

高文, 著








Part One ( 1979-1998)

Chapter 1 Background of the Financial Development in Rural China

1.1 General view of changes in the Chinese agricultural and rural economy

1.2 General view of the Chinese financial reform

Chapter 2 Formation of A New Rural Financial System

2.1 Rural financial system before 1979

2.2 Rural financial system ( 1979-1994)

2.3 Rural financial system ( 1994-)

Chapter 3 Savings Mobilization in Rural China

3.1 The growth of rural deposits and the performance of RCC

3.2 The saving behavior of farm households

3.3 Government policies and programs for mobilizing rural savings

3.4 Conclusio and prospects

Chapter 4 Changing Credit Market in Rural China

4.1 The general view of the rural credit market

4.2 Borrowing behavior of farm households

4.3 Policies and programs for small credit

4.4 Conclusio and prospects

Chapter 5 Introducing Cooperative Principles into the Rural Financial System

5.1 A case study in Z-City Jiangsu-Province

5.2 Measures taken in the practice for promoting cooperative finance

5.3 Conclusio and prospects

Conclusio of Part One

Part Two (1999-)

Chapter 6 Dramatic Changes of the Chinese Banking System under Giobalization

6.1 Situation of the Chinese banking system

6.2 Potential crises of the Chinese banking sector

6.3 Conclusio

Chapter 7 Reorganization of RCC

7.1 Process of reorganization of RCC

7.2 Preferential policies for reducing NPLs and accumulated losses: a case of Jilin-Province

7.3 Frustration of tra forming RCC to be a Cooperative I titution

Chapter 8 The Entry of RCC into the Microf'mance Market

8.1 Overview of the microfinanee market in rural China

8.2 RCC activities for the promotion of microfinance: a case study in Sichuan-Province

8.3 Discussio and conclusio

Chapter 9 New Entrants into the Chinese Rural Financial Market

9.1 Situatio of the four new entrants

9.2 Conclusio

Chapter 10 Rethinking the Role of the State in Rural Finance: Learning from Japan's Experience

10.1 Role of the State in Japan's Agricultural Finance

10.2 Implicatio for China's rural finance

Conclusio of Part Two


I am most grateful to Professor Masaaki ISHIDA of the Graduate School of Bioresources, Mie University, Japan. He was my doctoral instructor who guided me into the academic world of economics. He is very famous in the research of agricultural policies and cooperatives, excelling at micro analy- ses of farmers' action. He has won a lot of academic awards from the Agricul- tural Economics Society of Japan and The Farm Management Society of Ja- pan, etc. He also has great personalities of wisdom, diligence and generos- ity. I feel very fortunate to be one of the overseas students of Professor Masaaki ISHIDA.


尺寸24 × 17装帧平装


中国农村的金融发展是经济科学出版社于2012.2出版的中图分类号为 F832.35 的主题关于 农村金融-研究-中国-英文 的书籍。