

吴雯, 编著







Module Ⅰ Basics for International Business Correspondence

Chapter Ⅰ Basics for International Business Correspondence

Ⅰ.An Introduction to the Course

Ⅱ.Guidelines for Effective Business Correspondence

Ⅲ.Layout of Business Letters & E—mails

Skill Training

Business Link

Module Ⅱ Establishing Business Relations

Chapter Ⅱ Establishing Business Relations

Lesson 1 About Us

Lesson 2 Self—introduction

Lesson 3 (A) A First Inquiry

(B) Reply to the Above

Skill Training

Business Link & Useful Sentences

Module Ⅲ Business Negotiations

Chapter Ⅲ Inquiry and Reply

Lesson 4 (A) General Inquiry

(B) Reply to the Above

Lesson 5 An Order Inquiry

Lesson 6 (A) Status Inquiry

(B) Reply to the Above

Skill Training

Business Link & Useful Sentences

Chapter Ⅳ Samples and Charges

Lesson 7 (A) Asking for Samples

(B) Reply to the Above

Lesson 8 (A) Refusing to Pay Sample Charges

(B) Reply to the Above

Lesson 9 (A) Sending Samples

(B) Sending Duplicate Samples

Skill Training

Business Link & Useful Sentences

Chapter Ⅴ Offers and Counter—Offers

Lesson 10 A Firm Offer

Lesson 11 (A) A Counter Offer

(B) Reply to the Above

Lesson 12 (A) New Price for Repeat Order

(B) Reply to the Above

Skill Training

Business Link & Useful Sentences

Module Ⅳ Execution of Contracts

Chapter Ⅵ Orders and Contracts

Lesson 13 A Purchase Order

Lesson 14 (A) Partial Acceptance of an Order

(B) Reply to the Above

Lesson 15 (A) Sending a Sales Confirmation

(B) Counter—Signature Letter

Skill Training

Business Link & Useful Sentences

Chapter Ⅶ Payment

Lesson 16 (A) Asking for Payment by T/T

(B) Confirming Payment by T/T

Lesson 17 Declining Payment by 60 Days L/C

Lesson 18 (A) Asking for Easier Payment

(B) Reply to the Above

Skill Training

Business Link & Useful Sentences

Chapter Ⅷ Establishment of and Amendment to L/C

Lesson 19 (A) Urging Establishment of L/C

(B) Confirming L/C Application

Lesson 20 (A) Amendment to L/C

(B) Reply to the Above

Lesson 21 (A) Asking for Extension of L/C

(B) Reply to the Above

Skill Training

Business Link & Useful Sentences

Chapter Ⅸ Packing & Marking

Lesson 22 Inner Packing & Labeling

Lesson 23 Outer Packing

Lesson 24 Container Loading

Skill Training

Business Link & Useful Sentences

Chapter Ⅹ Shipment

Lesson 25 (A) Shipping Instructions

(B) Reply to the Above

Lesson 26 (A) Requesting for Prompt Shipment

(B) Reply to the Above

Lesson 27 Requesting for Transshipment and Partial Shipments

Skill Training

Business Link & Useful Sentences

Chapter Ⅺ Insurance

Lesson 28 Insurance Information

Lesson 29 Asking for CIF Terms

Lesson 30 (A) Inquiring for Insurance Rate

(B) Offering Insurance Rate

Skill Training

Business Link & Useful Sentences

Chapter Ⅻ Complaints, Claims and Settlement

Lesson 31 Complaint about Inferior Quality

Lesson 32 Claim on Late Delivery

Lesson 33 Settlement of Complaint

Skill Training

Business Link & Useful Sentences

Module Ⅴ Documents

Chapter ⅩⅢ Specimen of Documents

Skill Training

Appendix Ⅰ国际机构

Appendix Ⅱ国际展会列表

Appendix Ⅲ世界各大船公司名录



《21世纪高校商务英语专业系列规划教材:国际商务英语函电(第二版)》按国际贸易流程以一笔鞋子交易为主线展开,根据工作流程呈现了order inquiry(客户询盘),container loading(装柜要求)等公司信函实例,每个环节收进了业务常用的最新术语与词汇,例如OEM,MOQ,leading time,HQ,TNT,Pay bal等,并分环节对国际贸易语言点进行介绍。其次《21世纪高校商务英语专业系列规划教材:国际商务英语函电(第二版)》表格形式多,有询盘单、报价单、估价单、装船通知等,新颖实用。练习题结合了托业考试的最新题型,实训内容紧跟业务员的实际操作,附有公司真实信头、名片、图片等,实现了与外贸业务零距离的接触,从多方面训练学生的贸易实战能力。


尺寸19 × 26装帧平装


国际商务英语函电是对外经济贸易大学出版社于2015.出版的中图分类号为 H315 的主题关于 国际商务-英语-电报信函-写作-高等学校-教材 的书籍。