

(美) 阿姆斯特朗 (Armstrong,S.) , 编著







STEP 1 Set Up Your Study Program

Chapter 1 What You Need to Know About the AP U.S. History


Background of the Advanced Placement Program

Questions Frequently Asked About the AP U.S. History


Chapter 2 How to Plan Your Time

Three Approaches to Preparing for the AP U.S. History


Calendar for Each Plan

STEP 2 Determine Your Test Readiness

Chapter 3 Take a Diagnostic Exam

How and When to Use the Diagnostic Exam

Conclusion (After the Exam)

Getting Started: The Diagnostic/Master Exam

Answers to Diagnostic/Master Exam

STEP 1 Set Up Your Study Program

Chapter 1 What You Need to Know About the AP U.S. History


Background of the Advanced Placement Program

Questions Frequently Asked About the AP U.S. History


Chapter 2 How to Plan Your Time

Three Approaches to Preparing for the AP U.S. History


Calendar for Each Plan

STEP 2 Determine Your Test Readiness

Chapter 3 Take a Diagnostic Exam

How and When to Use the Diagnostic Exam

Conclusion (After the Exam)

Getting Started: The Diagnostic/Master Exam

Answers to Diagnostic/Master Exam

STEP 3 Develop Strategies for Success

Chapter 4 How to Approach Each Question Type

Multiple-Choice Questions

Document-Based Essay Questions

Free-Response Essay Questions

Reading and Interpreting Primary Source Documents

Analyzing Primary Source Documents

STEP 4 Review the Knowledge You Need to Score High

Chapter 5 The Settling of the Western Hemisphere and

Colonial America (1450–1650)

Native Americans and European Exploration

The French in Canada

The English in the Americas

Effects of English, French, and British Settlement

Chapter Review

Chapter 6 The British Empire in America: Growth and Con? ict


The Impact of Mercantilism

African Slavery in the Americas

Continued Unrest in New England

The Salem Witch Trials

Wars in Europe and Their Impact on the Colonies

The Growth of the Colonial Assemblies

The Era of “Salutary Neglect”

The Great Awakening

Chapter Review

Chapter 7 Resistance, Rebellion, and Revolution


Problems on the Frontier

Additional Con?icts Between the British and Their Colonial


The Policies of George Grenville

A Sense of Crisis: The Stamp Act

More Protest: The Townshend Acts

Continued Tension in Massachusetts

The Calm Before the Storm: 1770–1773

The Boston Tea Party

The Intolerable Acts

The First Continental Congress

Chapter Review

Chapter 8 The American Revolution and the New Nation


The American Revolution

The Second Continental Congress

The Declaration of Independence

The Outbreak of the Revolution: Divisions in the


Strategies of the American Revolution

Washington as Commander

The War Moves to the South

The Treaty of Paris

The Establishment of Governmental Structures in the New


The Articles of Confederation

The Northwest Ordinances

Shays’s Rebellion

Chapter Review

Chapter 9 The Establishment of New Political Systems


Desire for a Stronger Central Government

Government Under the New Constitution

The Issue of Slavery

Rati?cation of the Constitution

The Presidency of George Washington

The Bill of Rights

Competing Visions: Alexander Hamilton and Thomas


The French Revolution

Foreign Policy and Jay’s Treaty

Washington’s Farewell Address

The Presidency of John Adams

The Alien and Sedition Acts

Chapter Review

Chapter 10 The Jeffersonian Revolution (1800–1820)

The Election of 1800

Reform of the Courts

Westward Expansion

Political Tensions and the Strange Case of Aaron Burr

European Wars Spill Over to America (Again)

The War of 1812

The American System

The Missouri Compromise

Chapter Review

Chapter 11 The Rise of Manufacturing and the Age of Jackson


The Growth of the Factory

The Monroe Doctrine

Policy Toward Native Americans

The Second Great Awakening

Political Reform: The Jacksonian Era (1829–1841)

The Election of 1824

The 1828 Presidential Election

Jackson as President

The Nulli?cation Controversy

The Bank Crisis

The Whig Party: A Challenge to the


Chapter Review

Chapter 12 The Union Expanded and Challenged


The Ideology of Manifest Destiny

“Remember the Alamo!”

The Pivotal Election of 1844

War with Mexico

Political Challenges of the 1850s

Effects of the Compromise of 1850

The Presidency of Franklin Pierce

The Return of Sectional Con?ict

“Bleeding Kansas”: Slave or Free?

The Dred Scott Decision

The Lincoln-Douglas Debates

John Brown’s Raid

The Presidential Election of 1860

Chapter Review

Chapter 13 The Union Divided: The Civil War


Advantages of the North and South in the War

The Attack on Fort Sumter and the Beginning of the War

War Aims and Strategies

Developments in the South and in the North

The Emancipation Proclamation

1863: The War Tips to the North

War Weariness in the North and South

The End of the Confederacy

Chapter Review

Chapter 14 The Era of Reconstruction (1865–1877)

Lincoln’s Plans for Reconstruction

Andrew Johnson’s Plan for Reconstruction

The Reconstruction Programs of the Radical Republicans

A Period of Radical Reconstruction

The Impeachment of Andrew Johnson

Radical Reconstruction Reinforced

The End of Reconstruction

Chapter Review

Chapter 15 Western Expansion and Its Impact on the American

Character (1860–1895)

Federal Legislation Encourages Western Settlement

Farming on the Great Plains

The Transformation of Agriculture on the Plains

Women and Minorities on the Plains

Mining and Lumbering in the West

Ranching in the West

The Plight of Native Americans

The Organization of the American Farmer and Populism

The Impact of the West on American Society

Chapter Review

Chapter 16 America Transformed into the Industrial Giant of the

World (1870–1910)

The Growth of Industrial America

The Changing Nature of American Industry

The Consolidation of Businesses

The Growth of Labor Unions

An Improved Standard of Living?

The Impact of Immigration on American Society

The Transformation of the American City

Politics of the Gilded Age

Cultural Life in the Gilded Age

Chapter Review

Chapter 17 The Rise of American Imperialism


A Period of Foreign Policy Inaction

A Sign of Things to Come: Hawaii

The 1890s: Reasons for American Imperialism

The Spanish-American War

The Role of America: Protector or Oppressor?

The Debate Over the Philippines

Connecting the Paci?c and the Atlantic: The Panama


The Roosevelt Corollary

Chapter Review

Chapter 18 The Progressive Era (1895–1914)

The Origins of Progressivism

The Goals of Progressives

Urban Reforms

The Progressives at the State Level

Women and Progressivism

Reforming the Workplace

The Square Deal of Theodore Roosevelt

Progressivism Under William Howard Taft

The 1912 Presidential Election

The Progressive Legacy of Woodrow Wilson

Did Progressivism Succeed?

Chapter Review

Chapter 19 The United States and World War I


The American Response to the Outbreak of War

Increasing American Support for the Allied Powers

America Moves Toward War

America Enters the War

The Impact of the American Expeditionary Force

The Home Front During World War I

Keeping America Patriotic

Woodrow Wilson and the Treaty of Versailles

The United States and the Middle East

The Treaty of Versailles and the United States Senate

The Consequences of American Actions After the War

Chapter Review

Chapter 20 The Beginning of Modern America: The 1920s

Chapter 21 The Great Depression and the New Deal


Chapter 22 World War II (1933–1945)

Chapter 23 The Origins of the Cold War (1945–1960)

Chapter 24 Prosperity and Anxiety: The 1950s

Chapter 25 America in an Era of Turmoil (1960–1975)

Chapter 26 Decline and Rebirth (1968–1988)

Chapter 27 Prosperity and a New World Order


Chapter 28 The Threat of Terrorism, the Increase of Presidential

Power, and Potential Economic Disasters (2001–2010)

Chapter 29 Contemporary America: Evaluating the “Big


STEP 5 Build Your Test-Taking Confidence

AP U.S. History Practice Exam 1

AP U.S. History Practice Exam 2










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AP美国历史5分制胜是西安交通大学出版社于2013.5出版的中图分类号为 K712 的主题关于 美国-历史-高等学校-入学考试-美国-自学参考资料-英文 的书籍。