reading matters 2: overview
introduction to the second edition
unit 1habits ora lifetime
chapter 1 where does the time go?
time management for academic success
harvard university's habits for success
chapter 2 habits of a lifetime: are we affected?
1 a life well lived the road less traveled
2 the secrets of a long life a positive approach to life
healthu habits—— the companu way
chapter 3 the power of naps
we need to nap)
who naps most?
the city that never sleeps
u nit 2exptoring our roots
chapter 4 what's in a name?
the roots of our names
new names: who decides?
the business of names
chapter 5 researching our hidden roots
1 john's storya surprising discovery
2 joy's storg what's your medical history?
destiny: a father and child reunion
chapter 6 writing our otun historg
our own stories
mu life as a sandwich
unit 3monegmatters
chapter 7 starting ~oung: learning the value of honeg
can we teach kids to save?
should this child be working?
the vouth market 3ust keeps on growing
chapter 8 lotteries: good for societg?
1 lottery luck
against all odds
2 lottery loss
beating the odds
teen gambling: the hidden addiction
chapter 9 the future of moneg
how will vou be paying?
pennies from heaven
in debt at the altar: a wedding on credit
unit 4 protecting nature
chapter 10 night light pollution
the disappearing darkness
saving the sky
the 3 gus of stargazing
chapter 11 the return of the wolves
1 wolves in the wild
wolves in vellowstone national park
the wolves next door
the unknown lives of wolves
luna the orca
chapter 12 protecting water resources
global water shortages
unit 5 personauty
chapter 13 the zmportance of friendship
with a little help from her friends
new kidney is gift from the heart
newman's own: friendship and business can mix
chapter 14 living with our emotions178.'
1 coping with shyness
can shyness be overcome?
2 coping with worry
don't let vour worries get to vou
chapter 15 handwriting and our personautg
graphology: can it be trusted?
the lowdown on handwriting analysis
the letter detective
unit 6the search for answers
chapter 16 the mystery of the iceman
the iceman of the alps
mummified hunter ate well
chapter 17 what will happen to the titanic?
1 the tragedy of the titanic
titanic lost!
2 the titanic rediscovered
titanic found!
trying to save the titanic
locating the little prince
chapter 18 the anasazi: why did they leave?
mystery of the southwest
the mystery of the cliff dwellers
text credits
word list
阅读能力是在大量实践中培养起来的。 《大学英语交互阅读教程》1-4册提供了大量阅读文章,本教材以主题划分单元,每册6个单元,每个单元包含2个章节,每个章节选有3-6篇与主题相关的文章。单元主题导入部分采用引文、照片或者图片的方式,调动学习者的兴趣,引发学习者个人相关体验的回忆,图文并茂,生动活泼。选文以当代英语常见语体或文体的典型样本为素材,语言清新、真实地道;内容丰富,体裁多样,有随笔、访谈、故事、杂感、短评等。文章内容涉及文化、科学、环境、经济、体育、艺术等,信息性、趣味性、时代性强,兼具科学性、合理性和实用性。通过对文章的分析阅读,学习者不仅可以较快地提高语言水平,而且还可以扩大知识面,了解诸多学科的相关背景知识,在学习语言的同时获取知识与信息。
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9787040332100 如需购买下载《大学英语交互阅读教程》pdf扫描版电子书或查询更多相关信息,请直接复制isbn,搜索即可全网搜索该ISBN | |||
出版地 | 北京 | 出版单位 | 高等教育出版社 |
版次 | 1版 | 印次 | 1 |
定价(元) | 28.0 | 语种 | 简体中文 |
尺寸 | 26 × 20 | 装帧 | 平装 |
页数 | 印数 | 8000 |
大学英语交互阅读教程是高等教育出版社于2011.8出版的中图分类号为 H319.4 的主题关于 英语-阅读教学-高等学校-教材 的书籍。
(美) 沃利 (Wholey,M.L.) , 著
(美) 沃利 (Wholey,M.L.) , (加) 亨内恩 (Henein,N.) , 著
(美) 沃利 (Wholey,M.L.) , (加) 亨内恩 (Henein,N.) , 著
张彩华, 主编
钱清, 主编
邓海, 周可欣, 主编
张增健, 编
韩晓玲, 贾学勤, 主编
邓海, 彭云雁, 主编