Long-lasting Value and Realistic Significance of Gao
Mingkai's Academic Spirit
Professor Gao Mingkai's Scholar Spirit and Scientific
Attitude in Studying Chinese Linguistics:
A Brief Review on Nominalization of Chinese
Verbs and Adjectives
Gao Mingkai's Historical Status in the Advancement
of Modern Chinese Linguistics
From the Enlightenment of Theory to the System of Theory: To Study Mr. Gao Mingkai's 'On Language
The Essence of the Arbitrariness of Linguistic Signs:
In Memory of Professor Gao Mingkai on his
Centenary Birthday
Several Principles on Reconstructing a Proto lainguage The Case of Tone, Prefix "h- and'?- of
Proto Yi
Uvulars in Tibeto-Burman Languages
On the Decline of Consonant Clusters in Pumi
An Acoustic Study of the Velarization Contrast
in Puxi Shangzhai
The Referential Properties of Bare Nouns and Classifier
Phrases in Nuosu Yi Language
Statement Verb with a Directional Prefix in Nyagrong Minyag
Unscrambling Ershu Shaba's Picture
Writing Nomasida
The Role of the Comparative Method and Stratum
Analysis in the Reconstruction of Chinese
Dialect History
The Sound Change of the Morpheme "half"in the Hmong-Mien Languages
Research on Nasal Finals in Yun'ao Southern Min
Initials [blg] in Southern Min Dialects
The Phonation Characteristics of Sentence Focus in Mandarin
Le1and le2 in Past Events
Complementary Notes on the Pragmatic Analysis of Youdeshi(有的是) and Its Lexicalization
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北京大学汉语语言学研究中心《语言学论丛》编委会, 编
北京大学汉语语言学研究中心《语言学论丛》编委会, 编
北京大学汉语语言学研究中心《语言学论丛》编委会, 编
北京大学汉语语言学研究中心《语言学论丛》编委会, 编
北京大学中国语言学研究中心《语言学论丛》编委会, 编
北京大学汉语语言学研究中心《语言学论丛》编辑部, 编
北京大学汉语语言学研究中心《语言学论丛》编委会, 编
北京大学汉语语言学研究中心《语言学论丛》编委会, 编
北京大学中国语言学研究中心《语言学论丛》编委会, 编