

黄星, 赵艳玲, 主编





《(汽车)保险英语》编写的宗旨是以实际应用为目标,以提高学生的职业能力和职业素质为目的,因而,本书构思力求实用为先,特色鲜明,贴近行业,靠近专业、重点突出和针对性强的职业英语教育观,并形成了本书的风格:1、图文并茂。所有选材短小精悍,图文相配,语言纯正,内容入胜,可读性强,针对性高,内涵丰富;2、学练结合。内容设置由浅入深,由易到难;学中练,练中学,学用结合,融贯全书; 3、搭接岗位。与岗位接轨,与实际衔接,内涵体现高职要求,形式实现学习目的,过程达到企业需求,日后胜任岗位工作;4、注重实践。交际的目的为实践;而实践的目的为应用。一切强调学生的动手、动口能力。全书共8个单元,每个单元由精读A篇、泛读B篇、保险认知和试试您的伸手等几大部分组成。“精读A篇”的设计侧重为学生应知、应会的浅显理论知识;“泛读B篇”为课后的辅助阅读材料;而“保险认知和试试您的伸手”的设计则为学生通过专业课程的学习,借助语言知识来认知和感知保险专业的实践技能。




Unit 1 Introduction to Insurances

Part I Technical and Practical Reading

Passage A Types of Insurances

Passage B Functions of Insurances

Part II Glance at the Insurance Flow Chart

Part III Put in Use

Section A Have a Try

Section B Introduce a World Famous Insurance Company

Part IV Communicative Speaking

Section A Listening

Section B Speaking

Unit 2 Risk and Insurance

Part I Technical and Practical Reading

Passage A Types of Risk Covered by Insurance

Passage B Risk Management

Unit 1  Introduction to Insurances

Part I  Technical and Practical Reading

Passage A  Types of Insurances

Passage B  Functions of Insurances

Part II  Glance at the Insurance Flow Chart

Part III  Put in Use

Section A  Have a Try

Section B  Introduce a World Famous Insurance Company

Part IV  Communicative Speaking

Section A  Listening

Section B  Speaking

Unit 2  Risk and Insurance

Part I  Technical and Practical Reading

Passage A  Types of Risk Covered by Insurance

Passage B  Risk Management

Part II  Glance at the Insurance Flow Chart

Part III  Put in Use

Section A  Have a Try

Section B  Introduce a World Famous Insurance Company

Part IV  Communicative Speaking

Section A  Listening

Section B  Speaking

Unit 3  Auto InSurance Claim

Part I  Technical and Practical Reading

Passage A  How to Assess Auto Damage

Passage B  Filing an Auto Insurance Claim

Part II  Glance at the Insurance Flow Chart

Part III  Put in Use

Section A  Have a Try

Section B  Introduce a World Famous Insurance Company

Part IV  Communicative Speaking

Section A  Listening

Section B  Speaking

Unit 4  Selecting insurance Company

Part I  Technical and Practical Reading

Passage A  Selecting the Right Insurance Company

Passage B  Vehicle Protection--Collision and Comprehensive

Part II  Glance at the Insurance Flow Chart

Part III  Put in Use

Section A  Have a Try

Section B  Introduce a World Famous Insurance Company

Part IV  Communicative Speaking

Section A  Listening

Section B  Speaking

Unit 5  Auto Insurance Policy

Part I  Technical and Practical Reading

Passage A  Taking Out a Florida Auto Insurance Policy

Passage B  How to Choose the Right Car Insurance

Part II  Glance at the Insurance Flow Chart

Part III  Put in Use

Section A  Have a Try

Section B  Introduce a World Famous Insurance Company

Part IV  Communicative Speaking

Section A  Listening

Section B  Speaking

Unit 6  Used Car Insurance

Part I  Technical and Practical Reading

Passage A  How to Buy Car Insurance for a Used Car

Passage B  Insurance for New Cars and Used Cars

Part II  Glance at the Insurance Flow Chart

Part III  Put in Use

Section A  Have a Try

Section B  Introduce a World Famous Insurance Company

Part IV  Communicative Speaking

Section A  Listening

Section B  Speaking

Unit 7  Insurance Careers

Part I  Technical and Practical Reading

Passage A  Insurance Careers

Passage B  Qualities of a Good Insurance Professional

Part II  Glance at the Insurance Flow Chart

Part III  Put in Use

Section A  Have a Try

Section B  Introduce a World Famous Insurance Company

Part IV  Communicative Speaking

Section A  Listening

Section B  Speaking

Unit 8  Marketing in Insurance

Part I  Technical and Practical Reading

Passage A  Role of Marketing in Insurance

Passage B  Role of Insurance Intermediaries

Part II  Glance at the Insurance Flow Chart

Part III Put in Use

Section A  Have a Try

Section B  Introduce a World Famous Insurance Company

Part IV  Communicative Speaking

Section A  Listening

Section B  Speaking



Phrases and Expressions






尺寸26 × 19装帧平装
页数 152 印数 3000


汽车保险英语是北京大学出版社于2014.9出版的中图分类号为 H31 的主题关于 汽车保险-英语-高等职业教育-教材 的书籍。