

祁颖, 郑丽虹, 主编







Unit 1 Into the Ivory Tower

Part One Listening and Speaking

Pronunciation and Intonation Identification of Vowels

Listening Strategy Who is Speaking?

Conversation One Nice to Meet You

Conversation Two This is My Friend Sarah

Real World Speaking Meetin8 New Friends

Home Listening Listening for Fun

Part Two Reading and Understanding

Activating Remember Your First Day in Colle8el

In-depth Reading Into the Ivory Tower

Real World Reading Welcome to Alps!

Timed Reading My Freshman Year

Part Three Writing and Translating

Grammar Point Part of Speech

Translating at Word Level

Selection and Extension of Word Meaning

Writing at Sentence Level Capitalization

Part Four Enjoying and Entertaining

A Humorous Story

A Crossword Puzzle

Unit 2 Less Efforts, More Results

Part One Listening and Speaking

Pronunciation and Intonation

Vowels in Stressed Syllables

Listening Strategy Listening for Numbers

Conversation One Is Bob There?

Conversation Two Having Dinner Together

Real World Speaking

Makin0 an Appointment on the Phone

Home Listening Listening for Fun

Part Two Reading and Understanding


How Are You Going to Manage Your Time in College?

In-depth Reading Less Efforts,More Results

Real World Reading The Master Schedule

Timed Reading Dolt Now

Part Three Writing and Translating

Grammar Point Noun

Translating at Word Level

Commendatory and Dero8atory Senses of Words

Writing at Sentence Level

Numbers and Abbreviations

Part Four Enjoying and Entertaining

A Humorous Story

Tongue Twisters

Unit 3 Live and Learn

Part One Listening and Speaking

Pronunciation and Intonation

Identification of Constants

Listening Strategy Odd One Out

Conversation One

Why Don't You Join an En81ish, Club?

Conversation Two

Could You Help Me Select My Course?

Real World Speaking Studying Abroad

Home Listening Listening for Fun

Part Two Reading and Understanding

Activating History of the Ivy League

In-depth Reading Live and Learn

Real World Reading Jam a Learner

Timed Reading English Is a Crazy Language

Part Three Writing and Translating

Grammar Point Adjectives and Adverbs

Translating at Word Level

Converting Parts of Speech

Writing at Sentence Level Punctuation

Part Four Enjoying and Entertaining

A Humorous Story

Quick Thinking

Unit 4 The Gift of Giving

Part One Listening and Speaking

Pronunciation and Intonation

Consonants and Consonant Teams

Listening Strategy Blank Filling

Conversation One Hello,Can I Help You?

Conversation Two I Have a Complaint to Make

Real World Speaking Shopping for Birthday Present

Home Listening Listening for Fun

Part Two Reading and Understanding

Activating Surviving Christmas

In-depth Reading TI e Gift of Civin8

Real World Reading The Spending Diaries

Timed Reading

Grasshoppers and Ants:A Consumer Comparison

Part Three Writing and Translating

Grammar Point Prepositions

Translating at Word Level Amplification

Writing at Sentence Level Effective Word Choice

Part Four Enjoying and Entertaining

A Humorous Story


Unit 5 You Are What You Eat

Part One Listeing and Speaking

Pronunciation and Intonation

Stressed Words in a Sentence

Listening Strategy Takin8 Down What You Hear

Conversation One Are You Ready to Order Now?

Conversation Two

Would You Be Free to Have Dinner Together?

Real World Speaking Dining Out

Home Listening Listening for Fun

Part Two Reading and Understanding

Activating Food Pyramid

In-depth Reading You Are What You Eat

Real World Reading

How to Order Food in Western Countries

Timed Reading Food,Glorious Food

Part Three Writing and Translating

Grammar Point Pronouns and Articles

Translating at Word Level Repetition

Writing at Sentence Level Sentence Fragments

Part Four Enjoying and Entertaining

A Humorous Story

Tongue Twisters

Unit 6 An Encounter with a Great Hobby

Part One Listening and Speaking

Pronunciation and Intonation

Focu.sin0 on Functional Words

Listening Strategy What Does the Speaker Mean?

Conversation One May You Succeed at the Contest

Conversation Two

What Seems to Be the Problem?

Real World Speaking Lets Sport

Home Listening Listening for Fun

Part Two Reading and Understanding

Activating Personality and Hobbies

In-depth Reading

An Encounter with a Great Hobby

Real World Reading The Bulletin Board

Timed Reading Let the Hobby Tree Crow

Part Three Writing and Translating

Grammar Point Subject-Predicate Agreement

Translating at Word Level Omission

Writing at Sentence Level Run-on Sentences

Part Four Enjoying and Entertaining

A Humorous Story

A Crossword Puzzle

Unit 7 The Devil Wears Prada

Part One Listening and Speaking

Pronunciation and Intonation Adjacent Words

Listening Strategy Which Do You Prefer?

Conversation One Is It AII R18ht If I Buy One?

Conversation Two That's Not My Style

Real World Speaking What Is Fashion Anyway?

Home Listening Listening for Fun

Part Two Reading and Understanding

Activating A job Interview

In-depth Reading The Devil Wears Prada

Real World Reading What's Your Style?

Timed Reading The Story of Jeans

Part Three Writing and Translating

Grammar Point Verb Tenses

Translating at Word Level

Conversion offirmation and Negation

Writing at Sentence Level

Choppy and Stringy Sentences

Part Four Enjoying and Entertaining

A Humorous Story


Unit 8 Disappearing Wonder

Part One Listening and Speaking

Pronunciation and Intonation Identification of Tone

Listening Strategy Where is it?

Conversation One

Can You Tell Me the Way to the British Museum?

Conversation Two I'd Like to Make a Reservation

Real World Speaking Traveling to the Grand Canyon

Home Listening Listening for Fun

Part Two Reading and Understanding

Activating The Great Wall:Badaling and jiankou

In-depth Reading The Disappearing Wonder

Real World Reading Natural Wonders of the World

Timed Reading How Will We Travel?

Part Three Writing and Translating

Grammar Point Voice

Translating at Word Level Lexical Gap

Writing at Sentence Level

A General Review of Writing Skills at Sentence Level

Part Four Enjoying and Entertaining

A Humorous Story

Joke Puzzle


《大学应用英语系列教材:大学应用英语综合教程1》全面覆盖了听、说、读、写、译等语言技能,同时尤其突m听说能力的培养。教材在语言学习各个环节的输入-输出过程中整合各种单项语言技能,体现了learning language as a whole的语言学习原则。教材重点培养口语输出能力,在以文本、音频、图片、视频等媒介进行语言输入后均设计有口头语言输出环节。


尺寸29 × 21装帧平装
页数印数 5000


大学应用英语综合教程是高等教育出版社于2012.9出版的中图分类号为 H31 的主题关于 英语-高等学校-教材 的书籍。