商务英文E-mail写作基础Section 1 商务业务信函 Chapter 1 建立贸易关系 1.请求建立贸易关系Request for Establishing Business Relations 2.回复请求建立业务关系Reply to the Request for Establishing Business Relations 3.索取产品资料Request for Product Literature 4.回复索取产品资料Reply to the Request for Product Literature 5.邀请会面Invitation to the Business Appointment 6.接受会面邀请Accepting the Inv.itation to the Business Appointment 7.谢绝会面邀请Declining the Invitation to the Business Appointment 8.要求更改会面时间及地点Request for Changing the Time&Place of the Meeting Chapter 2 推销 9.向特定客户推销Sales Letter to Specific Customers 10.向不特定客户推销Sales Circular to Non—Specific Customers 11.寄信给老客户Sales Letter to Old Customers 12.寄信给新客户Sales Letter to New Customers 13.推销新产品Sales Letter for Promotion of New Products 14.推销劳务Sales Letter for Promotion of Labor Services Chapter 3 询盘和订货 15.一般询盘General Inquiry 16.回复一般询盘Reply to the General Inquiry 17.具体询盘Specific Inquiry 18.报虚盘Making a Non-Firm Offer 19.报实盘Making a Firm Offer 20.买方还盘Making a Counter Offer 21.卖方返还盘Making a Counter—Counter Offer 22.下订单Placing an Order 23.接受订单Accepting an Order 24.拒绝订单Declining an Order 25.下续订单Placing a Repeat Order 26.推荐替代品0ffering a Substitute Product 27.接受替代品Accepting a Substitute Product 28.拒绝替代品Declining a Substitute Product 29.涨价通知Notice for Price Increase 30.回复涨价通知Reply to the Price.Increase Notice Chatper 4 付款 31.询问付款方式Asking about Payment Tems 32.接受付款方式Accepting Payment Terlns 33.要求修改信用证Request for Amendment to L/C 34.信用证修改Amendment to L/C 35.付款通知Payment Notice 36.收到付款通知Receipt of Payment Notice 37.催促付款(初次)Urging Payment(First Notice) 38.催促付款(最后通告)Urging Payment(Last Notice) 39.索取发票Asking for Invoice 40.寄送发票Sending Invoice Chapter 5 包装和交货 41.包装要求Packaging Requirements 42.回复包装要求Reply to Packaging Requirements 43.装运时间Time ofShipment 44.回复装运通知Reply to Time of shiDment 45.催促装运Urging Shipment 46.回复催促装运Reply to Urging Shipment 47.出货通知Shipment Advice 48.货物抵达通知Goods Arrival Notice Chapter 6 投诉和致歉 49.投诉货物未寄达Complaint about Goods Arrival Failure 50.对货物未寄达致歉Apology for Goods Arrival Failure 51.出货延迟Late Delivery 52.对出货延迟致歉Apology for Late Delivery 53.投诉货物质量Complaint about Poor Quality of Goods 54.对货物质量不佳致歉Apology for Poor Quality of Goods 55.投诉货物数量Complaint about Wrong Quantity of Goods 56.为数量错误致歉Apology for Wrong Quantity of Goods 57.投诉发货出错Complaint about Receiving Wrong Goods 58.为发货有误致歉Apology for Sending Wrong Goods 59.抱怨包装不良Complaint about Poor Packagin9 60.为包装不良致歉Apology for Poor Packagin9 61.付款出错Payment Error 62.为付款出错致歉Apology for Payment Error 63.对服务的不满Service Dissatisfaction 64.对服务不满致歉Apology for Customer Service DissatisfactionSection 2 商务日常信函 Chapter 7 商务交往 65.请求筹备出差Request for Preparing for a Business Trip 66.回复请求筹备出差Reply to the Request for preparing for a Business Trip 67.确认预定行程Confirming Itinerary Reservation 68.出差后的感谢Thanks for a Business Trip 69.活动通知Activity Notice 70.集会通知Gathering Notice 71.邀请担任演讲者Inviting Speaker 72.回复演讲邀请Reply to the Invitation for speaker 73.展销会通知Trade Fair Notice 74.回复邀请Reply to the Trade Fair Invitation 75.请求帮忙做问卷调查Request for Filling Out Questionnaire 76.请求转载许可Request for Reproduction Permission Chapter 8 公司人事 77.人事查询Personnel Enquiry 78.找寻人才Looking for Qualified Personnel 79.晋升公告Promotion Announcement 80.调动通知Transfer Notice 81.褒奖员工Complimenting Employees Chapter 9 公司内部 82.会议通知Meeting Notice 83.例行报告Routine Report 84.问题报告Problem Report 85.提案Proposal 86.回复提案Reply to Proposal 87.说服对方Convincing the Other Side 88.给予指示Giving Instructions 89.新产品说明New Product Description Chapter 10 社交信函 90.邀请与约见函Invitation and Appointment Letter 91.回复邀请Reply to Invitation 92.祝贺函Letter of Congratulation 93.慰问函Letter of Sympathy 94.感谢函Letter of Thanks 95.道歉函Letter of Apology 96.通知函Letter of Advice 97.鼓励函Letter of Encouragement 98.探病函Letter of Consoling the Sick 99.吊唁函Letter of Condolence 100.节日问候Season’S Greeting附录1 商务信函缩略语附录2 常用非正式E-mail 30例
《商务英文E-MAIL模板大全》一书包括两大部分,即商务业务信函和商务日常信函,十大章、100个实战案例。其中商务业务信函主要分为六大章:建立贸易关系、推销、询盘和订货、付款、包装和交货、投诉和致歉;商务日常信函则由商务交往、公司人事、公司内部、社交信函四大章组成。另外附录部分还人性化设置了商务信函缩略语和常用非正式E-mail 30例。最后,本书在栏目的设计上更是别具新意: 实战E-mail案例:来源于商贸实战的E-mail案例,由简单知识介绍导入,附写作结构导图,中英文互译; 填充模板:每个模板都由案例中提炼出的有效组合句搭建而成,其设计主旨是方便各行业的读者直接填充、套用; 填充词:给出模板中需要填充的词汇,对于有无限填充可能的,全书给出简单的填充指导,对于有常见、有限的几种填充可能的词,我们给出相应填充词的举例; 替换句:模板是可变的模板,对于模板中的功能句提供多种可供替换的表达方式,让模板更灵活。
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丛书名 | 星火英语系列图书 | ||
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出版地 | 济南 | 出版单位 | 山东科学技术出版社 |
版次 | 1版 | 印次 | 1 |
定价(元) | 26.8 | 语种 | 简体中文 |
尺寸 | 19 | 装帧 | 平装 |
页数 | 323 | 印数 | 10000 |
商务英文E-MAIL模板大全是山东科学技术出版社于2009.出版的中图分类号为 H315 的主题关于 商务-英语-电子邮件-写作 的书籍。
张瑜凌, 编著
(英) 布兰德 (Brand,Q.) , 著
钟蓓, (澳) 顾杰稀, 编著
钟蓓, (澳) 顾杰稀, 编著
钟蓓, 编著
WAYMARK语言学习工作室, 编著
优尼创新外语研发中心, 主编
方学初, 主编
焦军, 编著