

(英) 凯 (Kay,S.) , 樊葳葳, 田朝霞, 宿玉荣, 编著







(英)苏·凯(Sue Kay), 中国社会科学院外籍专家,博士生导师,多次担任“外研社杯”全国英语辩论赛评委。   樊葳葳,华中科技大学外国语学院院长、教授,主要研究领域为英语教学与跨文化交际,对英语口语教学、英语演讲有深入研究。宿玉荣,对外经济贸易大学教师,曾师从国际演讲大师Stephen E. Lucas教授,深谙演讲理论知识,同时积累了大量基于中国课堂的教学实践经验。田朝霞,南京师范大学副教授,曾多次指导学生进入全国英语演讲大赛决赛,并先后担任“外研社杯”全国英语演讲大赛和“外研社杯”全国英语辩论赛评委。


Part One Guidelines for Public Speaking 演讲的基本原则

i. Introduction: Speaking in Public Requires More than a Voice

ii. How to Write a Speech (I): Script Content

iii. How to Write a Speech (II): Script Preparation

iv. How to Deliver a Speech (I): Vocal Delivery

v. How to Deliver a Speech (II): Physical Delivery

vi. Impromptu Speaking

Part Two Speeches & Comments 演讲与评析

No. 1 Unity and Diversity

No. 2 Unity in Diversity

No. 3 Unity and Diversity, the Two Pillars of the New Era

No. 4 A Uygur Girl Can Be Different and the Same

No. 5 The Importance of Being Different

No. 6 The Importance of Being Different

- Be Different from Yourself!

No. 7 The Importance of Being Different

No. 8 A Strategy for Saving the World

- Running Makes Us Healthier

No. 9 Global Citizenship Begins at Home

No. 10 Global Citizenship Begins at Home

- Stop Abusing Our Mother Earth

No. 11 Global Citizenship Begins at Home

No. 12 Global Citizenship Begins at Home

- Curiosity Propels Possibility

No. 13 The Global Me

- Speak Out for Children as a Global Citizen

Prepared Speeches

No. 14 The Global Me

- Global Learning and a Global Learner

No. 15 Taking on My Challenges

No. 16 The New Me

No. 17 1+1=2?

- The Magic Walls: "-"? "+"?

No. 18 1+1=2?

No. 19 1+1=2?

No. 20 1+1=2?

- Simplify Your Life

No. 21 Changed by the Earthquake

No. 22 Changed by the Earthquake

No. 23 Olympian and Paralympian, Man and Superman

No. 24 Olympian and Paralympian, Man and Superman

No. 25 Culture Smart or Science Intelligent?

No. 26 Culture Smart or Science Intelligent?

- Smart Culture to Defeat the Abuse of the Intelligence of Science

No. 27 Culture Smart or Science Intelligent?

No. 28 Culture Smart or Science Intelligent?

- Balancing the Power of Science

No. 29 When Green Isn't Good

No. 30 What's Right with the World?

No. 31 What's Right with the World?

No. 32 What's Right with the World?

No. 33 Empty Nest Syndrome Is My Top Concern

No. 34 What I Do with My Life Is My Top Concern

No. 35 Friendship Is My Top Concern

No. 36 That Sleeping Angel Is My Top Concern

No. 37 A Different Kind of Power Is My Top Concern

No. 38 Living in Tranquility Is My Top Concern

No. 39 Doomsday Is My Top Concern

No. 40 Self-Discipline Is My Top Concern

No. 41 China's Brain Drain Is My Top Concern

No. 42 A Word That Has Changed the World - Listen

No. 43 A Word That Has Changed the World - "We"

No. 44 A Word That Has Changed the World - Concentration

No. 45 A Word That Has Changed the World - Laziness

No. 46 A Word That Has Changed the World - Why

No. 47 A Word That Has Changed the World - Speech

No. 48 A Word That Has Changed the World - Smile

No. 49 A Word That Has Changed the World - Wow!

No. 50 A Word That Has Changed the World

- Discontent, the Prelude to Progress

Impromptu Speeches

No. 51 Picture

No. 52 Picture

No. 53 Quotation

No. 54 Quotation

No. 55 Quotation

No. 56 Topic

No. 57 Topic

No. 58 Topic

No. 59 Topic

No. 60 Topic

No. 61 Topic

No. 62 Topic

No. 63 Topic

No. 64 Topic

No. 65 Topic

No. 66 Topic

No. 67 Topic

No. 68 Topic

No. 69 Topic

No. 70 Video

No. 71 Video

No. 72 Video

No. 73 Video

No. 74 Video

No. 75 Video

No. 76 Video

No. 77 Video

No. 78 Video

No. 79 Video

No. 80 Video

No. 81 Video

No. 82 Video

No. 83 Video

No. 84 Video

No. 85 Video

No. 86 Video

No. 87 Video

No. 88 Video



in Group


No. 89 Speaker 1

No. 90 Speaker 2

No. 91 Speaker 3


No. 92 Speaker 1

No. 93 Speaker 2

No. 94 Speaker 3


No. 95 Speaker 1

No. 96 Speaker 2

No. 97 Speaker 3


No. 98 Speaker 1

No. 99 Speaker 2

No. 100 Speaker 3






尺寸25 × 19装帧平装
页数 216 印数


英语演讲选评100篇是外语教学与研究出版社于2013.5出版的中图分类号为 H311.9 的主题关于 英语-演讲-选集 的书籍。