

黄芳, 张高, 主编





《新编实用大学英语》是由长期从事一线教学的大学英语教师, 结合多年的教学经验,以教育部颁发的《高职高专教育英语课程教育基本要求》为依据, 充分考虑高职学生的基础和特点的一套内容更实用、形式更创新的高职高专教材。 全书共8个单元,供第二学期使用。每个单元按照听说(Listening & Speaking),课文(Passages),语法(Grammar),写作(Writing)和轻松一刻(Enjoy Yourselve s )五个板块的顺序安排。每个板块围绕主题,结合高职高专学生的特点及今后工作需要,设有相关专项训练,并在教材末附有大学英语二、三级考试模拟题各一套,以供学生自我检测。 本书馈赠超值MP3光盘,录音主要由专业人士录制。



Unit One Social Issues

Section Ⅰ Listening & Speaking

Section Ⅱ Passage One

Let's Marry to Keep the Love Going

Section Ⅱ Passage Two

Becoming a Mortgage Slave or Not

Section Ⅲ Grammar

Infinitive (不定式)

Section Ⅳ Writing

Invitation Card/Letter (请柬)

Section Ⅴ Enjoy Yourselves

Unit Two Life Experience

Section Ⅰ Listening & Speaking

Section Ⅱ Passage One

The Art of Living

Section Ⅱ Passage Two

7 Ways to Find Out What You Really Want in Life

Section Ⅲ Grammar

Participle (分词)

Section Ⅳ Writing

Business Card (名片)

Section Ⅴ Enjoy Yourselves

Funny Pictures

Unit Three Environment

Section Ⅰ Listening & Speaking

Section Ⅱ Passage One

Healthy Lifestyle Helping to Protect the Environment

Context Clues to Word Meaning

Section Ⅱ Passage Two

Protection of the Environment

Section Ⅲ Grammar

Gerund (动名词)

Section Ⅳ Writing

Note for Leaving (请假条)

Section Ⅴ Enjoy Yourselves A Joke

Unit Four Transportation

Section Ⅰ Listening & Speaking

Section Ⅱ Passage One

The Impact of High-Speed Rail on Civil Aviation"

Section Ⅱ Passage Two

Children Say They Prefer Daddy to Drive

Section Ⅲ Grammar

Noun Clauses (名词性从句)

Section Ⅳ Writing

Poster (海报)

Section Ⅴ Enjoy Yourselves

The Origin of Hot Dogs

Unit Five Science & Technology

Section Ⅰ Listening & Speaking

Section Ⅱ Passage One

Wash.U.Scientists Discover Mind-Reading

Section Ⅱ Passage Two

Exploring 3D Technology: From Cinema to Home

Section Ⅲ Grammar

Attributive Clause (定语从句)

Section Ⅳ Writing

Certificates (证明)

Section Ⅴ Enjoy Yourselves

Chinese Term

Unit Six History

Section Ⅰ Listening & Speaking

Section Ⅱ Passage One

150th Anniversary of the U.S.Civil War

Section Ⅱ Passage Two

American History Lessons

Section Ⅲ Grammar

Adverbial Clause (状语从句)

Section Ⅳ Writing

Advertisement (广告)

Section Ⅴ Enjoy Yourselves

Lines in the Film of "The Spy Next Door".

Unit Seven Literature

Section Ⅰ Listening & Speaking

Section Ⅱ Passage One

Three Days to See

Section Ⅱ Passage Two

About Reading Books

Section Ⅲ Grammar

Inversion (倒装)

Section Ⅳ Writing

Business Letter (商务信函)

Section Ⅴ Enjoy Yourselves

A poem

Unit Eight News

Section Ⅰ Listening & Speaking

Section Ⅱ Passage One

Meet Disney Characters in Shanghai

Section Ⅱ Passage Two

Migrants to be Quizzed on English Skills before Benefits

Section Ⅲ Grammar

Agreement (一致)

Section Ⅳ Writing

News (新闻)

Section Ⅴ Enjoy Yourselves


Appendix 1 Simulated Tests

Test One (Band Two)

Test Two (Band Three)

Appendix 2

Words and Expressions

Phrases and Expressions


  《新编实用大学英语(第二册 学生用书)》共8个单元,供第二学期使用。每个单元按照听说(Listening&Speaking),课文(Passages),语法(Grammar),写作(Writing)和轻松一刻(Enioy Yourselves)五个板块的顺序安排。每个板块围绕主题,结合高职高专学生的特点及今后工作需要,设有相关专项训练,并在教材末附有大学英语二、三级考试模拟题各一套,以供学生自我检测。


尺寸24 × 19装帧平装
页数印数 4500


新编实用大学英语是中国水利水电出版社于2015.1出版的中图分类号为 H31 的主题关于 英语-高等职业教育-教材 的书籍。