用TCP/IP进行网际互连.第2卷,设计、实现与内核:ANSI C版:第3版
用TCP/IP进行网际互连.第2卷,设计、实现与内核:ANSI C版:第3版封面图

用TCP/IP进行网际互连.第2卷,设计、实现与内核:ANSI C版:第3版

(美) 科默 (Comer,D.E.) , (美) 史蒂文 (Stevens,D.L.) , 著





本书是关于计算机网络的经典教材,是目前美国大多数大学所开设的计算机网络课程的主要参考书。全书共三卷。第二卷在第一卷介绍了TCP/IP基本概念的基础上,进一步详细讨论了TCP/IP的实现细节。这一卷的突出特点 非常注重实际。作者利用程序代码实现了TCP/IP的每个技术细节,并且所有代码在书中均可找到,有助于读者深入了解并掌握TCP/IP的细节内容。书中附录分别给出了过程调用交叉参考表、程序代码中用到的C数据结构交叉参考表及Xinu函数和常量。


Douglas E.Comer:普度大学的一位杰出的计算机科学教授,思科系统公司的访问教授成员,并且是计算机网络和TCP/IP以及因特网方面的国际公认的专家。他的著作已翻译成16种语言,并广泛用于世界各地的工业界和学术界。作为他的得意之作,这套共分三卷的《用TcP/IP进行网际互连》彻底改变了组网和网络方面的教育,并且他的不断创新的工作继续影响着研究生和大学生所学的课程。作为美国计算机学会的会士,在他获得的许多荣誉中包括Usenix终生成就奖。




Chapter 1 Introduction And Overview

1.1 TCP/IP Protocols

1.2 The Need To Understand Details

1.3 Complexity Of Interactions Among Protocols

1,4 The Approach In This Text

1.5 The Importance Of Studying Code

1.6 The Xinu Operating System

1.7 Organization Of The Remainder Of The Book

1.8 Summary

Chapter 2 The Structure Of TCP/IP Software In An Operating System

2.1 Introduction

2.2 The Process Concept

2.3 Process Priority

2.4 Process Synchronization

2.5 lnterprocess Communication

2.6 Device Drivers, Input, And Output

2.7 Network Input and Interrupts

2.8 Passing Packets To Higher Level Protocols

2.9 Passing Datagrams From IP To Transport Protocols

2.10 Delivery To Application Programs

2.11 Information Flow On Output

2.12 From TCP Through IP To Network Output

2.13 UDP Output

2.14 Summary

Chapter 3 Network Interface Layer

3.1 Introduction

3.2 The Network Interface Abstraction

3.3 Ethernet Definitions

3.4 Logical State Of An Interface

3.5 Local Host Interface

3.6 Buffer Management

3.7 Demultiplexing Incoming Packets

3.8 Summary

Chapter 4 Address Discovery And Binding (ARP)

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Conceptual Organization Of ARP Software

4.3 Example ARP Design

4.4 Data Structures For The ARP Cache

4.5 ARP Output Processing

4.6 ARP Input Processing

4.7 ARP Cache Management

4.8 ARP Initialization

4.9 ARP Configuration Parameters

4.10 Summary

Chapter 5 IP: Global Software Organization

5.1 Introduction

5.2 The Central Switch

5.3 IP Software Design

5.4 IP Software Organization And Datagram Flow

5.5 Byte-Ordering In The IP Header

5.6 Sending A Datagram To IP

5.7 Table Maintenance

5.8 Summary

Chapter 6 IP: Routing Table And Routing Algorithm

6.1 Introduction

6.2 Route Maintenance And Lookup

6.3 Routing Table Organization

6.4 Routing Table Data Structures

6.5 Origin Of Routes And Persistence

6.6 Routing A Datagram

6.7 Periodic Routing Table Maintenance

6.8 IP Options Processing

6.9 Summary

Chapter 7 IP: Fragmentation And Reessembly

7.1 Introduction 109

7.2 Fragmenting Datagrams

7.3 Implementation Of Fragmentation

7.4 Datagram Reassembly

7.5 Maintenance Of Fragment Lists

7.6 Initialization

7.7 Summary

Chapter 8 IP: Error Processing (ICMP)

8.1 Introduction

8.2 ICMP Message Formats

8.3 Implementation Of ICMP Messages

8.4 Handling Incoming ICMP Messages

8.5 Handling An ICMP Redirect Message

8.6 Setting A Subnet Mask

8.7 Choosing A Source Address For An ICMP Packet

8.8 Generating ICMP Error Messages

8.9 Avoiding Errors About Errors

8.10 Allocating A Buffer For ICMP

8.11 The Data Portion Of An ICMP Message

8.12 Generating An ICMP Redirect Message

8.13 Summary

Chapter 9 IP: Multicast Processing (IGMP)

9.1 Introduction

9.2 Maintaining Multicast Group Membership Information

9.3 A Host Group Table

9.4 Searching For A Host Group

9.5 Adding A Host Group Entry To The Table

9.6 Configuring The Network Interface For A Multicast Address

9.7 Translation Between IP and Hardware Multicast Addresses

9.8 Removing A Multicast Address From The Host Group Table

9.9 Joining A Host Group

9.10 Maintaining Contact With A Multicast Router

9.11 Implementing IGMP Membership Reports

9.12 Computing A Random Delay

9.13 A Process To Send IGMP Reports

9.14 Handling Incoming IGMP Messages

9.15 Leaving A Host Group

9.16 Initialization Of IGMP Data Structures

9.17 Summary

Chapter 10 UDP: User Datagrams

10.1 Introduction

10.2 UDP Ports And Demultiplexing

10.3 UDP Input Processing

10.4 UDP Output Processing

10.5 Summary

Chapter 11 TCP: Data Structures And Input Processing

11.1 Introduction

11.2 Overview Of TCP Software

11.3 Transmission Control Blocks

11.4 TCP Segment Format

11.5 Sequence Space Comparison

11.6 TCP Finite State Machine

11.7 Example State Transition

11.8 Declaration Of The Finite State Machine

11.9 TCB Allocation And Initialization

11.10 Implementation Of The Finite State Machine

11.11 Handling An Input Segment

Chapter 12 TCP: Finite State Machine Implementation

12.1 Introduction

12.2 CLOSED State Processing

12.3 Graceful Shutdown

12.4 Timed Delay After Closing

12.5 TIME-WAIT State Processing

12.6 CLOSING State Processing

12.7 FIN- WAIT-2 State Processing

12.8 FIN-WAlT-1 State Processing

12.9 CLOSE-WAIT State Processing

12.10 LAST-ACK State Processing

12.11 ESTABLISHED State Processing

12.12 Processing Urgent Data In A Segment

12.13 Processing Other Data In A Segment

12.14 Keeping Track Of Received Octets

12.15 Aborting A TCP Connection

12.16 Establishing A TCP Connection

12.17 Initializing A TCB

12.18 SYN-SENT State Processing

12.19 SYN-RECEIVED State Processing

12.20 LISTEN State Processing

12.21 Initializing Window Variables For A New TCB

12.22 Summary

Chapter 13 TCP: Output Processing

13.1 Introduction

13.2 Controlling TCP Output Complexity

13.3 The Four TCP Output States

13.4 TCP Output As A Process

13.5 TCP Output Messages

13.6 Encoding Output States And TCB Numbers

13.7 Implementation Of The TCP Output Process

13.8 Mutual Exclusion

13.9 Implementation Of The IDLE State

13.10 Implementation Of The PERSIST State

13.11 Implementation Of The TRANSMIT State

13.12 Implementation Of The RETRANSMIT State

13.13 Sending A Segment


Chapter 14 TCP:Timer Management

Chapter 15 TCP:Flow Control And Adaptive Retransmission

Chapter 16 TCP:Urgent Data Processing And The Push Funcion

Chapter 17 Socket-Level Interface

Chapter 18 RIP:Active Route Propagation And Passive Acqusition

Chapter 19 OSPF:Route Propagation With An SPF Algorithm

Chapter 20 SNMP:MIB Variables Representations And Bindings

Chapter 21 SNMP:Client And Server

Chapter 22 SNMP:Table Access Functions

Chapter 23 Implementation In Retrospect

Appendix1 Cross Reference Of Procedure Calls

Appendix2 Cross Reference Of C Structures Used In The code

Appendix3 Xinu Functions And Constants Used In The Code




关于计算机网络的经典教材,是目前美国大多数大学所开设的计算机网络课程的主要参考书。全书共三卷。第二卷在第一卷介绍了TCP/IP基本概念的基础上,进一步详细讨论了TCP/IP的实现细节。这一卷的突出特点 非常注重实际。作者利用程序代码实现了TCP/IP的每个技术细节,并且所有代码在书中均可找到,有助于读者深入了解并掌握TCP/IP的细节内容。书中附录分别给出了过程调用交叉参考表、程序代码中用到的C数据结构交叉参考表及Xinu函数和常量。


一代又一代的专业技术人员}RDouglas Comer的《用TCP/IP进行网际互连》视为了解那些使因特网得以运转的协议和技术的敲门砖,它思路清晰,简单易懂。《用TCP/IP进行网际互连(第2卷):设计、实现与内核(ANSI C版)(第3版)(英文版)》是其中的第二卷,作者深入探讨了TCP/IP的设计方案,考察了每个协议的具体细节及实现技术,并惹重介绍了协议软件的内部机制。贯穿全书的是一个利用ANSI C构建的可运行系统,用来讲解协议之间的交互操作、完整的实现过程及内部结构。
  《用TCP/IP进行网际互连(第2卷):设计、实现与内核(ANSI C版)(第3版)(英文版)》主要特点:
  利用ANSI C定义了数据结构、常量及过程和进程的代码


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用TCP/IP进行网际互连.第2卷,设计、实现与内核:ANSI C版:第3版是电子工业出版社于2009.07出版的中图分类号为 TN915.04 的主题关于 计算机网络-通信协议-教材-英文 的书籍。