

金灿荣, 著







Jin Canrong,born in 1962,received his bachelor,S degree from the Department of International Politics,Fudan University in l984,master’S degree fro Jin Canrong,born in 1962,received his bachelor,S degree from the Department of International Politics,Fudan University in l984,master’S degree from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Graduate School in l 987 and doctor’S degree from the School of International Studies, Beijing University in l999.He cu~ently serves as Deputy Dean and Professor at the Sch001 0f International Studies, Tutor of the PhD student in Diplomacy,Director of Academic Committee at the Center for International Energy and Environment Strategy Studies,and Deputy Director at the Research Center for American Studies in China Renmin University.He is also the vice president of China National Association for Intemational Studies,research fellow at the Research Of6ce of the Standing Committee of the National People’S Congress,research fellow at the Center for Peace and Development in China,standing councilor of China Reform Forum,councilor of China International Public Relations Association,and standing councilor of Shanghai Future Asia Society.His studies focus on US political system and political culture,US foreign policy,China—US relations and relations among major powers,and China’S foreign policy.He delivers lectures on“foreign decision.making studies”,“US foreign policy and China.US relations”.and“theories and practice of China,S diploma cy”,etc—His main publications include Multilateralism and Cooperation among East Asian Countries,Views from Chinese Scholars on Power Strategy,etc.,and hundreds of academic articles and reviews. 显示全部信息


Chapter 1The Origin of China,SInternational ResponsibilitiesChapter 2The Realistic Motives andHistorical Features of China as a Responsible PowerChapter 3China as a Permanent Member of the UN Security CouncilPreserving Peace and SharingResponsibilitiesChapter 4China as the LargestDeveloping Country in theWorld:Promoting Developmentand Sharing Well-being

Chapter 1The Origin of China,SInternational ResponsibilitiesChapter 2The Realistic Motives andHistorical Features of China as a Responsible PowerChapter 3China as a Permanent Member of the UN Security CouncilPreserving Peace and SharingResponsibilitiesChapter 4China as the LargestDeveloping Country in theWorld:Promoting Developmentand Sharing Well-beingChapter 5China as an Emerging MarketEconomy:PromotingCooperation and RealizingCommon ProsperityChapter 6China as a Builder of theInternational Community:Friendly Coexistence,Harmony and Win-winChapter 7China’S GlobalResponsibilities:Opportunities and Challenges


    This book is a most timely one that not only system.atically introduces China’S current international responsi.bilities,but also responds to the intemational public opinions arguing on whether China is a responsible power.Today,the mainstream of public opinions in Western powers seldom labels the emergence of China as a “threat”.but neither do it regards China as a“partner”.The focus of the debate is on whether China is“responsible”.Under the powerful monopoly of Western opinions,the world can hear little of China,S voice.This book aims at demonstrating the views of China,S top scholars on the issue of international responsibilities in order to add a Chinese perspective to this hot topic in international politics,introducing in details China’S achievements in shouldering international responsibilities in terms of maintaining world peace and promoting coinlnon development,showing the image of a responsible power,and for the international readers who are concerned about the emergence of China and China.Western relations,arousing their interests in the voice from China SO as to eliminate misundcrstandings.At the same time,this book also offers an in。depth analysis of the problems and challenges faced by China while its taking up international responsibilities。The publication of this book will help to break the monopoly of Western media and academia in public opinion and discourse on relevant issues SO as to create a more favorable externa]environment for China,S diplomacy.


尺寸24 × 16装帧平装


大国的责任是中国人民大学出版社于2011.2出版的中图分类号为 D5 ,D60 的主题关于 国际政治-研究-英文 ,发展战略-研究-中国-英文 的书籍。