Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Introduction
1 .2Research Foci
1.3 Research Approach
1.4 Significance
Chapter 2 Language Leanung and DigitalTechnology
2.1 Second Language Acquisition - a GeneralPicture
2.2 Language Lea:ming Involving Digital Technology
2.2.1 Recent Developments in Studies of LanguageLeaming Involving Digital Technology
2.2.2 The Relationship Between Digital Technologyand Language Learning
2.3 Out-of-class Use of Digital Technology byLeamers
2.3.1 Understanding Leamer, Digital Technology,and Context
2.3.2 Using Digital Technology in Out-of-class Situations
2.4 Summary
Chapter 3 An Activity Theory View
3.1 Research Objectives
3.2 The Theoretical Framework
3.2.1Activity Theory - a Brief Introduction
3.2.2 Why Activity Theory?
3.2.3 Operationalising Activity Theory
3.3 A Multiple-case Study Approach
3.4 Activity Theory-guided Research Design
3.5 Activity Theory-guided Data Analysis
3.5.1 Data Analysis Framework
3. 5. 2Data Presentation
3.6 Summary
Chapter 4 The Story of Rong
4.1 Rong as the Computer User
4.2 Rong as the Language Learner
4.3 Digital Technology in English-RelatedPractices
4. 3. I'm using the computer to study Englishand prepare for English tests.
4.3:2 "I'm not studying but using Englishon the computer.
4.3.3"I'm learning English in the computeractivities.
4.4 Conclusion - the Computer Mainly as aTape Recorder
Chapter 5 The Story of Tang
Chapter 6 Discussion
Chapter 7 Conclusion
《活动理论视角下的数字技术与语言学习关系论》包括了Introduction、Language Leanung and DigitalTechnology、An Activity Theory View、The Story of Rong等。
书籍详细信息 | |||
书名 | 活动理论视角下的数字技术与语言学习关系论站内查询相似图书 | ||
9787309081688 如需购买下载《活动理论视角下的数字技术与语言学习关系论》pdf扫描版电子书或查询更多相关信息,请直接复制isbn,搜索即可全网搜索该ISBN | |||
出版地 | 上海 | 出版单位 | 复旦大学出版社 |
版次 | 1版 | 印次 | 1 |
定价(元) | 20.0 | 语种 | 英文 |
尺寸 | 21 × 14 | 装帧 | 平装 |
页数 | 印数 |
活动理论视角下的数字技术与语言学习关系论是复旦大学出版社于2011.6出版的中图分类号为 H09 的主题关于 语言教学-教学研究-高等学校-英文 的书籍。
(新西兰) 哈约·雷德斯 (Hayo Reinders) , 著
(美) 奥克斯福德 (Oxford,R.L.) , 著
(加) 阿格涅茨卡·帕拉拉斯 (Agnieszka Palalas) , 主编
张帆, 著
朱敏华, 著
( ) 德尔涅伊, ( ) 麦金太尔, ( ) 亨利, 编
孟江虹, 著
(加) 阿格涅茨卡·帕拉拉斯 (Agnieszka Palalas) , 主编