

(德) 兹普瑞克 (Zipprick,J.) , 著







1.魅力葡萄酒 The magic of wine

1.1 法国葡萄酒简介 018 / 018 1.1 Introduction

1.2 法国葡萄酒产区 019 / 021 1.2 France’s regionS

1.3 葡萄酒的酿造过程 023 / 023 1.3 How wine is made

1.4 第一次品尝葡萄酒 024 / 025 1.4 The first taste

1.5 葡萄酒的醒酒 026 / 026 1.5 Decantation

1.6 葡萄酒的品尝 026 / 026 1.6 Wine tasting

1.7 葡萄酒的侍酒温度 026 / 026 1.7 The temperature

1.8 烈酒 028 / 028 1.8 Spirits

1.9 葡萄酒的酒标 029 / 029 1.9 The label

1.10 常见葡萄品种指南 031 / 032 1.10 A small guid to well

known grape varieties

1.11 消费者注意:难以避免的假酒 034 / 034 1.11 buyer

beware:A word on wine fraud

1.12 葡萄酒小词汇 040 / 041 1.12 Small wine vocabulary

2.葡萄酒和法国美食 Wine and French Cooking

3.波尔多产区 Bordeaux and its region

3.1 波尔多地理 062 / 062 3.1 Geography

3.2 波尔多经济 063 / 063 3.2 Economy

3.3 波尔多编年史 064 / 068 3.3 A bit of history

3.4 波尔多文艺 071 / 071 3.4 Art and culture

3.5 波尔多现代艺术 074 / 074 3.5 Modern Art

3.6 波尔多建筑 075 / 075 3.6 Architecture

3.7 波尔多小镇 077 / 077 3.7 Bordeaux – the town

3.8 穿越波尔多 083 / 083 3.8 Walks through Bordeaux

3.9 历史趣闻 096 / 097 3.9 Anecdotes from bordeaux

3.10 波尔多郊区 098 / 098 3.10 the suburbs of Bordeau

3.11 波尔多葡萄酒产区和酒庄分级 100 / 101 3.11 Wine regions

and classifications

3.12 葡萄园游览路线 105 / 105 3.12 Routes through the


3.13 波尔多产区周围的吃住行 169 / 171 3.13 Where to eat

in Bordeaux and the southwest

4.勃艮第产区 Burgundy

4.1 风土、葡萄酒、美食 194 / 195 4.1 The region, its

wines,its food

4.2 勃艮第简史 196 / 197 4.2 a bit of History

4.3 勃艮第葡萄酒 198 / 199 4.3 Wine in Burgundy

4.4 勃艮第的餐厅和酒店 209 / 209 4.4 restaurants and hotels

of Burgundy

5.香槟产区 Champagne

5.1 香槟产区、香槟与美食 219 / 219 5.1 The region, its

wines and its food

5.2 香槟历史简介 221 / 221 5.2 A short history of


5.3 香槟酒 225 / 225 5.3 Wine in Champagne

5.4 香槟生产者特写——哥塞香槟 228 / 229 5.4 Portrait of a

winegrower: Gosset

5.5 餐饮住宿 232 / 234 5.5 Where to eat and where to stay

6.罗纳河谷产区The Rh?ne region

6.1 罗纳河谷产区的美食和美酒 238 / 238 6.1 The region, its

cooking and its wines

6.2 罗纳河谷产区简史 243 / 243 6.2 a bit of History

6.3 罗纳河谷产区葡萄酒 244 / 245 6.3 Rh?ne wine

6.4 罗纳河谷产区吃住行 251 / 253 6.4 Where to eat, to stay

and to buy

7.干邑产区The spirits of Cognac

7.1 干邑产区的气候、葡萄藤和蒸馏 266 / 267 7.1 The region, its

climate,its wines and the distillation

of cognac

7.2 干邑历史 276 / 276 7.2 cognac History

7.3 干邑的品质 282 / 283 7.3 The qualities of Cognac

7.4 干邑知多少 284 / 284 7.4 Things to know about Cognac

7.5 干邑产区的吃住行购 288 / 288 7.5 where to stay,eat and

shop in and round cognac

7.1 干邑产区的气候、葡萄藤和蒸馏 266 / 267 7.1 The region, its

climate,its wines and the distillationof cognac

7.2 干邑历史 276 / 276 7.2 cognac History

7.3 干邑的品质 282 / 283 7.3 The qualities of Cognac

7.4 干邑知多少 284 / 284 7.4 Things to know about Cognac

7.5 干邑产区的吃住行购 288 / 288 7.5 where to stay,eat and

shop in and around cognac

8.常用地址useful addresses and phone numbers




适读人群 :美酒爱好者,法国旅游爱好者



尺寸30 × 26装帧精装
页数印数 2000


法国,葡萄酒王国是青岛出版社于2014.5出版的中图分类号为 TS971 ,TS261.8 的主题关于 葡萄酒-酿酒-食品厂-介绍-法国-英、汉 ,葡萄酒-文化-法国-英、汉 的书籍。