

唐正秋, 林琳, 主编







Part One An Overview of China/中国概况

Chapter 1 The Land and the People/地理条件与人义概况

Section 1 Geography/地理位置

Section 2 Climate and Resources/气候与资源

Section 3 The Capital/首都

Section 4 The National Flag, Emblem and Anthem/国旗、国徽和国歌

Section 5 Administrative Divisions/行政区域

Section 6 Nationalities and Population/民族与人口

Section 7 Language and Characters/语言和文字

Section 8 Surnames and Given Names/姓与名

Section 9 Why is China Called China/“中国”名字的由来

Chapter 2 An Outline History/中国历史概况

Section 1 Prehistoric Culture/史前文化

Section 2 History of Ancient China/中国古代史

Section 3 History of Modern China,中国现代史

Part Two Philosophy and Religion/哲学与宗教

Chapter 3 Confucius and Other Great Thinkers in the Warring States Period/战国时代的孔子及其他著名的思想家

Section 1Confucius (551-479 BC) and Confucianism/孔子(公元前551-479)和“儒家思想”

Section 2 Mencius (372~289 BC)/孟子(公元前372~289)

Section 3 Mo Zi (468~376 BC)/墨子(公元前468~376)

Section 4 Xun Zi (about 313~238 BC)/荀子(约公元前313~238)

Section 5 Han Fei Zi (280~233 BC)/韩非子(公元前280~233)

Section 6 Sun Zi (about 535-470 BC)/孙子(约公元前535-470)

Chapter 4 Lao Zi, Zhuang Zi and Daoism/老子、庄子和“道家思想”

Section 1 Lao Zi(about 571~471 BC)/老子(约公元前571-471)

Section 2 Zhuang Zi (about 369~286 BC)/庄子(公元前约369~286)

Section 3 Daoism (Taoism)/道家思想

Chapter 5 Chinese Buddhism/中国佛教

Section 1 Chinese Buddhism and Its Schools/中国佛教及其宗派

Section 2 Buddhist Temples and the Four Sacred Buddhist Mountains/佛教寺庙与佛教四大名山

Chapter 6 The Four Books and The Five Classics/四书五经

Section 1 The Great Learning/《大学》

Section 2 The Doctrine of the Mean/《中庸》

Section 3 The Analects of Confucius/《论语》

Section 4 The Mencius or The Works of Mencius/《孟子》

Section 5 The Class/c of Poetry/《诗经》

Section 6 The Classic of History (Shangshu),《尚书》

Section 7 The Classic of Rites/《礼记》

Section 8 The Classic of Changes/《易经》

Section 9 The Spring and Autumn Armals/《春秋》

Part Three Literature and Arts/文学与艺术

Chapter 7 Myths and Legends/神话和传说

Section 1 Pan Gu and the Creation of the World/盘古开天辟地

Section 2 Nv Wa Created Man and Mended the Sky/女娲造人和女娲补天

Section 3 Jin Wei Determined to Fill up the Sea/精卫填海

Section 4 Kua Fu Chased the Sun/夸父追日

Section 5 Hou Yi, the Archer Shot down Nine Suns/后羿射日

Section 6 Chang E,the Goddess ofthe Moon/嫦娥奔月

Section 7 The Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea/八仙过海

Section 8 Yan Di and Huang Di, the Legendary Chinese Ancestors,炎帝和黄帝

Section 9 Yv the Great and the Flood/大禹治水

Chapter 8 Poetry/诗歌

Section 1 Guti and Jinti Verse Forms/古体和今体

Section 2 Chuci and Qu Yuan/楚辞和屈原

Section 3 Folk Songs in Han Dynasty and Northem & Southem Dynasties/汉朝和南北朝民歌

Section 4 The Glorious Tang Poems/唐诗

Section 5 The Ci Poetry in Song Dynasty (960~1279)/宋词

Section 6 Qu in Yuan Dynasty/元曲


Part Four Education /教育

Part Five Science and Technology/科学与技术

Part Six Folk Customs/民俗风情

Part Seven Tourism and World Heritage Sites in China/中国的旅游业和世界地质文化遗产




尺寸26 × 19装帧平装
页数 240 印数 3000


中国文化是大连理工大学出版社于2013.5出版的中图分类号为 K203 的主题关于 中华文化-英文 的书籍。