

冯桂冰, 主编







Unit 1 Traditional Chinese, Medicine——An Introduction

Part One Reading and Translating

Reading A Traditional Chinese Medicine——An Introduction

Reading B Huang Di Nei Jing——ATCM Classic

Part Two Simulated Writing: Summary

Sample 1 Gelatin

Sample 2 Two Systems of a Plant: Roots and Shoots

Part Three Listening and Speaking

Sample Conversation 1 A Discussion About Huang Di Nei Jing(1)

Sample Conversation 2 A Discussion About Huang Di Nei Jing(2)

Unit 2 TCM Differs from Western Medicine

Part One Reading and Translating

Reading A TCM Differs from Western Medicine

Reading B Increasing the Curative Effect——Combining TCM with Western Medicine

Part Two Simulated Writing: Research Paper Abstract

Sample 1 Descriptive Abstract

Sample 2 Informative Abstract

Part Three Listening and Speaking

Sample Conversation Chronic Glomerular Nephritis

Unit 3 Yin and Yang

Part One Reading and Translating

Reading A Yin and Yang

Reading B Allusions to TCM

Part Two Simulated Writing: Direction for a Medicine

Sample 1 "Eyesight-Enhancer" Eye Drops

Sample 2 Cimetidine

Sample 3 Silvius

Part Three Listening and Speaking

Sample Conversation Diabetes

Unit 4 Zang and Fu Organs of the Body

Part One Reading and Translating

Reading A Zang and Fu Organs of the Body——A Harmonious System

Reading B The Way to Care for Health

Part Two Simulated Writing: Medical Product Advertisement

Sample 1 Free Yourself!

Sample 2 Do You Know Your Daily Vitamin Requirements?

Sample 3 You Have a Lot to Face in Life…

Sample 4 Gone with the Powder

Part Three Listening and Speaking

Sample Conversation Stomachache

Unit 5 Qi, Blood and Body Fluids

Part One Reading and Translating

Reading A Qi, Blood and Body Fluids

Reading B Research into the Theory of Energy-Blood Correlation

Part Two Simulated Writing: Medical Case

Sample Refractory Insomnia After an Abortion

Part Three Listening and Speaking

Sample Conversation Delayed Menstrual Cycle

Unit 6 Causes of Disease

Part One Reading and Translating

Reading A Causes of Disease

Reading B Three Kinds of Pathogenic Factors

Part Two Simulated Writing: Letter of Invitation

Sample 1 Informal Invitation

Sample 2 Informal Acceptance

Sample 3 Informal Regret

Sample 4 Formal Invitation

Sample 5 Formal Acceptance

Sample 6 Formal Invitation

Sample 7 Formal Acceptance

Sample 8 Formal Regret

Part Three Listening and Speaking

Sample Conversation Common Cold

Unit 7 The Four Methods of Examination

Part One Reading and Translating

Reading A The Four Methods of Examination

Reading B Tongue Fur

Part Two Simulated Writing: Poster

Sample 1 Basketball Match

Sample 2 English Comer

Sample 3 English Lecture

Sample 4 Concert

Part Three Listening and Speaking

Sample Conversation Fracture

Unit 8 The Eight Principal Patterns

Part One Reading and Translating

Reading A The Eight principal Patterns

Reading B Prescriptions and Their Composition

Part Two Simulated Writing: Letter of Application

Sample 1 Application for a TCM Doctor Position

Sample 2 Application for a TCM Pharmacist Position

Part Three Listening and Speaking

Sample Conversation Bi Yuan

Unit 9 Chinese Materia Medica

Part One Reading and Translating

Reading A Chinese Materia Medica

Reading B Guang Huo Xiang (Herba Pogostemonis)

Part Two Simulated Writing: Resume

Sample A TCM Students Resume

Part Three Listening and Speaking

Sample Conversation 1 Chinese Medicine Nomenclature

Sample Conversation 2 Processing Chinese Medicines: Simple Stir-Frying

Unit 10 Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion

Part One Reading and Translating

Reading A Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion

Reading B Basic Acupuncture and Moxibustion Techniques

Part Two Simulated Writing: Prescription

Sample 1 Chinese Medicine Prescription

Sample 2 Acupuncture Prescription

Part Three Listening and Speaking

Sample Conversation Torticollis

Key to Exercises

Chinese Translations of the Texts





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中医英语是高等教育出版社于2007.08出版的中图分类号为 H31 的主题关于 中医学-英语-高等学校:技术学校-教材 的书籍。