Guide 169

Appendix Ⅳ: Post-Sojourn Interview Guide 171

About the Auther 175






尺寸21 × 14装帧精装
页数印数 1500


出国交换学习与大学生个人全面发展之个案研究是清华大学出版社于2016.出版的中图分类号为 G645.1 的主题关于 留学教育-关系-大学生-发展-研究-英文 的书籍。