

崔秀敏, 主编





《简明实用英语 第2版》系列教材共三册,本书为第一册。全书共有10个单元,内容包括:Section Ⅰ Listening and Speaking(听说训练)、Section Ⅱ Intensive Reading(精读课文)、Section Ⅲ Grammar(语法精讲)、Section Ⅳ Applied Writing(实用文体写作)、Section Ⅴ Reading Practice(阅读训练)和Section Ⅵ Cultural Tips(文化点滴)等6个部分。本次修订在保持教材内容完整性及实用性的前提下,将原《读写教程》与《听说教程》合二为一,调整了各单元模块顺序并更换了部分内容,在强调英语教学的科学性与连贯性的同时,更加注重提高学生的英语交际能力。本书可作为高职高专公共英语教学的教材,也可作为其他高等院校学生的参考读物。



Unit One Foreign Language Learning

Section I Listening and Speaking Greeting

Section Ⅱ Inte ive Reading The Study of English

Section Ⅲ Grammar The Article(冠词)

Section IV Applied Writing English Letter and Envelope(英文书信和信封)

Section V Reading Practice

Passage 1 Active Reading

Passage 2 Helping Remember New Words

SectionⅥ Cultural Tips Informal and Formal Greetings

Unit Two College Life

Section I Listening and Speaking Introduction

Section Ⅱ Inte ive Reading Save Money for College on My Own

Section Ⅲ Grammar Plural of Nou (名词复数)

Section IV Applied Writing Calling Card(名片)

Section V Reading Practice

Passage 1 So Much to Learn

Passage 2 What Makes a Teacher?

SectionⅥ Cultural Tips Different Kinds of Introductio

Unit Three Western Holidays

Section I Listening and Speaking Invitation

Section Ⅱ Inte ive Reading The History of Thanksgiving Day

Section Ⅲ Grammar The Pronoun(代词)

Section IV Applied Writing Greeting Card(贺卡)

Section V Reading Practice

Passage 1 Valentine Traditio and Customs

Passage 2 Santa Claus: The True Story

SectionⅥ Cultural Tips Should I pay for the dinner?

Unit Four Famous Pe o

Section I Listening and Speaking Making Requests

Section Ⅱ Inte ive Reading Jules Verne

Section Ⅲ Grammar The Numeral(数词)

Section IV Applied Writing Note and Asking-for Leave(便条和请假条)

Section V Reading Practice

Passage 1 Bill Gates——A Story of Success

Passage 2 Bill Gates‘11 Rules

Section Ⅵ Cultural Tips Ca

Unit Five Studying Abroad

Section I Listening and Speaking Advice and Suggestio

Section Ⅱ Inte ive Reading Experience of Studying Abroad

Section Ⅲ Grammar The Preposition and Conjunction(介词和连词)

Section IV Applied Writing Fax(传真)

Section V Reading Practice

Passage 1 My Fi t Time in China

Passage 2 A Letter to Wang Mei

Section Ⅵ Cultural Tips Table Manne

Mid-term Test

Unit Six Generation Gap

Section I Listening and Speaking Compliments and Apologies

Section Ⅱ Inte ive Reading The Breach

Section Ⅲ Grammar The Comparative Degree of Adjective and Adverb

Section IV Applied Writing E-mail

Section V Reading Practice

Passage 1 Generation Gap

Passage 2 It Gets Easier... and then They Leave!

Section Ⅵ Cultural Tips Compliments and Apologies

Section I Listening and Speaking Campus

Section Ⅱ Inte ive Reading Friendship in Different Cultures

Section Ⅲ Grammar The Verb

Section IV Applied Writing Diploma

Section V Reading Practice

Passage 1 My Doctor, My Sister, An Encounter with an Angel

Passage 2 Second Chance

Section Ⅵ Cultural Tips Unive ity Motto

Section I Listening and Speaking Taking Bus

Section Ⅱ Inte ive Reading How America View Time

Section Ⅲ Grammar The Se e of the Passive Voice

Section IV Applied Writing Weather Forecast

Section V Reading Practice

Passage 1 The Value of Time

Passage 2 Value Your Time

Section Ⅵ Cultural Tips Traffic Warnings

Section I Listening and Speaking Travel by Train

Section Ⅱ Inte ive Reading E-mail and Shop Online

Section Ⅲ Grammar Direct Speech and Indirect Speech

Section IV Applied Writing Poster

Section V Reading Practice

Passage 1 Artificial Speech

Passage 2 Welcome to the Web!

Section Ⅵ Cultural Tips High-speed Rail in China

Section I Listening and Speaking Weather and Climate

Section Ⅱ Inte ive Reading A Payment Greater Than Money

Section Ⅲ Grammar Modal Verbs

Section IV Applied Writing Invitation Card and Letter

Section V Reading Practice

Passage 1 A Story to Live By

Passage 2 Happy New You!

Section Ⅵ Cultural Tips El Nino


《简明实用英语》系列教材共三册,本书为第一册。《简明实用英语(第2版)(第1册)》共有10个单元,每个单元包括:Section1 Listening and Spe~ng(听说训练)、SectionⅡ Intensive Reading(精读课文)、SectionllI Grammar(语法精讲)、Section IV Applied Writing(实用文体写作)、Section V ReadingPractice(阅读训练)和SectionⅥ Cultural Tips(文化点滴)等6个部分。




尺寸26 × 19装帧平装
页数 240 印数 3000


简明实用英语是机械工业出版社于2012.4出版的中图分类号为 H31 的主题关于 英语-高等职业教育-教材 的书籍。