

(美) 莫里斯 (Molles,M.C.) , 编著







莫里斯(Molles M.C). is an emeritus Professor of Biology at theUniversity of New Mexico, where he has been a member of the faculty and cura-tor in the Museum of Southwestern Biology since 1975 and where he continuesto teach ecology and advise graduate students. He received his B.S. fromHumboldt State University and his Ph.D. from the Department of Ecology andEvolutionary Biology at the University of Arizona. Seeking to broaden his geo-graphic perspective, he has taught and conducted ecological research in LatinAmerica, the Caribbean, and Europe. He was awarded a Fulbright ResearchFellowship to conduct research on fiver ecology in Portugal and has held visitingprofessor appointments in the Department of Zoology at the University of Coim-bra, Portugal, in the Laboratory of Hydrology at the Polytechnic University ofMadrid, Spain, and at the University of Montana's Flathead Lake BiologicalStation. Originally trained as a marine ecologist and fisheries biologist, the author hasworked mainly on river and riparian ecology at the University of New Mexico. Hisresearch has covered a wide range of ecological levels, including behavioral ecol-ogy, population biology, community ecology, ecosystem ecology, biogeographyof stream insects, and the influence of a large-scale climate system (El Nifio) on the dynamicsof southwestern river and riparian ecosystems. His current research concerns the influence ofclimate change and climatic variability on the dynamics of populations and communities alongsteep gradients of temperature and moisture in the mountains of the Southwest. Throughout hiscareer, Dr. Molles has attempted to combine research, teaching, and service, involving under-graduate as well as graduate students in his ongoing projects. At the University of NewMexico, he has taught a broad range of lower division, upper division, and graduate courses,including Principles of Biology, Evolution and Ecology, Stream Ecology, Limnology andOceanography, Marine Biology, and Community and Ecosystem Ecology. He has taughtcourses in Global Change and River Ecology at the University of Coimbra, Portugal, and Gen-eral Ecology and Groundwater and Riparian Ecology at the Flathead Lake Biological Station.Dr. Manuel Molles was named Teacher of the Year by the University of New Mexico for1995-96 and Potter Chair in Plant Ecology in 2000.


1 Introduction to Ecology: Historical Foundations and Developing Frontiers

Section1 Natural History and Evolution

2 Life on Land 9

3 Life in Water 40

4 Population Genetics and Natural Selection 70

Section 2 Adaptations to the Environment 90

5 Temperature Relations 90

6 Water Relations 114

7 Energy and Nutrient Relations 135

8 Social Relations 156

Section 3 Population Ecology 181

9 Population Distribution and Abundance 181

10 Population Dynamics 196

11 Population Growth 216

12 Life Histories 227

Section 4 Interactions 248

13 Competition 248

14 Exploitative Interactions: Predation, Herbivory, Parasitism, and Disease 268

15 Mutualism 290

Section 5 Communities and Ecosystems 307

16 Species Abundance and Diversity 307

17 Species Interactions and Community Structure 325

18 Primary Production and Energy Flow 344

19 Nutrient Cycling and Retention 361

20 Succession and Stability 381

Section 6LargeScale Ecology 403

21 Landscape Ecology 403

22 Geographic Ecology 426

23 Global Ecology 444

Appendix Statistical Tables 464




尺寸28 × 22装帧平装
页数印数 3000


生态学是高等教育出版社于2011.5出版的中图分类号为 Q14 的主题关于 生态学-高等学校-教材-英文 的书籍。